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Posts posted by englishinsiam

  1. Too many people are scared to say the truth.

    1 - Islam does indeed preach hate, violence, murder and condones even rewards murderers in the name of Islam.

    2 - Even though Islam 'forbids' Homosexuality Muslims regularly engage in such acts. I used to live in the Canaries with a high Muslim Population and if the young men couldn't find a young Western girl to screw they would go home and screw each other and if one of them was married his wife would be ordered to wash them both down. One guy told me once a woman is for procreation a man is for pleasure. Yet they don't consider themselves Gay.

    3 - Alcohol is banned I see many Muslims drinking in Pattaya yet they preach to us about how we should live our lives. Even more Hypocritical than the Catholic church.

    4 - They are purposely outbreeding everyone else within 50 years Europe will be a predominantly Muslim region.

    5 - They are setting up Shariah controlled areas in parts of Britain and the Bitish gov't doesn't have the will to stop them for fear of being branded racist.

    6 - They are allowed to marry children yet Westerners are branded as Paedophiles, for them it's just 'Culture'

    Sadly these aren't the rantings of a racist man I take people as I find them however these are FACTS based on keeping my eyes and ears open and they are all scary facts we have to take on board and not be scared to share around.

  2. My wife has just plainly said to me

    What if there are non red shirt supporters how can they express their views? That is not democracy.

    My wife is from a small village in Chachoengsao and is lucky enough to have a University education and see the big picture.

    I have personally stated since he was in power last buying favouritism that he is a communist in a communists clothing. The set up of 'Communist' enclaves is not only immoral in Democracy it is downright dangerous for certain sections of the Population unfortunate to be born there if they don't follow the red sheep.

    Whichever way you look at it across the world Red is the colour of socialism/Communism and there is no difference here.

  3. Thai's and cars/bikes do not mix well......

    It's the no licence Culture that gets me the majority only get a licence when the Police have been habitually on thier road so after 5 or 6 fines they finally get a licence.

    The test is far too easy to pass they don't generally have road safety lessons, watched their parents drive with no licence and no training.

    Is it any wonder the roads are so dangerous?

    This problem will take a generation to sort out if the govt act radically and change it now.

    And the Police need to do people for all offences.

    If they are on Junction line duty then they ignore Helmets - If they are on Helmet duty they ignore licences. In the UK your pulled by Dibble and you get all offences noted. I have never been asked to show my insurance in Thailand that should be a pre requisite.

  4. I'm all for sticking up for myself but why the hell antagonise a guy who is known to pack a gun????

    No queensbury rules on the streets here.

    You might be lucky and the beating is all you will get. If you get any further crap I suggest you move away.

  5. There are numerous ways for people to create a passive income and with an internet connection he can still work in many different fields.

    I have numerous income streams and have a similar monthly income to the OP I am 40... It is all internet based. And I earn my money in around 2 hours a day.

    My advice to the OP is this

    You can rent a nice little house not a Condo in Thailand for less than 10,000 Baht a month We have a nice little house in Pattaya for 8,000 Baht a month. Our total household bills incl Internet, electricity, water and Satelite TV are under 20,000 Baht a month so no need to pay 30,000 Baht ($1,000 USD) for rent alone.

    Make sure you have plenty of things to do I go to the gym every day - do Kung <deleted> we go travelling and once a week go out for a blow out with the boys. Some evenings I'll have a couple of beers but try not to overdo it.

    All those that say Thailand has nothing to offer you are the typical negative TV posters with their patronising views.

    If you want to live here go for it and if I can offer any assistance then please PM me and if your moving to Pattaya I can introduce you to some good people (not the happy hour chasers).

    Regarding Visas as thats your initial post, you have only 2 options to you. The extended tourist Visa or an Ed Visa many of my friends are going for the Ed visa even those over 50. This works for you as you want to learn Thai and going to Thai classes you'll fulfill the Visa requirement and will get a grounding in Thai.

    One thing you'll need to do though is find a school that actually wants to teach you Thai. Many are just used as Visa fronts for people who don't qualify for other visas. And due to the tightening up on 'O' visas we'll see more of these sham schools setting up to cash in.

    Good luck with your move

  6. I bet I could guess the age, sex and marital status of every person saying "eat them." I bet they all fit into the exact same group. I bet I could guess how old your wives are and where you met them too.

    Unfortunately, the vast majority of westerners who end up in Thailand are not the brightest people out there.

    It's just too easy, so I'm not even going to try.

    For those who have a problem with stray dogs, maybe you could get up your ass and do something?

    Who died and made you God to judge everyone with such a sweeping statement?

    What an ignorant stuck up idiot !!!!! (I suppose your wife is from Bangkok and you think that makes you superior to others)

    It is ironic really Dog is a delicacy in poorer countries but the price of the meat is very expensive.

    So people can't keep saying oh the strays feed the poor peasants because on the whole the peasants can't afford the meat.

    Thailand does need to address the Feral dog population though it is reaching dangerous proportions. We live on a nice estate in Pattaya and there are getting to be more and more strays.

    Funny when I lived with the ex gf's family in Sakhon Nakon there were no stray dogs.......

    I had no idea trucks were going around buying and stealing them though.

    Something humane needs to be done, dogs are our friends and some of the most intelligent creatures around. Even more intelligent than Mr God at the top of this post.

  7. I lived with my ex gf in Sakhon Nakon and loved it. The pace of life the cheap food and beer, but the crap internet at the time was a nono for work.

    Although my wife and I live in Pattaya we often go to Issan to see her University friends for weddings etc and I am always made to feel very welcome and liked.

    Long live Issan :jap:

  8. I tried custom roms on my Galaxy S and ended up going back to stock rom as GPS rarely worked with them.

    I am sticking with stock on my SGS2 it came pre rooted which is a surprise but at least I get control then of viewing files.

    Best phone in the world if it ain't broke don't fix it.

  9. www.voipcheap.com as long as you have Credit you can call USA for Free.

    Thailand also only costs 1c a minute (Euro prices)

    I've used them for years better call quality than Skype in my experience. And you can get a US phone number which can be diverted to your Thai mobile or picked up at your computer

    If you SMS America then get this

    www.fishtext.com very reliable cost effective texting. If your on iCon, Android, Windows or Blackberry you can use the internet to send SMS's and they have your phones number.

  10. As an Oxford Fan I'll take your prediction on us going up 3rd :-)

    However I can't see past Man Utd for the Premiership. Fergie has bought wisely and added to the side where he sees fit.

    My other Prediction is Scumdon Town to get relegated to the Blue Square Premiership :-)

    Oh happy days

  11. The market may be depressed, but your desire is a bit too optimistic. 1.5 million baht for a used villa in Pattaya???

    :cheesy: Get real!

    It's been over 5 years ago since I saw prices for a 1.5 million baht Thai houses over in the Dark-side, not villas! The price for land has gone up, not down. Even over in the Dark-side. Anymore, I often see old Thai houses torn down to make way for new development because the land is worth more than the houses.

    You might be able to find and old Thai house in an old run down community over in the dark-side such as Chok Gaew 9, but it would need a lot or work. It wouldn't be worth it because those houses sit on very small plots, with the houses very close together. You can hear your neighbors in their house. The roads are a disaster! It would be very difficult to get any improvement or repair money back. Any improvements or repairs would raise the cost up. That's why they are in such bad condition. If I recall, they originally sold for about 1.5 million baht 10 years ago!

    However if you change you goal for a 2 million baht used Thai house in a Thai community over in the Dark-side, I'm pretty sure it would be obtainable.

    But definitely, no villas!

    Good luck!

    I've just sold a half share in a 2 bedroom house just off Soi Muslim on the Darkside total house price 800K it has tenants in place who have been there for years and will probably die there, a lovely Thai family looking after the place.

    It brings in 9% rent a year my mate bought my half off me and has a passive income.

    The deals are out there

  12. I've had agents tell me to my face that they wouldn't pass on all offers to the vendor when the same vendor would have loved to receive offers. That either smacks of an agent wanting to maximise commissions rather than achieve a sale but also offers the potential for the agent to persuade the vendor to significantly reduce the price and then have it snaffled off the market by their cronies.

    Simple then you tell the agent yo won't buy a property with them and providing you've had a viewing and hopefully seen the owner go and see the owner directly.

    An agents responsibility is to put all offers to the owner, the agent can still advise them not to accept. And if the agent flatly refuses this is not acting in their clients best interest and you are well within your rights to ignore them and deal with the Vendor directly.

    A lot of places has the phone numbers of the owners up as well as the agents no even if the place is empty or speak to the neighbours for their contact details, someone invariably has a number.

    When we went looking it was amazing the difference in price people wanted for the same property on the same street. And if they wanted us to go inside without telling us the price we walked straight away.

  13. Try Mamans apts Soi 10 off Pattaya Klang I think she has some 1 Beds there.

    The studios go for 5,000 with a 1 year contract. So 1 beds probably 8-10K

    She is a lovely woman and runs the place well my friend has rented there for 2 years now.

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