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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. The DNA evidence is totally irrelevant now. I'm sure there is no chain of evidence procedure in place to maintain its integrity. It could have been corrupted, doctored to give the result they want, or replaced with the local dog's! A pity, because if used correctly maybe there could have been a fair verdict in this case, with the guilty parties brought to justice.

    The DNA evidence is far from irrelevant. Yesterday in court it was stated that the DNA from the 2 Burmese matched the semen found inside Hanna.

    If a new sample of DNA from the Burmese matches the semen DNA then this would be pretty damning evidence imo.

    If the samples do not match then they are off Scot free I'd guess.


    Pshaww! A specialist that examined the actual physical evidence testifying in court that the semen matches the DNA of the men on trial is not evidence!

    Some guy saying he heard from some other guy on the Internet that his GF's friend told her that everyone knows you-know-who did it, now that is evidence.


    Does this mean that the B2 both had semmen on the outside of the condumb.cheesy.gif

  2. If he was there he'd have been more well advised to go to the Police or someone to offer his account, not show up 10 months later in an internet forum to give his witness tetimony to a bunch of random dudes arguing about it.

    How do you know he did not? Of course, you are correct that he may not have been there.

    I would be shocked if the police were not given statements by several people in AC Bar that night. We have no idea what they said. What we do know is that the investigating officer claimed there was no investigation into what happened in AC Bar. Since this was the last place David and Hannah were known to be alive, some of us feel it would be normal to find out what happened there, when they left, and whether they left together. I guess in Thailand these facts are considered irrelevant. Here they prefer to focus on the facts that the Burmese kids rode a motorcycle, played the guitar, and smoked cigarettes.

    Didn't all the people in AC bar flee after the murder?

    We have no statements from any expat who was inside.cheesy.gif

    Be sure when you go to the beach to take Burmese smokes, a condom (inside out) a Geetar and a Hoe Hoe Hoe.

  3. I mean all the confessions that we know of.

    -They confessed to the police investigators.

    -They confessed to representatives of the Myanmar Embassy and their lawyers.

    -They confessed to the doctor that examined them.

    -They confessed to the Human Rights Commissioner.

    I'm pretty sure that at least the confession to the HRC had "human rights involved" rolleyes.gif

    Gee Booboo, ya think they might have been scared and intimidated maybe? Jail is not the safest place to be when you're in enemy territory.

    Scared and intimidated of the repercussions they would face if they said they didn't do it, not scared or intimidated of the repercussions they would face if they said they had been assaulted/tortured by the people holding them.

    And not only they just confess to the murder, they give details of how and why they did it, even if that contradicts what the police were allegedly saying at the time:

    Meanwhile, Parinya Sirisarakarn, a member of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), yesterday gave new information about forensic evidence and claims made by the two suspects - Maung Saw and Maung Win - whom he had met.

    He said they told him they had not used condoms while sexually violating the female victim, contrary to earlier police statements that sperm carrying their DNA was found on the outside of condoms.

    Yeah, right.

    When they confessed to the lawyer from their embassy, who stated in the press they confessed, there was no police around and the two were not scared to tell them police had abused them in order to get the confession out of them.

    What happened to the first Lawyer who was sacked who said he saw the marks on the Boys body's.

    What happened to the DNA test of the one in Bangkok?

    What happened to the wittness's of the alleged argument in AC Bar.

    What happened to the CCTV footage.

    Whats wrong with the peeweek British police, they are as weak as the NZ police and police minister in the Chiang Mai poisenings, where the people responsible got away scott free, the NZ Minister Murry Mc Cully (a muppet did nothing).

    Maybe when the boys face the gallows they will say thankyou for no more torture in the can, then the victims parents can rest easy!

  4. Since I just came back from Burma, I think i will take my guitar down to the beach and smoke my burmese ciggarettes that I just brought back with me as I don't like the Thai ones from the Seven, actually I can't afford them on the pay they give me so I very happy to get some today.

    Oh, I better take a condom with me as well as I might get lucky when I drunk I can have falang girl so I got to be carefull don't leave DNA,(actually I dont know what is DNA)

    I take Hoe with me as well as maybe trouble with boyfriend and need to make the sand look nice when I finish or get the sack from big boss man.


  5. Koh Tao police quizzed on why they didn’t look into rumoured bar dispute
    Sarah Yuen in Thailand
    In testimony in court today, Lieutenant Colonel Kewalee Chanpan, from the forensic division of the Royal Thai Police, said that while the swabs used to obtain the DNA samples from the scene, and the victims’ and suspects’ bodies, would have been destroyed in the testing process, traces of the the DNA extracted from those swabs would still be available for retesting.
    The police lieutenant colonel explained that trace DNA material is generally conserved for at least one to two years by the police forensics department.
    While she could only speak for her own examination of the alleged murder weapon, some blood-spattered items of clothing, two cigarette butts and a condom found at the scene, she explained to the court that the same should be true for all the DNA samples gathered in the investigation. The officials responsible for the testing of DNA samples taken from the bodies of Ms Witheridge, 23, and 24 year-old David Miller, will appear in court tomorrow. The defence team had already been told by the Royal Thai Police that it could re-examine a few items, including the alleged murder weapon which is a garden hoe. But in court today, based on the new testimony, the defence team was given fresh hope that the more crucial evidence could also be re-examined.
    The prosecution claims DNA from the two Burmese suspects, Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, both aged 22, was found on or in Ms Witheridge’s body. The defence has now been told to once again compile a full list of the evidence it wants to retest, which will be submitted to the police forensics department, asking for it to be handed over to the Ministry of Justice Forensics Institute in Bangkok.
    The trial adjourns tomorrow for almost a month. Andy Hall, the media spokesperson for the pro bono defence team, said: “I don’t think the court fully understood the testing process before, so when the police said the original samples had been used up, it believed there was nothing left to test. But the testimony of today’s witness has made it clear there would be conserved DNA residue, which could prove crucial to the suspects’ defence.”
    Not investigated
    The senior police officer investigating the killing of Norfolk student Hannah Witheridge in Thailand said today that he had not investigated rumours that she had been involved in an argument with a Thai youth on the night of her death.

    "...While she could only speak for her own examination of the alleged murder weapon, some blood-spattered items of clothing, two cigarette butts and a condom found at the scene, she explained to the court that the same should be true for all the DNA samples gathered in the investigation."

    ....should be true...

    From my understanding in many countries this would be stop down in 2 seconds by the defense.

    her testimony has added absolutely nothing to these proceedings, why are we now going to have to revisit this session today with the people who are claimed to have actually done the lab work ?

    The one good thing about this situation is the fact that the next person to examine the DNA (if it exists) is the generally highly respected uncorruptable Pornthip Rojanasunand




    The Bankok public fiasco of the said one giving DNA in public has (according to the press link here on TV) never been tested.

    The altercation in the bar never investigated.

    The missing cctv footage.

    DICLOSURE, does not exist, how could this fiasco get this far without disclosure, the case must be thrown out.

    The parents of the victims should stand up and be counted they could stop this .

    I know that it is a tough call but they should , so should the British police, but then again a politician is a born liar and professional con artist and in todays world not afraid to let murder be legal.

  6. Koh Tao police quizzed on why they didn’t look into rumoured bar dispute
    Sarah Yuen in Thailand
    In testimony in court today, Lieutenant Colonel Kewalee Chanpan, from the forensic division of the Royal Thai Police, said that while the swabs used to obtain the DNA samples from the scene, and the victims’ and suspects’ bodies, would have been destroyed in the testing process, traces of the the DNA extracted from those swabs would still be available for retesting.
    The police lieutenant colonel explained that trace DNA material is generally conserved for at least one to two years by the police forensics department.
    While she could only speak for her own examination of the alleged murder weapon, some blood-spattered items of clothing, two cigarette butts and a condom found at the scene, she explained to the court that the same should be true for all the DNA samples gathered in the investigation. The officials responsible for the testing of DNA samples taken from the bodies of Ms Witheridge, 23, and 24 year-old David Miller, will appear in court tomorrow. The defence team had already been told by the Royal Thai Police that it could re-examine a few items, including the alleged murder weapon which is a garden hoe. But in court today, based on the new testimony, the defence team was given fresh hope that the more crucial evidence could also be re-examined.
    The prosecution claims DNA from the two Burmese suspects, Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, both aged 22, was found on or in Ms Witheridge’s body. The defence has now been told to once again compile a full list of the evidence it wants to retest, which will be submitted to the police forensics department, asking for it to be handed over to the Ministry of Justice Forensics Institute in Bangkok.
    The trial adjourns tomorrow for almost a month. Andy Hall, the media spokesperson for the pro bono defence team, said: “I don’t think the court fully understood the testing process before, so when the police said the original samples had been used up, it believed there was nothing left to test. But the testimony of today’s witness has made it clear there would be conserved DNA residue, which could prove crucial to the suspects’ defence.”
    Not investigated
    The senior police officer investigating the killing of Norfolk student Hannah Witheridge in Thailand said today that he had not investigated rumours that she had been involved in an argument with a Thai youth on the night of her death.

    "...While she could only speak for her own examination of the alleged murder weapon, some blood-spattered items of clothing, two cigarette butts and a condom found at the scene, she explained to the court that the same should be true for all the DNA samples gathered in the investigation."

    ....should be true...

    From my understanding in many countries this would be stop down in 2 seconds by the defense.

    her testimony has added absolutely nothing to these proceedings, why are we now going to have to revisit this session today with the people who are claimed to have actually done the lab work ?

    The one good thing about this situation is the fact that the next person to examine the DNA (if it exists) is the generally highly respected uncorruptable Pornthip Rojanasunand




    The Bankok public fiasco of the said one giving DNA in public has (according to the press link here on TV) never been tested.

    The altercation in the bar never investigated.

    The missing cctv footage.

    DICLOSURE, does not exist, how could this fiasco get this far without disclosure, the case must be thrown out.

    The parents of the victims should stand up and be counted they could stop this .

    I know that it is a tough call but they should , so should the British police, but then again a politician is a born liar and professional con artist and in todays world not afraid to let murder be legal.

  7. The Witheridge family said police and the court should be allowed to do their jobs during the coming months.

    "Speculation, rumor and theory have been incredibly hurtful to our family and Hannah's friends, making an already unthinkable time harder to bear," said the family.

    Just imagine how hurtful it would be for the accused if there was no discussion about the trial and the RTP where to get away with what is essentially murder of the scapegoats.

    There are more than the 2 families of the deceased to consider, should the accused's wishes not be considered just as much?

    If it was my family involved as victims I think I would want the truth, and I think I would be demanding some answers and help from the British authorities however that,s because I think the Burmese are scapegoats.

    The parents of a murder victim in Pattaya who was shot dead on his bike came to Thailand and demanded answers resulting in the girlfriend being arrested and charged with murder, she had a Thai boyfriend no one knew about, who did the hit with his mate and previous to the parents coming to Thailand she was walking free.

    The forensic investigation into the murder was not done properly until the parents demanded answers and then financial trails were discovered.

    I khow that extreme grief is involved here but the parents of the burmese must also be going through extreme grief.

    I as a parent would not want to stand by and watch an orchestrated ltany of lies lead to the death of 2 innocent boys

  8. Police suspected there must have been a serious conflict that drove Sathit to commit the crime, after which he made a "wai" in apology to employees on the bus, he added.

    A wai after murdering a person ... - disgusting idiot but he will have to find bail money, should be around 2,000B probably ...

    A respectfull execution, however the charge of firing a gun without cause can be dropped.

  9. Wow. That is news. The Thai coppers accused of extortion. I am sure that no copper in China would do the same. You need to take a number pal.

    Sounds like the owner packed a sad over not getting his dirt money from the tennant,, a micky mouse chinese tour bussines that extorts chinese tourists for the benefit of Mr Yian,not at all any benefit for local Thai bussines.

  10. wow.....talk about stupid. Fun times in SE Asian prisons...

    It's a well known fact: the more tattoo, the lower is IQ

    I agree, so I am wondering how the guy supposedly was: "Justo, a former PetroSaudi International executive"???

    He looks about as Swiss as a $2.00 Rolex.

    Try to extort money from Petro Corp, Why? maybe over what oil they are buying and who the money is going to?

    Looks more middle eastern to me and the Tatoo's look the part for a former executive,/ more like a terrorist to me.

  11. I think that there is definitely less in the way of drugs and prostitution than there was 10 years ago, but the number of thugs has increased hugely in that time. In fact there are probably more thugs, thieves and scam artists here now than there are prostitutes.

    Quite why anyone would come to Thailand for cheap drugs or cheap sex is beyond me as the prices here for both seem to be much higher than they would be elsewhere. The quality of both is probably much higher elsewhere also.

    I think the problem is world wide with more to come, tourism down as no jobs or money in europe, crime only increases in these conditions and it is increasing world wide- mainly from the top down!

  12. This sums up - in a nutshell - why the Thai police are considered by many to be totally corrupted

    I also want to add that I asked my Thai family if this news story had featured on Thai language TV news reports.

    They had not seen any news reports about this, (although maybe the cartoon channels don't run news stories...)

    The cartoon channels are the news,it's the only thing they can relate to plus the soaps.

    Does this mean all cabinet ministers and the PM's face must be memorised as well?


  13. Sounds like he was drunk and this is his way of getting off.

    Probably correct, and no guilt or shame or setting a good example of police doing their job properly.

    He just made himself standout as being above the law he does not understand that if you can talk your way out of a breath test, that others should be allowed to as well.

    It's one rule for all.

    Maybe because he is above the law he should visit the temple and ask the monks if he has special spiritual powers.

  14. Good that he survived. Hopefully he can make clear why he fell. And if somebody "assisted"

    From the 5th floor, it was unlikely that he was a suicide leaper. Looks like he had some Thai help.

    Perhaps he ran back to the room after skipping a 100 baht bar tab. And the Thais came to collect.

    A 200 baht bin would have been collected from the 10 th floor.

    Jeez, the armchair keyboard warrior conspiracy theorists are quick off the mark, despite the report saying he was alone!

    He was alone when he landed, who knows if he was alone before he fell? and if he was assisted in falling, he will tell the story later.

    To many unanswered suspicious deaths ih Thailand , so it is not Thai Bashing to suspect something given the quality of investigation and forensic evidence available in the LOS . (the burmese 2 lost the DNA) being the most prime example of incompitence or corruption, the Jury is still out.

  15. He said the increase of the value of tax-free personal belongings brought in will now be same as the value of things bought at duty-free shops by travellers at Suvarnabhumi and Don Mueang airports before entering the country.

    I don't get this part. I know the King Power also sells taxfree to travellers entering Thailand but do they sell so much taxfree to travellers coming to Thailand?

    But i 'm happy with this new rule! Now i can bring much more quality machinery into Thailand straight from Europe.

    Who needs new carparts?

    Does this mean you can buy a older car for 20000 thai BHt pack into container and bring it into Thailand tax free.

    Older cars are so cheap in NZ a 20000 Bht car would fetch up to 300000 Thai Bht in Thailand.

  16. Unless the government cuts spending which means a lot of the promised benefits they will never get out of debt.

    I think that there is going to be a lot to hate if you are a greek but if you think you realize that you have to curb what you are doing.

    This is a lesson that a lot of countries like the U.S. and U.K need to heed.

    The US is close to being in the same place as Greeece the only benefit they have is that they can print their own money.

    We (the UK) would have been in this mess had we elected a socialist government five years ago who thought the answer was to spend their way out of the mess we were in.

    Yes the last five years have been tough but we in the UK have built strong foundations for a brighter future.

    Brighter Future was the Motto for the John Key tory government in NZ.

    A so called Rock Star economy, that is in huge debt, highest suicide rate, highest child poverty. has asset stripped the country, privatised prisons but sings a song of how well we are off. Property market out of control, soon to be a suburb of Bejing (sound familiar)

    Britain is in huge debt so I dont know where your strong foundation came from.

  17. What I keep wondering is what is the projected Greek revenue going to look like in a year or two under these proposals to be able to service what will now be their even bigger debts ?

    How many would-be tourists will keep going to Greece with the prospect of paying these higher taxes such as in hotels and when the Greeks themselves are hardly going to be a happy crowd (I can't blame them) working under these proposed conditions?

    how many tourists will say they will pay the extra money to travel and go to alternative places such as Cuba or some of the islands off Africa?

    The other point is while many tourists may not live in countries that have austerity, nevertheless even their real incomes are also being slowly eroded so they will have less affordability and seem less likely to want to travel to countries where are they will be imposing such draconian taxes?

    Don't worry there is a can kicker coming to your location soon!

    Exit the Euro German Economic prisoner Greeks, you are being economicaly separated (rich to suicide) but you are not alone they are coming to get all of you with the austerity pension robbing, job stripping Bankster corporate gangs.

    Athens will live again but only as a corporation, the small shop owners have gone to heaven, WALMART has opened in Greece- the peasants have died from disease , if you dont have a job or health insurance go to the mountains and repopulate an abandoned village, or as Cameron would say if you cant make it in London go to Birmingham.

  18. greece says yes we have a can, let us find a way to kick it down the road, you kick, then we kick, then you kick. at the moment the onus is on you to kick, next time we do the kick.

    We start a fund to fund a fund from that fund we sell the assets to pay back the debt, for the printed money you just gave the banks of Greece.

    The people get the can from the 50 billion fund we started with a borrowed fund.

    The can is an empty old can full of hot air to be kicked if you like to nowhere.

    At the end of the road after this lot of can kicking is a bigger can to be kicked at the new interest bill for the last loan and we will have all your assets as well.

    Then we can borrow more money to build huge privatised cans to lock you in after you commit crimes for can kicking..

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