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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. Gangsters, brawling teenagers, well that's two classes of suspects down and more to come so standby next for the usual list of possible motives plus possibly Songkran ' revelry '. After the contradictory statements about Samui i doubt anything's been learned.

    Bombers are cowards and vile disgusting things, I say things because they have no feelings and these people are usually psychopaths , look at the vile things that finance bombs that buy oil of ISIS and give them arms the world is full of bombs but no one dares criticize the bomb makers or suppliers or the financiers-- this sorry world state lead by political psychopathic monsters and lobbyists is spreading terror around the globe and now today a warning that little old New Zealand shopping malls may need to screen bags as bombs have gone off in Australia and NZ may not be a safe place any more.

    Then whose fault is it if you send troops to fight terrorists and bombs made and paid for by Saudis and the US.

    Now these low life's resort to garbage bin bombs in Bangkok I feel sorry for the poor old dustman, they will need to carry explosive detectors now to empty the garbage, no retract that --no need to go to that expense as life is cheap!.

  2. Is it dangerous to sell unripe durian fruit or to allow it to ripen off of the tree?

    Why would they make this a criminal act?

    How can they export durian if they have to wait until it is ripe since it would rot during the time to transport it put of the country?

    I know of no danger from unripe durian, in fact I believe if it is unripe you simply wouldn't eat it, or in Malaysia cook unripened durian as a vegetable kind of serving. Medically, there is no record of unripe durian being any kind of danger. Something doesn't add up here on this one, I'm afraid.

    Durian doesn't rot quickly once ripe, and transports well, but I can't work out what this criminal act for transporting unripe is all about. Somebody's on to something, and not sharing it, and it obviously involves a lot of money. wink.png

    Maybe the price not wripe !

  3. I think the military and police have now given the suspects plenty of time to leave Thailand and hide much of their financial assets. But to play it safe I expect the military/police will wait another week or so to make any arrests---if there is anyone still left in country to arrest.

    The plot thickens! I didn't know there was a Burmese politician in the south of Thailand at the time.

  4. "Car bomb 'the work of people who lost power'...Kongsheep said he believed that - as he did not think Thais would hurt one another because of different ideologies." and instantly I start thinking of "The Monkees" song from the 60's - Daydream Believer! Come live in LOS for a trip down memory lane.

    He must be right! as they arrested 2 Burmese for the samui murders as Thai could not do it!

  5. Crazy Brit. You don't visit a foreign country, rent a car, and drive with reckless abandon. You don't know the roads and you are a guest.

    I hope they lock up Mr. Benjamin in a Thai prison cell for a few years and not just let him go back to the island after paying off the officer's family.

    My condolences to Police Lance Corporal Wiroon's family and friends. Terrible that this happens at the end of the Songkran holiday.

    Who said the car was rented?

    What makes him a tourist? Maybe just his visa?

    The police officer's motorbike had no license plate at all

    Yet, you condemn the guy to a prison sentence. What if it's found out that the car driver had not a trace of alcohol or other substance and that it was an accident at 2:40am.

    Then again, i'm sure you'll find some other answers.

    And! the motorbike turned in front of the car.

    What was the speed, who knows?

    My partners father was killed by a drunken cop in Hua Hin he paid to the family, he was posted south and never prosecuted.

    Was the motorbike rider drunk?

  6. Another sad day in the mixed up world, next isis will be blowing things up in Thailand, the world -- sorry politicians and arms manufacturers, oil and mineral corporates creating havoc globally on a now massive scale every day, is there nowhere safe anymore?

  7. on average over 26,000 people are killed in road accidents in Thailand per year. Divide that by 365 days and that is over 71 people killed per day on average. So either these dangerous days numbers are complete BS or Songkran is the safest time of the year to be on the road. I will go with BS numbers.

    The official road toll is taken from the scene of the accident

    If you make it to hospital then die You are NOT a road toll statistic facepalm.gif

    Correct. You can add one death to the stats. Relative of my wife was crushed by a reversing lorry. Rushed to hospital pronounced D.O.A. The corpse was taken home and burial rites commenced. No Police were called or informed. Driver admitted liability 50K baht compensation was paid to the widow. No further action.

    My wifes father was killed by a drunken policeman and after overwhelming witnesses took him on he coffed up 100k baht and was transferred south.

  8. I just drove back from Bang Saray to Jomtien and had the same number of near-death experiences as usual.....averaging one incident per kilometre. So I'd say the holiday carnage hasn't really started yet. coffee1.gif

    Top marks to the Thai driver who didn't see the huge yellow service truck with flashing lights parked in the right hand lane and slammed the brakes on just in time. Despite the fact that you had 300mtrs of clear unobstructed view to see the truck, you obviously thought it was going to move for you rather than you simply changing lanes to avoid any drama.

    Now I know why they accelerate towards trucks etc at intersections that one can see are a upcoming hazard it's because they think they will move before they get there or they can beat the car inside of them without having to brake.

    Thanks for that.

  9. hate to say it but could easily have been a drugged and robbed incident, no info on whether he was alone when going to his room, if the guy was on holiday and it was his last night I would very much doubt he was alone.

    The sort of details that are conveniently left out of a news report like the involvement of a 3rd party

    Phuket soon to be known as Khaket,

    Could be as you say a date rape drug robbery, any money missing?

  10. So, after they announced he was 86'd (that's an American restaurant industry term for banned, or taken off the menu) he refused to leave. So, instead of calling the police and having him trespassed, their security beats him up. The club owners should be permanently banned from operating nightclubs. Self-help evictions are not acceptable in the hospitality industry.

    Assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, a weapon was used that could have killed the man.

    That might make some think twice before they act the thought of 15 years in the BK Hilton but this these guys will get off light.

    Any one know if the Aussie if off the hook yet.

  11. Well yet another senseless accident AND lo and behold the driver is missing. The injured well they were taken to local hospital and the Tour Company says absolutely nothing. What more can we expect from Thailands Thainess....common-sense and law enforcement ......in your dreams

    Either the driver was on something or he was Burmese.

  12. It'll be forgotten about this time next week. saai.gif

    Correct, after they drop the charges, then the greedy cops will get a telling off for trying to screw up for all concerned then and moved away to another district for a while then business back to normal.

    Mind you if they enforced fines on all copy cat vendors they would have to bust the whole of Thailand -- Ouch!

    • Like 1
  13. Preecha said police ... will further question the wife after she gets over her grief to determine the motive.

    Yes, of course, wait as long as she would like you to. Don't even think of interviewing her now.

    Maybe, he not only teach tennis to another young Thai, then mummy beer jealous and argue and bingo he fall back down to tennis court.

  14. could have at least pee tested them to see how undesirable they actually were

    yeah, blood tests and everything

    but seriously, 100 baht? I reckon they wouldn't prevent them from being undesirable even if they charged them 1000 baht

    I'd be like 100 baht first time, 1000 second time, 2000 third time, fourth time some jail time or make them fight professional muay thai fighters or something.

    they could sell some tickets to that.

    No taxi drivers, no white Russian prostitutes, no Russian pimps or mafia no drug dealers, just bad Thais loitering on the street.

    Thainess explained.

  15. Report on the flight http://avherald.com/h?article=483fc32e

    Hard to believe this airline is still in existence with their 1-2-Go debacle in Phuket. Couldn't pay me to get on one of their aircraft.


    "Well used" aircraft http://www.airfleets.net/ageflotte/Orient%20Thai%20Airlines.htm

    I couldn't agree more. That company utilise nothing but flying coffins. Anyone who flies with them needs their head examining in my opinion.

    A new job for General Prayut PM.

  16. http://m.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/a-1026261.html

    For those who understand German:

    Attorney's press conference - live stream - on www.spiegel.de


    News from the press conference:

    Lubitz was suicidal when he was medically treated several years ago before he got his pilot's license.

    Authorities are still beating about the bush regarding what Lubitz was currently under treatment for, they just said that the nature of his illness was not "organic", i.e. he was not physilogically ill.

    Just heard this morning news TV3NZ that Lubitz told Lufthansa he was being treated for psychological problems in 2009, he was also on medication for psychological suicidal tendencies.

    Now how he came to be in a cockpit needs a lot of answering, I see a big law suit here and hope the families pursue one.

    Qantas airways and Air NZ have now both taken action to have 2 in the cockpit at all times and are training cabin crew in case they need to be one of them.

    A flight engineer might solve that, having three in there is common sense in these troubled times even if not technically needed and will make many flyers comfortable.

    Air NZ also has told airlines that any who enter NZ airspace must have 2 in the cockpit.

  17. kiwikeith you've obviously got an axe to grind at airlines and the industry in general. You've lost the plot. This was an isolated and individual act of lunacy that can happen in any environment. It does not represent nor does it reflect in any shape or form the ethics and codes of practice within airlines. Lunatics are very clever and extemely devious in hiding their illness as can be seen in any cases of mass murder. They cannot be singled out with 100% accuracy.

    No axe to grind here my friend, this mans history was well known Lufthansa new his friends knew his girlfriend new, but he could still fly.

    That's not an axe its bad policy and screening.

    As for codes of practice can you explain why nothing has been said of the black boxes in the java sea incident and the Ukraine incident not even mentioning how one man spent his life savings to find a cover up by the airlines for a faulty door mech that caused a door to fly off a 747 killing his daughter and others, he did people a lot of good the airline covered it up.

    If that's an axe then you think you can sell Christmas to Santa.

  18. Improper safety training? Improper safety maintenance? Fake certificates?

    Oh, Joe, say it ain't so?

    According to one report, the mentioned airlines could only pass 21 of the 100 required safety measures of ICAO. That's a very frightening thought.

    Seems like people outside of Thailand don't buy the mai pen rai of Thai superiority, and actually mean business when it comes to safety.

    Oh but some would say the industry does not need a shake up

    Bet there is plenty of other airlines flying poorly maintained aircraft/ pilots /bodgey crew ect.

    Lubitz may get his wish yet and shake the industry up.

  19. Clearly not cured in the case of this pilot..........

    To operate a high tech aircraft and be responsible for 150 human lives, I would expect the flight deck would comprise four crew, an engineer, a navigator, chief pilot and co pilot but obviously the flying public has been short changed and the aircraft industry has been exposed for what they are, an ever growing rabble of cost savers where money and profits over rule safety and commonsense, Screw you all !

    Exactly! I said this to my friend last night, I know Air New Zealand in the old days had 2 pilots a flight engineer and navigator and that most or all of their pilots had been through the Air Force and were highly skilled and accounted for.

    I agree with you entirely the cheap skate profit driven CEO,s are causing havoc, the sick thing about this is that these Boof heads have no conscience and I am now of the opinion that most of these corporate mongrels are indeed psychopaths- they have hard wired brains that know no remorse or feelings and they are running this world and it is in a state now of utter chaos .

    If we look closely at these horrible people they are nothing but greedy murderers.

    And like I asked Crusty, when was the last time you were in a cockpit of an aircraft? The fact is, you don't have clue, apparently you never heard of GPS, VOR, ILS, etc for getting a plane from Point A, to Point B. It's all at the push of buttons these days. But, that's why they have professionals that set policy for aviation operations, not a bunch of nervous nellies.

    I will agree, that generally I think the military produces better trained pilots, but the day of them producing enough are long gone, probably never to return. If you're afraid to fly now, it's not going to change, perhaps plan on traveling by rail or ship. But, don't forget, they crash or sink too.

    You cant return to the old days and technology has improved where one person can fly an airliner we even have the technology to fly airliners from the control tower but it has been withheld in fear of hacking.

    However there is a need for more in the cockpit so three would be a good number, there is no technology to prevent a nutter from downing a plane but highly trained crew (3 of them) would be better than the high Tech boofs who believe that 2 is sufficient.

    As for maniac CEO,s they are a reality they rule this world and airline admin , advertising media , politician and insurance companies are full of them.

    These are the people that smudge the truth in order of profits in fact CNN is now regarded as the voice of congress.

    This is a blatant blunder by Lufthansa who knew years back of his condition, on record his med files according to BILD.

    This man should have been taken off the employment list years ago.

    He is a nutter who slipped through a screen that was inadequate, the airline industry is suspect. Have you heard the details of the black box in the Java sea or the black box from the Ukraine disaster?

    NO! Cover ups are unfortunately a part of the horrible greedy corporate mongrels who are running this world into the ground.

    This is clearly an airline blunder a blunder by stupid privacy laws and greedy admin/ airline officials not only in Germany but world wide the industry needs a big kick up the butt and some heads and thinking need to roll.

    Cheap skate poorly trained nutcase pilots need to go!

    Personally I could not give a dam if I had to pay a hundred or 2 or 3 per flight to put some quality in numbers in the cockpit.

    I'm curious, what poor service, have you received from a poor quality pilot? If you haven't crashed, how would you know? The fact is, you know very little if anything about the airline business, and what goes on in a modern day cockpit. If I were you, I would plan on staying home.

    In this instance, it was just one nut that got into the wrong place, at the wrong time. Most of us would never think of doing such a thing, just as most of us would never think of hijacking aircraft and flying them into buildings. It may be the new reality, aviation and the world needs to deal with.

    So captain sparrow you are an expert, I would suggest you know nothing of the airline cover ups that have gone on and one fraudulent cover up is one to many.

    The industry is at fault here and even one of the leading aviation experts was today on TV saying the airline industry needs a shake up to prevent this from happening but you defend mad pilots and the industry captain Jack.

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