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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. Clearly not cured in the case of this pilot..........

    To operate a high tech aircraft and be responsible for 150 human lives, I would expect the flight deck would comprise four crew, an engineer, a navigator, chief pilot and co pilot but obviously the flying public has been short changed and the aircraft industry has been exposed for what they are, an ever growing rabble of cost savers where money and profits over rule safety and commonsense, Screw you all !

    Exactly! I said this to my friend last night, I know Air New Zealand in the old days had 2 pilots a flight engineer and navigator and that most or all of their pilots had been through the Air Force and were highly skilled and accounted for.

    I agree with you entirely the cheap skate profit driven CEO,s are causing havoc, the sick thing about this is that these Boof heads have no conscience and I am now of the opinion that most of these corporate mongrels are indeed psychopaths- they have hard wired brains that know no remorse or feelings and they are running this world and it is in a state now of utter chaos .

    If we look closely at these horrible people they are nothing but greedy murderers.

    And like I asked Crusty, when was the last time you were in a cockpit of an aircraft? The fact is, you don't have clue, apparently you never heard of GPS, VOR, ILS, etc for getting a plane from Point A, to Point B. It's all at the push of buttons these days. But, that's why they have professionals that set policy for aviation operations, not a bunch of nervous nellies.

    I will agree, that generally I think the military produces better trained pilots, but the day of them producing enough are long gone, probably never to return. If you're afraid to fly now, it's not going to change, perhaps plan on traveling by rail or ship. But, don't forget, they crash or sink too.

    You cant return to the old days and technology has improved where one person can fly an airliner we even have the technology to fly airliners from the control tower but it has been withheld in fear of hacking.

    However there is a need for more in the cockpit so three would be a good number, there is no technology to prevent a nutter from downing a plane but highly trained crew (3 of them) would be better than the high Tech boofs who believe that 2 is sufficient.

    As for maniac CEO,s they are a reality they rule this world and airline admin , advertising media , politician and insurance companies are full of them.

    These are the people that smudge the truth in order of profits in fact CNN is now regarded as the voice of congress.

    This is a blatant blunder by Lufthansa who knew years back of his condition, on record his med files according to BILD.

    This man should have been taken off the employment list years ago.

    He is a nutter who slipped through a screen that was inadequate, the airline industry is suspect. Have you heard the details of the black box in the Java sea or the black box from the Ukraine disaster?

    NO! Cover ups are unfortunately a part of the horrible greedy corporate mongrels who are running this world into the ground.

    This is clearly an airline blunder a blunder by stupid privacy laws and greedy admin/ airline officials not only in Germany but world wide the industry needs a big kick up the butt and some heads and thinking need to roll.

    Cheap skate poorly trained nutcase pilots need to go!

    Personally I could not give a dam if I had to pay a hundred or 2 or 3 per flight to put some quality in numbers in the cockpit.

  2. Guess you're one of those who believe that mental diseases are not curable.

    Clearly not cured in the case of this pilot..........

    To operate a high tech aircraft and be responsible for 150 human lives, I would expect the flight deck would comprise four crew, an engineer, a navigator, chief pilot and co pilot but obviously the flying public has been short changed and the aircraft industry has been exposed for what they are, an ever growing rabble of cost savers where money and profits over rule safety and commonsense, Screw you all !

    Exactly! I said this to my friend last night, I know Air New Zealand in the old days had 2 pilots a flight engineer and navigator and that most or all of their pilots had been through the Air Force and were highly skilled and accounted for.

    I agree with you entirely the cheap skate profit driven CEO,s are causing havoc, the sick thing about this is that these Boof heads have no conscience and I am now of the opinion that most of these corporate mongrels are indeed psychopaths- they have hard wired brains that know no remorse or feelings and they are running this world and it is in a state now of utter chaos .

    If we look closely at these horrible people they are nothing but greedy murderers.

  3. The last i heard everyone wants air flights as cheap as possible and now with the fuel costs low, that's what we are getting. Good news, eh? Except the pilots are paid poorly so the job only attracts the mid to low range folks.

    If we want the very best pilots the price for each seat will rise, significantly. Happy now?

    Whats 10 dollars per seat for better pilots-- nothing however the CEO would grab the profit and the pilots would remain the at the same rates.

  4. Obviously, Mr. Lubitz attended his private doctor for treatment, and he relied on privacy. Without privacy laws, he might not even have done this.

    And there is no obligation to inform your private doctor what your profession is or who your employer is. You can even lie. In Germany, a professional can go to any doctor anytime, the doctor who wrote the sick notes may not even have known he was a pilot.

    He passed his pilot qualification in 2008, yet because of his depression he had to work as a flight attendant for years, it probably felt as a demotion.

    Not because of his depression but because flying school churns out far more pilots than there are vacancies available. Many bide their time working at check-in / cabin crew until a vacancy becomes available. This is not at all unusual.

    WRONG He had to go through a waiting period for pilots job so he worked as a flight attendant during this time ,also regarded as normal.

    However I have read reports that the airline knew of his condition and carried out their own testing and passed him as fit to fly.

    He was receiving treatment for depression/ burnout he was having problems coping with a relationship breakup which I thought was on the cards yesterday before reading about it today.

    His closest friends knew of this so how he was ever allowed to fly beats me and probably all that read about this.

    As for being a fanatic or convert to another radical faith we have yet to hear, however the mass gun murderer's took many out in shooting sprees without being converts and then killed themselves.

    I personally think he probably was capable the same as a crazy gunman and not a religious fanatic.

    I also think this was premeditated.

    The fault lies on the airlines personnel processing , Germany's stupid privacy laws and cheap ass CEO's slashing crew conditions airline conditions and wages = budget airlines understaffed .

    I guarantee that the airline will not accept that they are responsible and fob this off onto the madman Lubitz ,hence no insurance payout however I hope that the families involved take them to task for the good of all who fly the world.

  5. How do they know he didn't have a freak medical event?

    They monitor his breathing and it was normal.

    He deliberately locked the captain out of the cockpit/flight deck. He wasn't too ill to do that or to manipulate the controls to put the plane into a sharp descent. Both of those have to be done deliberately.

    Experts and officials are calling this deliberate.

    It is deliberate alright so the man must have had a serious psychological problem or he was converted to become a kamikaze terrorist for some organization, what other answer is there -None!

    Air New Zealand already changed policy to 2 men in cockpit at all times it is sad that this day has come and I fear that the Malaysian plane not yet found went down the same way.

    Nut cases in the control of aircraft maybe a sign of the times of cheap corporate CEO's smashing pay and conditions for Christ's sake put three pilots back in the cockpit how much does a dead plane cost- much more than placing another pilot in the cockpit let alone the poor misery and suffering from the innocent.

    RIP all.

    To add further, according to German website he had a break from flying as he had a burnout according to the mother of his classmate, she told the Frankfurter Zeitung he suffered from depression and had a burnout.

    This is serious, and a huge blot on the airline industry for poor screening add to that the Malaysian episode and here we are faced with nutters flying planes now.

    See news site Heavy.com.

  6. The automatic vehicle detection and analysis system can detect the vehicle's licence plate by using a sensor to locate and read the licence number in the picture, and can also identify the brand, colour and type of the offending vehicle, she said.

    It is called a camera with some recognition software.

    This is a major attack on the income of the BIB, it cannot be bribed or threatened. Although central revenue will love this innovation as the rivers of gold that will flow from these dummies will get their attention.

    Better looking than a traffic camera on its own

  7. Those who've experienced the dangerous of the roads, will all know how mindless road users can be. No stopping! No looking! No respect or consideration for other road users! I do what I want, because I can get away with it and if I do wrong I get a slapped wrist, attitude. T.I.T LIFE IS CHEAP!

    Correct, four children on a motorbike with the driver talking on a cell phone and holding an umbrella, common site!

  8. God I love this place !!! :-) Everyday feels like April 1st. In the real world police are

    tasked with stopping crime. Here they commit crime....I have said time and time again

    if they want to reduce crime in Thailand, simply fire all the police......

    "His confession led the police to hunt for a police sergeant who drove for the gunman.

    Panja said he was paid 50,000 baht by the police sergeant Charnchai Soisangwarn to shoot the abbot.

    Goodness me what did the abbot do?

  9. I just overtook that old bus as it was labouring up the Kata side of the hill. I saw him in my mirror barreling down the Chalong side of the hill. I got the hell as fast as I could away from him. 15 minutes later on my way back from Villa Market I saw the bus wreck. It was a very old looking bus. It will be the usual 'brakes not work good' excuse. How about 'I was going too fast' to get round the bend.


    I have been on busses that have had accidents the ten seaters scare the hell out of me and every sane person who rides them.

    Another big bus I caught from Chiang Mai to Hua Hin was lucky to arrive the driver was a maniac and was going down hills at horrific speeds not to mention going through towns like a rocket overtaking everything in his path.

    One day we might prey, the new army general / PM will read Thai Visa and do something about these Kamikazi lunatics that murder their own and tourists but we can only wish for that day it seems.

    • Like 1
  10. Ive noticed that an increasing number of young people are killing thesmelves in Thailand.

    The western world has never been so affluent. Wages and salaries are very high ( except usa) and opportunities abound.

    No young generation in world history has had it so good as this current one. .... born after 1985

    Most Australian people born in the early eighties wouldnt know what a recession is.

    Why are westerners killing themselves?

    It is all tumbling down in the western world with Madame Mercal and the austerity gangsters, no jobs in Aussie no Jobs in Kiwi, the middle east is a nightmare.

    Unfortunately there seems to be an increasing amount of suicides in the LOS an article I read a while back said that Thailand attracts a high rate of dysfunctional falungs.

    In most western countries suicide goes unreported by the media but I have heard the the current government in NZ has the highest rate of suicide ever.

    Rip to the poor man who took his own life.

  11. They will destroy everything good and beautiful, and not spend nearly enough to pay for the damage they cause. Wait and see.

    I used to drive tour busses packed with Chinese tourists in NZ.

    They seem to be the nouvoue riche Chinese, all the men chain smoked and threw their butts everywhere, they only ate at restaurants owned by Chinese and when they left there was food all over the floor and table cloths they only shopped at jacked up places owned by Chinese, even the Deer Velvet shops were a jack up. I had to detour around tourist shops so they didn't, see them.

    The tour guides got a kick back and the driver got commission on the shopping until eventually the Chinese drove their own tour busses and took over almost all the trade.

    So this will be happening in the LOS, and wont do local Thais much good as all the dosh they spend is already accounted for.

    Sadly the future looks to be that Hua Hin, Cha Amm and every beach in Thailand will become like this it is already happening in Hua Hin.

    • Like 1
  12. At least brakes stopped bus, no worries Farang bus insure to bad not cover your belonging though but bright side we will sell you new clothes at cheap give you farang special deal only 200% mark up. amazing Thainess Oh nice give tip to driver at least he wake you up.

    Cause of fire maybe,

    Might have been the people hiding in the baggage locker to rifle the bags, smoking.

    Happens been on one that was robbed that way and heard of many more.

  13. There are notorious foreign criminals that have illegally been in Thailand (Bangkok and Pattaya) for many years. They seem to be untouchable.

    Quite right, but they got the passport man after only 20 years, however seems to be a bit more arrests made by the army than the police.

    Throw them in the BK Hilton for 20 years then deport the scum.

  14. I came here thinking it was a country full of dangerous roads, scammers and hookers. I wasn't expecting the military Junta. But apart from that, no surprises. I tell a lie, only one surprise, the litter and debris scattered everywhere, beauty spots, temples, roads, beaches, sea ...... it's everywhere.

    Every road is dangerous, and if you want to find scammers and hookers go to any red light district anywhere.

    If you keep your nose out of trouble ok but hard for any.

    I have noticed many more scammers and baddies in the LOS over the last decade, this is also a reflection of the state of the world in general which is in a state of murder theft and corruption, unfortunately the LOS gets more of the rubbish each year that tries to escape from these imposed austerity pits that create poverty and crime.

  15. I find this very interesting. The PM of Thailand has been disallowed from going to the USA, while it allows an convicted criminal on the run from the law to go. The American law, as I understand it will not allow a visa to anyone that has been convicted in a court of law. It still allowed Thakisin Shinitawatra to travel to the US after he was convicted by the court for corruption, while his Brother-in-Law, was PM.

    And aids militants in Syria, funds wars wants to supply lethal weapons to maniacs in Ukraine ect ect

    • Like 1
  16. Self defense is a good enough reason for Bail

    Until proven otherwise, he was protecting himself...

    I guess being told to stop doing something you have every right to do, then getting beaten up for doing nothing illegal, buy someone who does not have any authority to do so, would lead to an incident like this....

    The man was beaten badly by the look of his injury it is obvious self defense to me and he deserves bail and good on the Aussie consulate for their support,

    good luck mate but sadly you might have to leave Thailand after this is over as they might come at you.

  17. he's covered in blood from the fight, took a beating to the front, side and back of head

    Exactly looks to me like it was self defense, he was approached and attacked by the sound of it and having been in Phuket ten years and in business hardly likely to suddenly become a murderer.

    I have seen Thai nightclub staff in Phuket attack people (tourists) taking pictures before.

    However let the facts be known and wait for the full story.

  18. so on the pic, 2 convicts together, i tought they could not go look up other convicts, anyway, that is in civilized countries

    sure it will stop them from dealing, robbing, raping, killing others ? right ?

    if thailand want to free up some places, why not get out the drug USERS that did not commit crimes, except the tiny amount they were caught with ....

    it is the same as TRYING to combat gambling and illegal casino's, they will do it anyway

    The good part is they are not letting murderers out with them, except for the privileged clan.

    In NZ a young murder suspect was released on bail with one on, and he cut it off and is on the run-- very stupid.

    However that might change in the LOS and soon we could see the same happening - I hope not.

  19. Another 'innocent' person arrested?

    You asked about it twice, I'll answer you once.

    Yes, in my eyes he is innocent.

    I don't give a damn about work permits and requirements.

    He was offering a service that the Thais could not offer as none of them could probably speak Dutch.

    Many of you will condemn me for what I said but this is my opinion.

    He didn't commit a crime he just wanted to make a living.

    He who is without sin can cast the first stone now....................

    He was not working as the article states he was paying them 1000/1300 Bht a day.

  20. Look at the size of that vessel, or is she thinking of a fast ferry about the size of the tender alongside the ship?

    Whatever happened to these.attachicon.gifhover.jpg

    Just how many million tourists will want to travel from Pattaya to Hua Hin / Cha Am?

    Or is the Tourism Minister dreaming again?

    Cha Am is a nightmare on the weekends with visitors from Bangkok you cant get near the place, so with a ferry Pattaya can take a load over for the weekend how joyful it will become

    For every person leaving Cha Am on a Pattaya bound ferry, there will be others to replace them on the return trip. If you want joyful, I doubt Cha Am is the place. It is a seaside town favored by Thais.

    exactly Thais will be able to flock to Pattaya for the week end on the ferry.

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