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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. Do these folks actually ever end up in jail in Thailand, or do they just use the stolen funds to bribe their way out ?

    All of the above is probably correct, as they caught these men with very little money derrrh??? Where is the rest?????

    They get deported!! a joke slam then in the Bangkok Hilton!

    I've seen them in action twice in BK and Chiang Mai, very blatant could not give a toss so I guess your spot on!

  2. There's a few Chiang Mai karaoke shops that prey on tourists and are well known for their scams. Sit down for a couple hours and you get presented with a bill for 30 or 40,000 baht. Then they beat the crap out of you if you don't pay up. They've been doing this for a long time and have beaten up a lot of tourists with no repercussions.

    Time these bars were Shopped!

    If you don't know about these bars, then they leant the hard way, got caught my self when first went to Thailand, but negotiated the bill down after calling tourist police.

    Tourist police did not answer so I pretended they did and told the guys they were coming in ten minutes.

    The took the money and said come back you dead.

    Advice to tourists is Never Go to Karaoke bar, but how do you inform people before they venture to the land of Smiles??

    Someone could write a book about scams.

  3. The Black Market , for selling oil? Strange no one knows who buys the oil? not even the BBC or CNN ect.

    No one Knows that the Saudis provide American arms for IS ?

    No one has figured out that IS, is doing Americas dirty work.

    It is a criminal offence in Australia to raise money or send funds to IS.

    However IS has had an unlimited amount of arms , vehicles, food supplies, mercenary soldiers and can sell oil on the Black invisible Market!

    Fools, Fools, the Zombie population of the world is what the powers that be think we are!

  4. There is not a hope in hell of NZ agreeing to this. Similarly nor would Australia, Canada, UK, USA, any member of EU. Nor Japan. Their best chance for an extradition is if some 'fugitives' are in North Korea

    If, Ponytail puller (caught in a restaurant pulling the waitress's ponytail ) John Key (PM NZ) allowed this, then the Thais should allow British police and lawyers and forensics investigate the murder of the 2 Brits that the scapegoats are charged with!

  5. All well and good.

    How about a judicial entity to rid Thailand of Judicial double standards.

    Perhaps this much ballyhooed stuff about Reform could address that issue. But reform is not needed on one side of the political divide according to the powers that be.

    The willful blindness on this issue is as good an indicator as any, where politically the judiciary is aligned.

    One side of the political divide says, "What double standards?"...While the other side would be only too happy to list them

    Until their critique is silenced, double standards exist. Period.

    The Burmese 2 or who, any scapegoat will do.

    Perhaps they could start with this case!!!!

  6. Yes, the Chinese can out do Thainess quite easily.

    just what I said! posted this many times, as a tour driver they did this in NZ, so soon all Thailand will be a tourist destination of polluted beaches and owned by Chinese, forget others they will take up the slack from the already bankrupted EU countries and standing room only.

    Thainess will be thaineseness they already own the country but Thais think they don't.

    When will we ever learn, when will they ever learn.

    Chailand no room for you expats you are second rate tourists soon to be!

  7. all the shooters in american schools were on ....


    the medicine that is supposed to make you smile, can make you kill yourself

    go figure out ...

    big black box warning

    when I feel down, I take some st-john's worth or 5 htp

    What they don't tell you about antidepressants is the extreme high rate of suicide whilst on them.

    Also the guy tried to cover up his illness , he was a nutcase and the doctors who failed in reporting him should also be prosecuted.

    They are now looking at this and the prospect of bringing in manslaughter charges for not reporting serious cases that can endanger lives.

    Closing the door after the horse has bolted.

    If I had of been a Dr that was treating this nutter I think I may have crossed the line and reported him.

    The law needs changing and so this can not happen again. All pilots prescription drugs and treatment should be accessible to the airlines own medical monitoring professional staff, if they have any!

  8. I carry a serrated blade every where I go. Even when in Thailand I carry it and it can be seen as it is the type with a clip for the pocket. As a kid growing up on a farm it was natural to have a knife on you. Being in the military it was useful. Being in the construction industry it was useful. In Thailand or any country with bad drivers it is useful if you have ever seen a driver die in a burning vehicle that could not escape. The seatbelt tends to get locked in a violent crash and the only way to free yourself is to cut the seatbelt. Buy a piece of fruit off the street it is useful. Opening a knife in a fight is the last resort as with any weapon you risk it being taken and used against you. So , I support anyone carrying a knife. If you have any military training you are given basic hand to hand combat so it does give you some confidence incase you are ever accosted or in fear of your life. But as a last resort. Glad to hear justice might prevail.

    Didn't the military teach you, "You don't take a knife to a gun fight." biggrin.png

    Pull a knife here, and there is a good chance you will be shot.

    Paul Hogan would have said "Now that isn't a knife"

    Well done Aussie you got justice even though you got blackmailed into paying for the funeral and the cctv footage.

  9. Wonder how much money changed hands for this video to suddenly surface after 3 months. And who carries knives to midnight rotary meetings?

    He paid 1.2 million Baht + an additional 100k Baht (cremation fee) to the dead thugs mother for the new "video footage".

    I presume you know this man, so seems to me he was blackmailed also!

    So is it illegal to carry a pocket knife? they sell some pretty wicked ones at street stalls but a small pocket knife is that illegal???

  10. Go to Level 4 (departures) and take a taxi that's dropping someone off. No surcharge and the guys are (usually) happy to use the meter. Win-win.

    Right! have been doing this, if you try to get taxi other way they sometimes demand 1000BHT for a large taxi when a meter fare is only about 3/4 hundred to town.

    I always give the level 4 taxi a tip as well.

  11. Violator could also be recorded in criminal file, he said.

    Interesting, so one can be deported then for a criminal conviction of blowingg your nose ?

    This will make all Thai's criminals as it is normal practice for Thai to pick their nose and hoik in public, and food vendors do it in front of anyone and don't wash their hands.

    Beware the old beetle nut chewers will have to spit on their own land.

    Chinese are terrible hoikers and in Burma its a daily ritual, could be also that they chew a lot of the beetle nut in Burma.

  12. So he was going to get money from what? Let's see that work permit, and proper visa please. He he

    Exactly ! selling from seafood's? was he supplying? a vendor to sell for him which ever way I bet he's up to no good and the Thai police look stupid here if they have not checked this Nigerians visclap2.gif a status.

    But the shoe on the other foot, som num na! Nigerian, He was probably bragging about how much money he makes so they set him up and took some Ha Ha.

  13. I have a mate coming in July, I didn't realise BKK had a 2am kurfew, is there anywhere to go after 2?

    Can you still stand outside the Nana hotel and drink till daylight?

    I was drinking there a few years ago and a cop came up and said where you buy that beer, I said 7 Eleven he said ok!

  14. Ha Ha...Party Is Now Over.......You Chumps.........

    A few weeks in Jail and no drugs will make them sick as dogs....and then...... for added measure.....off to prison for several years.

    In prison they can buy their drugs and start the cycle all over again and when they get out of prison, then most likely start robbing people again....as thieving and robbing is known to be somewhat far easier than working for a living.

    Such is the life of drug addicts.


    The world wide P/ Yahba , Ice Problem

    Junkies will steal off anyone, brother , sister, father , Mother. Theft or housebreakings are so common now in NZ that your lucky if the police attend.

    One of my Thai friends was leaving a supermarket in Auckland when a man stepped up to her and said he was security and he wanted to check her bag, she ran back inside and the guy fled.

    At least the Thai police have caught a couple , might go down and see if my lap top is in the collection.

  15. A 29 year olds (with no known illnesses) death is always suspicious until after the autopsy. IMHO

    Toxic Suicide.

    Remember the Kiwis and Canadians, I think it was 4 or five in total that died in the Chiang Mai Hotel, autopsies did nothing, 60 minutes undercover reporters went to the hotel and took samples, deadly toxic spray residue discovered in air unit and mattress..

    Spray used by idiots and cheap Charlie owner to kill bed bugs.

    Owner still walks free.

    Verdict from Thai authorities - possible food poisoning.

    Thai authorities took no notice of NZ professional forensic test results.

    Investigation by NZ police. Feeble.

    Same as British police effort in the Burmese 2 case.

    This may be a death by natural causes, however I doubt that if it wasn't a forensic investigation and autopsy could not be relied upon.

    I think it is time that governments (sorry relatives as governments are twisted globally) demand that there Embassy's can send their professional staff to be allowed to do their own testing in these cases.

    I'm afraid that until the families get wise and Challenge the Thai authorities there will be more of the same.

    There was a case in Pattaya a few years back where a Kiwi was shot dead on a bike at the lights .

    It was not until the parents went to Thailand and demanded action that the GF was arrested for plotting the murder with her Thai boyfriend.

    Until then she walked free and still would be free today.

  16. But But didn't the army, the very top of the army assure that no military officers were involved.

    However this seems to be a police generated investigation which might explain a lot. Seems the children will never be likely to play nicely.

    so you would rather they just cover it up then you wouldn't be posting this garbage

    I personally would prefer they arrest this person and charge him and that you remain silent as you really have never had anything constructive to say on here, my evidence is the above post

    and by the way - children were playing nicely and happy at a local market in Trat until red terrorist low life thugs decided to present them with a grenade and murder them - can you honestly live with that

    But he's been bubbled by the Police hasn't he ,I wonder if that was Oked by the top brass. He may have been so blatant that they had no choice , They did announce there was no Army involved. Which really was a shoot yourself in the foot statement. Because no ones involved until they get caught unless of course it tuns out to be a "Misunderstanding" biggrin.png

    That will teach him to leave his fingerprints on the Thai Beer Can he dropped!clap2.gif

  17. In my opinion, I don't think the camps were built by Malaysians unless they were communists.

    - because they are too well constructed

    No! because there were Thai beer cans there wai2.gif

    Are they going to display the graves of the mass murdered found on the border recently?

    This man must have had a brilliant idea fly into his funnel.

    Was there any Chinese beer cans or a Toohies or 2 maybe a Vic Bitter, man this could prove to be an international conspiracy if they find other brands clap2.gif

  18. I'm trying to gauge what some of the officialdom-defenders will say about this, when they pipe up. They always justify everything Thai authorities do and say. I can't find any way to justify the judge's latest decision - to further delay justice, but I'm sure RTP defenders will find justifications.

    I agree, I also think that the British police are part to blame here as they must have been absolutely week or brain dead.

    Politics probably the answer to that.

    I also think that the parents should be putting pressure on the investigation and I cant understand how they could believe that the Burmese 2 are not scapegoats.

    I understand the grieving but how could any parent let innocent people take a death sentence for a crime they have not done (not yet proven to have done).

    The Thai Judge decision to not release forensic evidence is an outrage and if their lawyers are any good at all they should be screaming blue murder!

    I hope they are not the type of lawyers that will pretend to act and then just lie down.

    It is not rocket science, I believe these boys are innocent the cctv footage alone does not look like these boys, (the one seen running away from the scene looks like the local mafias son who ran to BK)

    It is a disgrace to Thai people, but then they don't give a toss about Burmese.

  19. I hope he is subject to a public trial so that the full details of his activities can be stated in the open. Let him explain what he did with the money from those he exploited. Let him also share with us who he bribed. If guilty, may he enjoy his incarceration.

    He did it for free, and he has no friends, no money he's just a good samaritancheesy.gif

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