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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. That comment about horses is described as ridiculous in this debate, you should sit down and watch the debate.
  2. At the moment NO Vaccines can prevent covid. There is debate now flying in NZ, about the border and the possibility that it will leak as covid Delta has got through MIQ. They are talking of third dosing , but then they are saying this may not prevent catching or spreading covid, they openly admit Pfizer can not prevent infection or spread, so does Pfizer, they are worried that the efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine is dropping in vaccinated people, same as reported with Sino vac. NZ only use one brand-- Pfizer. So this is not just a one brand problem, The other problem, supply- has been created through rich countries buying up vaccine even before it was released and this is preventing poorer countries from getting supplies. At this point the worry is that new variants may completely override vaccinated people and not work at all, and that border and front line people, already fully vaccinated, are now at risk from Delta and new variants, and that Delta and the new variants will spread through border controls into NZ- source RNZ news. China are working on their vaccines and Pfizer are as well. One study I read and can be easily accessed on google, it's about Astra, and that one half strength dose, shot appeared to give 90% efficacy and that was being studied by virologists. Interesting articles from Denmark about this. China is one country that has had great success at containing covid. So the Astra Sino combo might be working well, time will tell. Thailand does do excellent world quality medical research in some of the Bangkok hospitals. An interesting debate is going on about Ivermectin https://youtu.be/DCpiHHG0R2k which is well worth the watch. At present the Indian Bar association is suing Geneva based Dr Soumya from the World Health Organization, (WHO) over comments made opposing the use of Ivermectin to treat covid patients in India. It's all over google. Ivermectin is a very cheap drug and people can be treated for under $5.00, there have been many studies and trials done, India has been using this drug during the massive outbreak along with many other countries. And another interesting person has said in front of the New York Post, and it is posted on You Tube-- Elon Musk, said he will not be getting vaccinated nor will any members of his family, up to him.
  3. Nz thinks it’s going to control Delta, Yesterday looks hopeful, down from 100’s to 28 They might be lucky this time, but the next time it leaks out of MIQ, who knows what will happen
  4. You can download to COE using multiple pages or only 2 pages in other boxes. Scan them and send as one file in the extra info box. I also sent the information by email to the lady handling visa Enquiries, and she was helpful and prompt replies , but that was the Nz Thailand embassy
  5. That link posted only does COVID-19 insurance, I used that company for the COVID-19 coverage to get my friend in on the 45 day exemption visas which doesn’t need the health insurance coverage. I phoned them personally, they do not provide health coverage for over 75 , just COVID up to 99 years of age.
  6. I recently helped an 86 year old go back to Thailand, on a 45 day exempt. Ubon Joe helped a lot and sent me a link for COVID-19 insurance which covered the 45 day visa, He did not know off any company that does the health insurance over 75 years old ,unless he’s found one I did manage to contact a broker who’s half thai American and he said Cigna would do it but the premium was $20000 Nz per annum. This is a big problem, and my friend will have to negotiate his own visa extension 15 days before his visa runs out. He said he knows how to do that. So there’s plenty of expats in Thailand at present over 75 ,how do you guys get insurance???
  7. If it’s another coup , it will be military. what is needed is a snap election with Prayuth resignation and a caretaker government. For that to happen in Thailand, pigs might fly.
  8. I think the situation in Afghanistan may have caused a temporary glitch, happens a lot when ever something military happens, or Elon Musk causes a bit coin drop
  9. Something went terribly wrong with the planned Astra manufacturing, maybe it was the Indian break out that created massive demand for materials to make Astra in los. So now desparation and Joe has come up with a solution,. Mix and Match, meanwhile the police are keeping the soap opera alive and well, with plastic rap face masks and police disguised as clowns, robbing gold shops.
  10. For some it is the only way to get a visa, especially if you are over 75, you can not get insurance unless you want to pay 20000 dollars per year. Due to the stupid rules that immigration may be grateful for. Best left alone or there may be no retired in that bracket left in smile land
  11. Keystone cops break out of lockdown! maybe this has been caused by orders not to fine the public for not wearing helmets, as they no have money, thus creating a severe shortage of lunch funds .
  12. It’s very concerning that politicians worldwide have become experts on vaccines that are being used without long term trials, they are being used under emergency use. There are now law suites popping up in the USA about the use of Remidisver. Don’t know if I spelt that right, the USA had the highest death toll and lawyers are saying that that drug shouldn’t have been used and was causing kydney failure, and more that I can not say, we’re going to have to watch that space ,
  13. CCTV did nothing for the Burmese 2, not only was facial recognition technology used by overseas investigators that said this person running from the scene was not a B2, nothing ever came of it, they said it looked more like the boy discovered in BK with a new haircut. Ferrari Joe will plead self defense for trying to enforce protective face mask rules for infection by masking with plastic. He was only trying to protect his fellow officers and the public from Delta spreading. He was probably hissing and spitting, would not listen and was warned several times before the face mask was applied.
  14. CCTV did nothing for the Burmese 2, not only was facial recognition technology used by overseas investigators that said this person running from the scene was not a B2, nothing ever came of it, they said it looked more like the boy discovered in BK with a new haircut. Ferrari Joe will plead self defense for trying to enforce protective face mask rules for infection by masking with plastic. He was only trying to protect his fellow officers and the public from Delta spreading. He was probably hissing and spitting, would not listen and was warned several times before the face mask was applied.
  15. For those that have not seen this, there is a New Variant of covid detected as coming from South Africa, a new variant described as worse than Delta. One case of this variant was discovered at the NZ border and isolated immediately ,lucky for us. RNZ news reported that this new variant may be resistant to all the present vaccines. There was mention that vaccines will probably need a booster third shot and they will be looking to see what the big pharma will come up with to combat this. Some virologists have a theory that the virus mutates more strongly from vaccinated people. It certainly does not stop being infected or vaccinated people from spreading covid, however NZ authorities say it is preventing the seriousness of the illness and keeping the hospitals extensive care unit numbers down . Right now NZ hospitals are under strain, with a small number of infections, if it breaks loose we are in big trouble, therefore both NZ and Australia are in a race to vaccinate, even though they know it can not prevent infection, they say that it will prevent the seriousness of infection and overloading of emergency services. If this new variant starts to travel around and Thailand opens the doors to SA, then what will happen?> Russia has a new drug that just went to phase 2 trials and so far has not produced side effects, it is called MIR 19 and attacks the SARS component of the virus in the lungs, it is said to be 10,000 times effective against covid, and is administered by inhaler. You can google MIR 19, Russian drug trial-- and read it yourself, it is up on RT Today and You Tube, which is the first to take down fake news. The world should stop squabbling, and unite against this, instead we have corruption to the length that the USA strongly advised Brazil not to buy Russian Sputnik , source RT Today, You Tube,-- so that's politics, big pharma and corruption dictating the path that countries take to buy their products. No wonder Thailand and the rest of the world are in such a mess.
  16. Look at the state of the worlds big cities after WWII , smashed to bits by bombs. What will it take for those that pay the piper to see that this dictator is now shooting,-- they themselves in the foot?
  17. "Thais must learn to live with covid or risk damaging the countries economy". There is an interesting documentary on Netflix about dictators, which quotes a dictators rule book, one of those was to blame everyone else, which clearly he has done with the above statement. Translation: you people stop spreading this disease, I won't punish slave labor procurement, or smugglers of Myamer people into this country, spreading covid as they do so, just to keep the pineapple plantation owners wealthy. I have gone to great lengths to keep these workers and construction workers enclosed in their workplaces, promised to feed them and even built field hospitals on plantations to keep them at bay, spending your tax payers money to protect them from infecting you. We have spent considerable time negotiating with Chinese in the country to bring the price of Sino Vac down from 18 to 8 dollars yet you still complain. We have opened the sandbox, yet you still try to sneak into Phuket and ruin my plans, I must open up and let the Hotels and shopping Malls sell their goods, they must be able to charge you exorbitant rates for covid testing, if we do not open Thai airways is over, not because it was fleeced by corruption ,but because you people must live with covid. And further more you street vendors will not be allowed to open when the breaks come off, only shopping malls and Hotels that I say can open, will open. Do not take notice of Joe Ferrari, he was only trying to protect his fellow officers from covid 19 spreading around the station .
  18. Today a fully Pfizer vaccinated prison worker infected the prison he works at in South Auckland, source RNZ today news.
  19. 18 dollars a dose, what a bargain, and look I bartered it down, doesn’t matter that the Chinese themselves are now saying , its not going to be effective against Delta, they are taking a good look at it at present. RNZ news said today a new variant has been detected on the border ,coming in from South Africa, worse than Delta , they are worried as today’s vaccines will probably not cope with this new variant. The best news I heard today was Russia is at stage 2 testing for MIR 19 ,a drug said to be 10,000 times effective against COVID-19, and it can be delivered by inhaler. Check it out just Google MIR 19 Russia Covid trials, it’s on U tube RT. Thailands not the only fiasco with Covid, the USA is a train wreck, and it’s all you people that won’t get vaccinated, it’s your fault. Fiji announced this evening that athletes will not be allowed to compete without a vaccine certification, RNZ news this evening. Soon you won’t be able to travel anywhere, go to work,or school without a jab of a vaccine , that Nz have already said isn’t going to prevent you catching it or spreading it, and will not be able to stop the new South African strain, by the way they are now vaccinating 12yr olds. So what happens if the new variant, which has already touched our borders gets loose and none off the present vaccine helps. Then hopefully MIR 19 has passed trials and will stamp this madness out Meanwhile line up for honest Annutins super bargain deals brought down from 18 dollars to 8 by the shear hard work between him and the Chinese in Thailand, and China, great work. l wonder who those Chinese already in Thailand are???? Does it begin with C???
  20. Someone pays the wages, and without someone he could not survive, which is diabolical, someone does not care if Thailand self destructs, just the Joe Ferrari episode is a major disgrace, how on earth the media never published any news of his stable of cars and property, is just beyond thought. How Thailand has become a fiasco, with rich hotels grabbing at sandbox fools, overcharging for swab tests, people being made to go into MIQ as someone else on the plane had covid, and to top it off charged exorbitant fees. No one will travel to Thailand soon, it's a one way trip as most countries won't let you back without huge MIQ costs. The vaccination program is a theatre of fools, conducting a corrupt orchestra. I gave my Thai mother in law a calendar when I returned back to NZ just before lock down Jan,2020, I can not tell you what she did to it. It looks like a similar situation starting to develop in BK, like the protests that saw buildings set alight, very sad, but someone must be pleased , or sooner or later they will have to change someone.
  21. That would not work in Smileland, and has unhappy endings for many in other countries. The point is the media picked up on Prayits rolexs, which turned out to be borrowed, but no one picked up on FJs motors or houses. Which were using Klingon cloaking technologies, they will put a man on the moon.
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