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Posts posted by englishinsiam

  1. Sure, there might be a few "younger" customers, but that still doesn't make it right. Selling children is still a very <expletive removed> up thing to do.

    And if you think that most of the brothel customers in Thailand are under 35, you seriously need a big fat reality check.

    Have you even seen the red light districts of Thailand, and what kind of people drolling around there? I find it very hard to believe. rolleyes.gif

    I presume you are on about Hua Hin, Bangkok and Pattaya when you say about the 'red light' areas.

    It is a well known fact that foreigners cater for only 10% of the Thai sex industry.

    What do you think these young Thai country bumpkins think of women? Do you think they are delicate flowers to be adored?

    If so you are living in a Eutopia the rest of us aren't.

    It is a fact young Thai men are by far the biggest customers of the girls. I have spoken to girls who have worked in thai brothels and they think they are in Paradise now they are in Pattaya compared to what they had before.

    They might get 100 baht for sex in the boonies and will have 10 or more customers a day.

  2. Thai law does not recognize dual citizenship, but in usual applications, it does not seem to be a problem ie. always enter and leave Thai territory under the same passport. Please be careful if your male child is of age to be conscripted into the army. As for the person who wonders about putting the house in a child's name, you should contact a law office such as Sunbelt Asia. This is not a plug for them, but they may be able to point you in the right direction. You can(100%) put the building(house) in your name because this is what I have done with my place in Krung Thep. The document you need is an ufrustuct(horrible spelling) from the Khet or Amphur office BEFORE the land title is transferred! This gives you right of abode until you die. The land/house cannot be sold without your permission. I own my house and my wife owns the land. Since we have 4 children, I have no worries after I am dead.

    Thanks for that I'm not worried about my wife robbing me just thought it would save problems in the future and as I can't legally own land this would be something for the future for him.

    As i have always said I would never buy anything in Thailand I'm not prepared to walk away from :-)

  3. Currently in England my SG2 has no issues whatsoever and I find the battery lasts me all day sometimes two.

    I receive hundreds of emails a day on 3 accounts and have wireless and GPS enabled all day. Play the occaisional game and have loads of chats on whatsapp ( best instant cross network messenger)

    My wife charges her SG1 (My old phone) every day without fail.

    I think I'll stick with Samsungs stock rom.

    If you need extra battery life then buy one and a charger from Ebay for about £10 that'll help if your away from power for a couple of days.

  4. HotandHumid

    There are loads of guys in the bars just go out and talk to them :-) They wont think your gay unless you start to stroke them.

    New Inn as recommended earlier is a nice place Gary and Lot are top people and make everyone welcome.

  5. under the constitution once we've been legally married for 3 years she is entitled to an Irish passport.

    Even if she has never set foot in the Republic?

    Forgive my scepticism; but every other country I know of has some form of residency requirement for naturalisation, even if one's spouse is a national of that country.

    Yes thats correct even if she has never been there.

    I know of 2 other Thai ladies with Irish passports via these means. It was a friend in Pattaya that told me about it his wife has had an Irish passport for 10 years now and had never been before being issued with it.

  6. Under the Irish constitution I am entitled to an Irish Passport due to my grandfather being born in Kildare I have applied for Foreign Birth Registration and also under the constitution once we've been legally married for 3 years she is entitled to an Irish passport.

    This co-incides with when our Settlement visa expires we'll never settle fully in the UK but once she has an Irish passport then we are free to travel the world with the same rights as an EU citizen.

    Maybe other British nationals could look into this route for their spouses if they have Irish roots.

  7. For those of you who think we have no rights this is your chance to air those thoughts with constructive questions.

    Post them here and I'm sure the non offensive/racist ones will be put forward.

    I have one question -

    My wife is about to give birth to our first child. We are hoping to buy a house soon can we put the house in his name now? Or do we have to wait until he is older?

  8. We all have our views on Yingluck and Abhisit and the future of Thailand but this is a news thread on the storms affecting sizeable parts of the country.

    There are many political threads on here for debating, mudslinging please leave this thead to discuss the weather. Another thread can be started entitled Yingluck what will she do regards the storms?

    I for one hope nobody loses their lives in these storms.

  9. I completely agree with Morphic I managed to stop a friend of mine get traficked to France for the same reasons a year ago.

    She is happy as a freelancer on Walking Street but thought she could earn more in Paris as a nanny.

    There is a world of difference to those trafficked and those working the bars and clubs by choice.

    The traffickers should be charged with penalties alongside murder as very often these girls and boys die.

  10. mmmmmmm looking at 7by7's last post it's a good job I qualify for an Irish passport and so will my wife once we've been married for 3 years.

    We wont spend 24 months in the UK over the course of our visa we'll be splitting it equally between Thailand and UK.

    Jason and all4one well done boys we are really glad for you both and your wives.

    Come on Chronos lets see yours as a positive next :-)

  11. Sorry to hear of your news

    I can't advise on the English Test as a new one would not be allowed to be taken account on the Appeal. The Appeal will only take into account the information the ECO had on the date of the application.

    You should put in the rental contract with the council the rest of the blurb is standard and I think if you have that then you'll be okay.

    Here was our circumstance.

    We are staying with my mum and dad and when we applied for our Visa we put in a copy of their Secured Tenancy Agreement plus an invitation to stay letter from my Mum and 2 Utility Bills to show she lives here. Sadly you have to spell everything out to them for them to see you have covered all the bases.

    Maybe 7by7 or VisasPlus will be along here soon to advise from a professional standpoint.

    7by7 usually says start a new thread with a copy of the refusal for it to be discussed on it's own thread so you could pre-empt that by doing that now.

    Whatever course you take good luck.

  12. sorry mate ,, the wife could not make it yesterday , she there now as i write this she been told she have to wait till 15.00 its now 13.00 as i write this, i said to her do they not realise we have waited 2 months for this day why make us wait longer??? grrrr. all they have to do is hand the letter over?/. i will post result as soon as i know,, cheers :unsure:

    Sadly thats always been the case the only way they let you in earlier is if you say you have to confirm flights by such a time.

    I'll check back here in 2 hours to see how you've done.

  13. It`s all to do with companies preferring how they describe as the upmarket young image.

    I have seen evidence in Thailand of staff, especially the women that have worked with the same company for years and once they reach middle age are either given the sack or pressured out the company.

    The girlfriend's sister in law at Bangkok had been working as a saleslady for a drug company since she was 22 years old. Then one day last year at the age of 37 her boss called her into the office. He gave her 2 choices; either go and work up country with a 50% cut in salary or leave. She opted to leave.

    The bosses logic is that his mostly male customers are more likely to buy from an attractive young lady then from someone who is middle aged. I have also heard of female staff working for big well known companies, including insurance outfits that will oblige a client with sexual favours to obtain a long term contract or an extremely profitable deal. Especially those working on commissions and on a must sell a certain amount or you're out policy.

    The boss sees this as an advantage because of course he does not care how the money is made, providing it keeps rolling in.

    As for the 7-11 staff, similar applies as far as the young image is concerned. I guarantee that if someone over the age of 35 applied for the job, it would be a; don`t call us, we're call you story.

    It`s the same all over Thailand where staff are in direct contact with the customers.

    Sad but true.

    Similar thing happened to me at the Bangkok Motor show last year a sales lady from BMW was very keen to get my order and offered to meet me away from the showroom. I told my wife about it and showed her the girls Mobile number we had a good laugh about it.

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