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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. I agree, you don't need another rt-pcr after getting one 72 hours, b4 take off, but someone is going to make money out of these tests, the taxi to the hotel and the hotel will probably have above normal rates, when you leave the hotel they give you a portable test kit as well included in the package, which seems like a well planned money grabbing exercise. My friend paid 12000 Bhat for a taxi(provided by the hotel) from BK MIQ hotel to Sakhon Nakhon, where he lives, he was lucky to get back and never flinched he was just happy to get home
  2. Hats off to Big Joke, he's doing a good job, keep up the good work, I hope he's being looked after down South.
  3. Won't girls be allowed into hotel rooms either, maybe a RT PCR 48 hours before engagement will suffice
  4. That's how I see it as well, me first, and trucks wandering all over the road, drinking caffeine drinks, smoking a cigarette, talking on a cell phone, and involved in a overtaking dual all at the same time, multi tasking no problem. Motorcyclists can ride with 3 children, no helmets, hold a umbrella and also talk on a cell phone, this talent needs to be converted with the introduction of log books, promised but never happened, and road safety driving education, never happens. Upgraded intrastructure, same same, still building roads with smelly drains/ sewers alongside, but plenty of money for concrete flyovers and high speed trains. Invest in concrete, the way to the future.
  5. Soon a wellfare system may need to be in place as people won't be able to afford food, meanwhile private interests will be buying up bargains, small business will be swallowed by franchises, but you won't be able to afford a burger, petrol, or a car. This is happening now worldwide not only in Los no more, but everywhere the plan is lockdown, small businesses go to the wall, and people depending on the State.
  6. Keeping bars shut will ensure unemployment for bar staff, and possible repossession of the families cars and bikes, plus keep you safe from getting dunk and kissing girls
  7. Dr John Campbell has some good data on side effects on his you tube sight, he says don't muck around see your doctor if you think you may be having a adverse reaction, that's what I would do, see a medical professional.
  8. That is for covid cover only and quite cheap, but if you are Staying longer than a month, correct me if I am wrong, then you need health insurance on top of That as well
  9. They can prove this easily as the transaction origin is overseas, happened to me, after purchasing an airline ticket, 3 transactions were made later that day but came from a USA department store, the bank rang me before I noticed it. They re versed the transactions and sent me a new card.
  10. Chinese also come to get out of tour bus, stand on beaches, smoke cigarette, get back into tour bus, travel to Chinese owned restaurant, eat quickly, back to bus, back to Chinese owned hotel, back to bus, tip driver and back to airport, oh along with shopping from Chinese owned factory shops. That's what they did when I drove tour busses in NZ.
  11. I am, sorry, but I agree this one day quarantine, take our RT PCR and buy our portable test kit, take our taxi to the hotel, even for returning Thai looks like costs could escalate with one positive on the plane.
  12. The rules need to be clarified as I read another news report that had many variants including a non vaccinated option, and also COE, being required, as to RT, PCR being required also 72 hrs b4 departure, that costs 450 NZ per person, so for 3 of us nearly 1500 dollars NZ b4 departure, wife and son have Thai citizenship, stay in quarantine, plus more test expenses and purchasing test kits. Then if returning to Nz up to 12000 NZ dollars for MIQ, that's if you can get a booking. Happy birday, Happy birday, Happy birday to you.
  13. Rome had a sex industry thousands of years ago, its the oldest profession in the world, every country has one, Germany has huge industry, nothing new here, whatever happens it will reinvent itself
  14. A big protest coming up, please leave my falung husband alone, he has enough problems to take care for me and family.
  15. A big protest coming up, please leave my falung husband alone, he has enough problems to take care for me and family.
  16. Oh and I forgot I had to have a MRI at Udon Thani military hospital as well it cost me 10,000 Bhat, to get a MRI in NZ would cost me 100,000 Bhat unless the government paid for it, privately the cost would be 100k Thai Bhat, so very cheap in LOS.
  17. No reciprocal agreements with Thailand, so if you are over 75 it's tough either cough up 20k USD per year or get an agent, very sad, Covid-19 cover is easy but the other insurance is not available over 75,unless you pay the extortion fees, I found Thai public hospitals very reasonable and there never was a runner problem until one example was used, most people that had accidents used crowd funding, usually young travellers, but its never seemed to be a problem, when I had to stay in hospital for a accident they took my passport, no problem after one week in hospital and an operation I gladly paid for my bill, 35000 and with my own room.
  18. He who pays the piper calls the tune! Without mentioning names I think some Thai Insurance companies are thinking they will cash in on the gold rush, falungs flying into LOS by the plane loads, after the enlightened ones open the gates, 7 eleven Tesco will have live concerts outside, beer will flow, happy birday to you.
  19. The smokers I drink with will have none off this,they continue to puff away even though they are supposed to walk away from others in a shop bar
  20. It’s the general consensus amongst every bar owner I have ever known that you never make money just tick over. Every time I saw a new Falung open a bar with a new idea, the opening night was huge then back to ticking over. But your right there has been a drop in patronage, maybe because the shear number of Bars has increased, soi 80 Huahin started a few years ago with a few good bars then a few years later the Whole soi was converted into bars, more sois followed suite. Same going for anyone opening a new food stall with a new Idea, tomorrow ten more will copy and open around you. Thats just a sign of how difficult earning a living these days is.
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