A country led by the man who legalised dope.
Return of Thaksin, a back door deal, many think this will cause chaos, but I think the opposite, it will make someone more popular, the red shirts will calm down, billions will be made from the dope shops, Thailand will be the drug capital of the world, attracting more gangs, that you and I will have to pay for, because they blame to make visa conditions harder, when quite simply the gangs are nothing but organised drug dealers and should be banned. They are the main drivers of crime in NZ, with shootings nearly every day now, and these same gangs are from Australia and NZ with chapter's in the USA and UK. So my money is still on Anutin to be PM, but the watch man may still be in. I think the country will have a bit of protests but they thinking that the return of Thaksin will calm down the situation and whyskey incense and cigar sales will boom.