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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. 19 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

    It's sad. Casinos, weed, prostitution, a race to the bottom.

    It will bring Chinese, but seeing how Thais have a lot of Chinese blood in them, sadly Thais will fall victim to these casino's and only bad will come from it, more loan sharks and lost homes and farms, and more crime and sadness, sorry to say this but it happened in NZ, the casino's are choker with Chinese and crime rose up and you don't hear much about the poverty stricken that come from casino addiction, but they are seriously out there, just call gambler's anonymous, they will tell you what horrific damage casino's, online gambling and poky machines do., and it's families that suffer the most, it tears them apart. 

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  2. On 10/28/2023 at 12:29 AM, observer90210 said:

    How do the nigerians manage worldwide to establish drug networks almost overnight ?


    Are they that smart and the authorities that incompetent ?


    Or is the money involved reaching such summits, that they bribe their way in almost anywhere and everywhere ?


    Or maybe considering the alarming amount of policy makers globally who are hidden junkies, despite their italian cut suits.....it could somewhat be a piece of the puzzle.



    Maybe the Thai wifes have connections in high places 

  3. On 10/23/2023 at 7:02 PM, JonnyF said:

    Quite the big spender isn’t he (on foreign projects with American taxpayer’s money).


    Thank god the Republicans are bringing some fiscal responsibility to the table.


    Chaos indeed. Like most of Biden’s time in power.

    Printing money they haven't got to give weapons to lunatics to maim and kill, meanwhile poor are dying in the streets, and the arm's manufacturers are getting fatter and fatter 

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  4. On 10/21/2023 at 1:29 PM, bamnutsak said:

    So now it becomes clear that a submarine is not essential to the mission. And the MoD/RTN says surface ships can fulfill the mission.


    from the linked article...


    Sutin said that the RTN and the Defence Ministry have agreed that the submarine procurement must be reviewed, based on the worthiness of the project vis-à-vis its price tag.


    This one will go down - not literally - in history as the biggest folly for the Thai military-idiocy complex.







    They could be cheap to run, plenty of gunga around to fuel the boilers, and the crew would always be happy on deck 

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