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Posts posted by englishinsiam

  1. Similar to the problems in Spanish communities most of those are going to the wall because of Non payers.

    The Brits and Germans are gradually getting hold of some of them and sorting them out, even taking the Spanish to court in a lot of cases and getting their houses/apartments seized in the process.

    Our estate on Khaotalo Eakmongkol 4 has no problems like that.

    Our Water is paid directly to Eakmongkol along with our community payment. We fon't pay by end of the month 500 Baht fine then disconnection.

    I always pay it early as the last 2 days it's always the Thai's queueing to pay and avoid the fine.

  2. The other option for the OP is some kind of Internet work.

    I am always looking for new ideas and currently have 3 websites plus other business interests all online.

    I trade FOrex for clients too, I always say never put your eggs in one basket try to have at least 3 or 4 income streams coming in.

    The World is in a right mess now and relying on std bank/investment companies making you a living is not going to happen. You need to think outside the box and find other areas.

    Good luck :D

  3. The house I've liked most so far is in a quiet village off Soi Regional Land. The owner wants 5.3 million. The estate agent told me that he has already turned down an offer of 4.7 million. OK, so maybe I should offer him 5 million? The fly in the ointment is that he has another couple who are interested, and who are not going through an agent so he would not have to pay an agency fee if he sold it to them. That's a 3%-5% saving, say 150K to 250 K Baht, for him. So it seems to me that I am unlikely to get it for very much less than his asking price. For a good quality house in a nice location there's still enough demand to get what you ask, it appears. Supply and demand, I guess. There's no shortage of 32 sqm View Talay style condos, so you can get a cheap deal on them if that's what you want. But a nice bungalow with a beautiful garden close to the centre of town is a different matter, it seems. I think, like you, I will just have to keep on looking.

    I agree with the reply above to your post here, that will almost certainly be a sales tactic.

    How much do you consider the house to be worth based on your research?

    If it's 4 Million Baht don't pay a penny or setang above.

    Say to them I really like your house and if the other couple fall through and it's still for sale in 3 months contact me I have 3.8 Million waiting. Say I can't afford the asking price but can push to 3.8 Million. This gives you room to move to your 4 million should you need.

    The agent will want a commission and as such if the owner is prepared to move on price then you'll get your home.

    There is nothing to stop you trying this with 5 or more owners eventually one will drop.

    Your the buyer you have the control in the current marketplace. I speak from experience as I had a property company in the Canaries during the last 2 years of the boom and the next two years of the crash so I've seen both sides of the market.

    SCB sometimes have a sale too for homes that owe them money and they effectively just want back what they are owed I didn't have the available cash last time they came round which was a pity they had some serious bargains.

    We are looking at a new home on a nice new development in East Pattaya and the developers have already dropped over 200K on a corner plot once we are back in Thailand they are scheduled to call us again and we will surely be offered a further 300K off.

    So for under 3 Million Baht we will have a beautiful brand new 3 Bedroom detached home with a nice large lounge (Many of these new developments have small narrow lounges) this one has a nice big wide airy lounge. For us that represents great Value but then it will be a family home for many years.

  4. Met my wife on Camfrog.com loads of lovely girls there too and you get to see them on Cam.

    Before meeting my wife there were many Teelaks and so many beauties happy to give me a show :whistling:

    I went on there for fun and to meet f*k buddies didn't expect to find love, maybe thats why I found it.

    It usually hits you when you least expect it.

  5. So many guys to congratulate :-) Looks like the ECO's had a spurt on or at least we had a run on TV posters.

    Well done guys so pleased for you all. Your wives are going to love the British weather :ph34r:

    Housepainter your new thread is very thoughtfull if everyone who had their Visas disappeared once they got it then future applicants wouldn't get the help and experience of others.

    I like to help where I can time permitting and it's good there are others such as yourself who do the same.

  6. Check the policy woding of your US Insurance I would suggest it says only in the Territorial Limits of USA unless you purchase extra cover.

    And then it would only cover a vehicle you own as you have no insurable interest in somebody elses bike. i.e. Hire bike. If it's your bike and your moving to Thailand then your US policy will also be null and void as you are no longer resident in the US.

    And if you drive without a Valid licence then any insurance is null and void.

  7. My wife graduated from University 9 years ago and her basic at Pattaya Memorial as a Medical Technologist (Labtech) is just 10,000 Baht a month. She earns 15,000 after overtime and that includes 16 hour nightshifts.

    Are we to say that a new snotty nose will come in on a 5,000 a month higher basic?

    If thats so then companies won't employ newly graduated unless it's necessary.

    This will create a new breed of Unemployed held back by their qualifications.

  8. Now if he was a British Asian then Howard would have pulled strings etc (He'd have been told to) and he'd have been out a lot quicker. It is a very sad fact that as a white male he is a 3rd class citizen according to his own country..

    Do you any evidence at all for the above?

    And to think that so many TV bloggers condemn Thais as racist!

    There are a few paleface English spewing out some BNP garbage here, aren't there? How do they manage to live here, surrounded by so many nasty foreigners, i.e. Thais?

    No BNP garbage just facts based on the UK at present. Read my other posts before confusing my with a BNP member.

    I just don't agree with positive discrimination which is the problem. So wind your neck in :-)

  9. Oh this one is every independent, non English ( I am Scots) womans dream is he not. If he is living in Thailand how does he cope with so many non white people around him.

    I don't know if you were responding to me or the other guy.

    I am a white English male living in Thailand married to a Thai wife. In fact we are in England at the moment.

    My point was about positive discrimination which is live and well in Britain today. By most sensible peoples charter it's racism in a politer form.

    Indigenous people are discriminated against in all sectors so that ethnics are allowed to feel more at home. Churches are being replaced by Mosques. Social housing goes to immigrants with 12 kids before going to a young British couple trying to get a start in life.

    You can have Gay pride but not straight pride. You have the Mobo's Music of Black origin but can't have MOWO's the list goes on.

    I am a firm believer in if someone can provide for a society then they should be welcomed.

    This guy however fell off the wagon for a short time he is in Thailand and under basic human rights Thailand should have afforded him basic decency as a Thai would have had in Britain. A Thai would also have had free access to Psychiatric treatment regular meals and a safe roof over his head. The question of money would only have been a request to the Thai gov't to pay after treatment.

    My post was not racist it only pointed out the inequalities still in supposed civilised society.

  10. Did they apply for a settlement Visa after they were married?

    These take around 2-3 months to arrive so if she moved away from him before this was issued he should have contacted the UKBA as his circumstances no longer warranted the Settlement Visa.

    She then wouldn't have got it and would have to leave at the end of her student visa.

    He's too embarrased to report it to UKBA yet he's prepared to do the same thing with another girl?

    Are you a troll?

  11. I was an esate agent in Spain during the boom years and did very well until the market crashed overnight.

    One day we could get Mortgages for clients the next day none.

    I am going to buy in Pattaya but it will be a family home. So for us it's not about making cash although we aren't stupid enough to pay what we don't consider is a fair price.

    We are probably going to buy on a nice development in East Pattaya the developers have already offered us 200K off the asking price I think there is room for another 300K then we will have real value.

    There are bargains to be had you just have to walk away and let them come to you.

    If you are buying property in Thailand then you have to consider all of the following before parting with your cash.

    1 - Do I need to rent it out to pay for it?

    If yes then don't buy

    2 - If all goes wrong will I be destitute?

    If yes then don't buy

    3 - I want to sell in 2-3 years to make some money

    If yes don't buy - You are looking at a minimum of 10 years before you can get any kind of decent return.

    Also here is a tip if you are buying off a foreigner who bought at a very good exchange rate before suggest they take less for it now to sell and repatriate the funds.

    i.e. British person bought at 75 Baht to £ for 3,000,000 Baht cost was £40,000 4 years ago approx.

    They agree to sell to you for 2,800,000 and remit the money to UK they get £58,333 at the current 48 baht to £

    The actual Baht price is irrelevant if they brought the money into Thailand and are sending it out of Thailand.

  12. Regardless of the circumstances of his detainment Howeard should have ensured he was treated with respect and demanded regular meetings with him to ensure he was okay.

    Sadly the Thai police aren't capable of determing if a man is bad or is going through mental instability.

    What people fail to grasp is Thai Police are not there on merit they buy their way into the job because although the pay is poor the rewards are tremendous.

    This means that the consulars here must be extra vigilant to make sure their citizens were treated fairly.

    Now if he was a British Asian then Howard would have pulled strings etc (He'd have been told to) and he'd have been out a lot quicker. It is a very sad fact that as a white male he is a 3rd class citizen according to his own country.

    And the Aussie here who enjoys Pommee bashing wind your neck in we are perfectly capable to bash ourselves thank you very much.

  13. wow, they say 30000 bht only for the crown

    I think the bangkok dentist target only rich falang, and not care for their own people.

    in my country in europe crown costs like 10000 bht on implant or less

    If you can get a crown for 10,000 baht in your own country I'd suggest you do so.

    Your looking to save 2,000 baht by having it in Thailand......

    whats the point?

  14. You can buy extra insurance for your bike and thats recommended.

    The Parabor just covers for very basic road risks no third party damage to property.

    In fact I'm not even sure if it covers anything.

    Drive without a licence and even the Parabor would be invalid.

    Even though the helmets are of limited quality (what do you expect for 150 baht) it's better than skull on pavement/road.

  15. While the intentions of some people here is noble, many need to try to own and run business in Thailand and i do not mean just internet "i have a business"

    I own some hotels, and i can tell you, some people come for job interview in boxer shorts, without a shower, un-brushed hair, dirty cloths etc.

    Some staff simply come to work and sit there doing nothing, and when i say nothing i mean NOTHING.

    1 housekeeper i had, it took her 6 hours to clean 1 room and mind you she was on double the minimum wage.

    I have written out point by point instructions on what needs to be done daily and still same employees do nothing. Some can not even answer the phone.

    And some here believe those should get a pay rise? if anything, their pay should be half.

    There is no work ethics in Thailand, no loyalty or desire to succeed especially when it come to unskilled labor.

    I have 3 times the needed staff because they simply do not care, raising their wage will not make them work or care any more or harder, all it will do is cost me more money but than i will fire half of them.

    Although I don't agree with everything you say I agree with this.

    Finding good hard working Thai staff in lower skilled jobs is nigh on impossible, 2 cases to hand.


    I have a friend in Pattaya has a giftware business he is a very friendly chap buys his staff lunch pays around 8,000 Baht a month. He caught one girl out not going to places to sell she told him she was going to. He let her go and the end result was a visit from immigration. He had set his company up properly and immigration had to find something so he and his brother were fined 15,000 Baht each. Effectively this was a bribe to be left in peace. I'm sure the girl got her 5,000 baht bounty out of that.

    When setting up his commission he talked about a 6,000 Basic rising upto 12-15,000 baht OTE as these are sales roles. I advised him that would never work in Thailand as they would happily sit on their jacksies for 6,000 baht a month. He would have to do this in a reverse way. Start at 12,000 Baht and if they don't perform x amount is taken off eah week. Even that didn't work so now he has to change his business model and sell solely online. End result is initially 4 Thai's have a job now there are none.

    Another case I was talking to an American and his wife during the red shirt riots they have land and lakes in Issan. He was paying his staff 150-250 baht a day depending on role but during the riots had to effectively close up as he couldn't afford to pay them the same as Thaksin to go and riot. 70% of his staff went to the riots (I don't call them protests). I said sack them and employ others dereliction of duty, he said impossible because they'd come back and shoot him.

    A serious case of the Tail wagging the dog.

    Educated Thai's have a great work ethic but sadly many of the under educated are lazy and can't be bothered.

  16. You've been told a lot of rubbish here

    Go into your A+L Bank give them the Account no and Swift code of your Thai Bank account.

    Tell them you want to transfer X amount of money and they will do it. It hits your account in 2 maybe 3 days. Send it in GBP as I have found you get a better rate than if you send it in Baht from UK

    For smaller amounts try these people www.easymoneytransfer.eu

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