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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. I guess I would be asking the 4 friends and follow the trail from there. The police will probably not investigate in the hot weather. Even if they did know how to conduct a thorough investigation. If the girl wants results, she must come here. Friendly up with an English speaking thai. Trust no one. And do her own investigation.

    The one that inherits the 2 properties is always a top suspect.

    Exactly ,well said -- The prime suspect would be the inheritor-- and the motive is until proven the money tree.

  2. Committing an obvious murder in Thailand

    -If you are poor you will go jail for a long time or get the death penalty

    -If you are rich you get some bad press, some appointments you may or may not attend (up to you) and your case will eventually fade away. You may have to give somebody some cash

    -If you are a cop, you will have to change the address on your business card.

    It's like a monopoly game Thai police style-- do not pass go, go directly to Jail your new Post.

  3. there are less dramatic methods available to her - if she didn't really want to go away with the old fart

    TIT will find some way to move the blame over to the farang instead

    A few more years down the track (after she gets out) : This is gonna make her next Visa a little difficult for him to get her

    Ok blame the farang , Maybe the farang wanted to get rid of her

    Maybe she was a slice of bread short of a loaf so he goaded her on -- now she's gone boo hoo

    Can get an earlier model.

  4. "surely"... an utmost ignorant comment for somebody who has worked in Myanmar and is able to read non-burmese news

    I stand by my comment. The Rohingya community are in no position to pick and choose their final destination. If it is a choice of being terrorised and killed in Myanmar, or having a safe but perhaps hard and economically poor life in Gambia, then Gambia it is.

    Beggers definitely cannot be choosers.

    Let's be realistic here. There is no way on earth that developed countries are going to open their doors to anything but a few, genuine refugees. If Gambia is willing to accept large numbers of Rohingya, then that is a very positive step forward.

    Is there corruption, poverty, unjustness in Gambia? I am 100% sure of that. But it has to be a better future than what the Rohingya community is experiencing right now.

    It is because I have worked in Myanmar that I believe 100% that the Myanmar government and especially the Buddhist, Burman majority will never accept the Rohingya into their communities. The answer lies outside Myanmar.

    The Gambian dictator has offered to set up refugee camps for Rohingya, whilst asking for material assistance from other countries, not resettlement. Whilst something is better than nothing, Indonesia and Malaysia seem to have offered the same temporary 'solution' which appears to be more acceptable, less risk & transparent pathway for the Rohingya given the documented severe human rights abuses in Gambia.

    5000 boat people fled Gambia for Europe in the last 12 months-- The Gambian dictator is assured USA assistance, which means money $$$ going to who? the wrong pockets I bet.(because this is the usual case undeniable )

    Will they be better off? probably all sorts of terrible things will happen to these people after they settle.

    Ban Ki Moon has stuck his useless hand up as well.

    I bet they will end up trafficked again , become sex slaves and servants.

    Everywhere the USA puts it's sticky fingers ends up total chaos.

    Maybe Obama is after brownie points as well.

    Out of approx. 82 billion $$ aid to Afghanistan about 1 billion reached the famished, the rest went into corrupt hands and was spent on guns.

    I rest my case.

  5. Kudos to The Gambia for their generous offer. I find it a little disconcerting that the Rohingyas seem rather nonplussed by that offer. Surely if they were genuine refugees (and not economic immigrants), they would jump at such an offer to find a safe haven from persecution?

    That's what you "think" "you" would do if you were in "their" position? And from this one tiny article do you actually think that you now know how these people actually reacted to the news about Gambia ... or how many even heard the news? You can not possibly know the world these people live ... or even dream about how it feels ... so how could you possibly know what they're thinking? So don't judge them because they aren't doing what you "think" they should.

    I'm ever amazed at the arm-chair experts here on TV.com.

    More than 5000 migrants many from Gambia have died in the last 12 months trying to flee to Europe.

    The Gambian president Yahya Jammeh is delighted to take these people. source (The Guardian)

    The United States will provide assistance. $$$$$$ say no more.

  6. Not an unexpected outcome from the forgiving Thai society.

    How many children are borned into a family where the father ran away during early pregnancy leaving the mother to go out to earn a living to support the child?

    And the forgiving Thai society would do nothing to address this social illness. Thus, this outcome of under-developed children.

    Thailand is not alone , this is happening all over the world -- New Zealand with a Rock Star economy and a prime minister that pulls girls pony tails!! .

    NZ has a shocking underdeveloped child problem or should I say child poverty problem with children living below the poverty line.

    Parents having to resort to working in Parlors and others have to survive on benefits as the ICE addicts and alcohol problems get worse as rocketing solo parent numbers rise.

    In Australia, England, America etc. this is a major society problem that Politicians sweep under the carpet.

    In my view Thailand for it's population does not do to bad!

    I would think twice before slagging on this story.

  7. As callous as it seems, it would appear that all countries are in favor of giving them food, water & medicine and sufficient fuel so they can return to where they came from, be that Myanmar or Bangladesh. It was mentioned on the news that some Myanmar migrants were telling UNHCR officials they were Rohingya refugees so they would qualify for aid assistance.

    And now the Phillipines has announced the same will apply should any boats arrive in it's waters.

    It is the correct thing to do as letting them in would send the message that any arrivals by boat will be taken care of. This would have 100,s of thousands turn up in days. This is simply not the solution.

    As shown by Thailand and other countries ... assist and help them in a humanitarian way with food, water & all the essentials.

    Next step would be to go after the smugglers and kill them. This will stop further boats coming and also assist those in need now.

    Correct thing to do is to rescue them.

    They are refugees they have been burnt off their land, murdered ect in Myanmar.

    Letting them stay or any other Boat people around the globe is another issue, maybe they should be put into a United Nations Hercules transporter and delivered to Myanmar in front off the BBC, ABC,CNN and all other world news media outlets.

    The Rohingya people are persecuted in India also.

    Finally-- some politician has said what I posted a few days ago -- to go after the smugglers and destroy the boats waiting out at sea, but some other do gooder politician in Aussie says that this would be wrong and a violation of international rights.

    Destroying the boats makes sense but sense is hard to comprehend to a greedy politician.

    This should be done internationally, bring in the Navy's or coastguard of these countries that are running slave trades and nip them in the Boat! before they can get the things loaded.

    This could be a United global effort led by the useless United Nations.

    But again common sense never prevails while the corrupt Snakehead people movers laugh their socks off as they collect bounty and extort people all over the world.

    Some face saving could be gained if Thailand intercepted boats as they left Myanmar and put the people back to shore in front of the media and Destroyed the boats as would be the same world wide.

    But one can only dream of the day that Politicians globally ever commit common sense, I personally think they are so corrupt that they are scarred to do so.

    And the world becomes a bigger sewer every day.

  8. Thailand should not allow foreigners to own property. In the USA as well as many other nations anyone can buy property...anyone. Doesn't matter if your an illegal alien or who you are. No, as much as I'd like to own land in Thailand under my name, I understand why it's not allowed.

    I understand where you are coming from. New Zealand is selling itself off to foreign ownership it is a joke, farmers becoming surfs on their own land. Forestry, farms, land going, going gone .

    However if you wanted to reside in Thailand you should be able to own one property only and only for personal use. I say that because it would stop a lot of sob stories after homes get ripped off expats in broken relationships. Other than that- a new type of joint ownership rule needs to be put in place so that you cant loose your whole lot after a argument. The 49% don't get a say!.

  9. If thousands of migrant are allowed to starve to death on boats in the Bay

    of Bengal, the countries of SE Asia will take a hit they will never recover

    from. Basically seen as heartless bastards, not an easy label to recover


    Confiscate, the boats sitting offshore! simple, however these boats have Klingon technology allowing them to go into cloaking mode and avoid being seen by any satellite ever launched -- clever sods!

    Maybe one of Thaksins satellites could foil the plot and show up NASA and he could then get the Nobel peace award restoring his family back into favor.

  10. Now the trafficking has been exposed and they can no longer profit, just push them away.

    William Guy Car, author and ex Naval Intelligence WW2, said in one of his books , " Once a good money spinner is discovered the parasites come out like worms from the woodwork"

    It goes on and on and on, internationally.

    The Blame -- corrupt govt officials and Politicians world wide.

  11. Something fundamentally wrong with the law in having to wait for an arrest warrant. Gives the perps much more time to cover their tracks especially when police announce in advance who they are actually getting an arrest warrant for.

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    Buy License at Khow sann Rd

    Buy stolen army/ police gun expensive.

    Price controls needed.

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