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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. No reciprocal agreements with Thailand, so if you are over 75 it's tough either cough up 20k USD per year or get an agent, very sad, Covid-19 cover is easy but the other insurance is not available over 75,unless you pay the extortion fees, I found Thai public hospitals very reasonable and there never was a runner problem until one example was used, most people that had accidents used crowd funding, usually young travellers, but its never seemed to be a problem, when I had to stay in hospital for a accident they took my passport, no problem after one week in hospital and an operation I gladly paid for my bill, 35000 and with my own room.
  2. He who pays the piper calls the tune! Without mentioning names I think some Thai Insurance companies are thinking they will cash in on the gold rush, falungs flying into LOS by the plane loads, after the enlightened ones open the gates, 7 eleven Tesco will have live concerts outside, beer will flow, happy birday to you.
  3. The smokers I drink with will have none off this,they continue to puff away even though they are supposed to walk away from others in a shop bar
  4. It’s the general consensus amongst every bar owner I have ever known that you never make money just tick over. Every time I saw a new Falung open a bar with a new idea, the opening night was huge then back to ticking over. But your right there has been a drop in patronage, maybe because the shear number of Bars has increased, soi 80 Huahin started a few years ago with a few good bars then a few years later the Whole soi was converted into bars, more sois followed suite. Same going for anyone opening a new food stall with a new Idea, tomorrow ten more will copy and open around you. Thats just a sign of how difficult earning a living these days is.
  5. The biggest worry I have is for my Thai family and all Thai people who well maybe kicked off their street vendor business, market traders, may be swallowed up by Chinese investments, Bars shutdown may never recover, look forward to sitting in socially distanced beech chairs and sipping coffee
  6. I can see a growing market in health clubs, spas, natural healing camps, but nudists camps will not be allowed
  7. Delta, did that not start in India, suddenly they are on the list, even though they have done a good job at treating their people, very well actually. Might as well open the gate Pratunam Burt. Watergate Open. to all countries , does that mean planes will fly again??
  8. About 4k NZ your up for MIQ on return, if you can get a booking, currently booked out for months. + family if your not alone, discounts for family are available but thats an even harder booking slot to get. Then if you went to LOS for 30 day visa exempt you would have to show a MIQ booking that coincided with a return ticket, not that simple.
  9. Im happy with my shop Bar, and there was a few around my area, I don't think they will close them down ,but Walking street and a few others I can only guess will fall to Chinese establishments. The bar areas will move a bit but will reinvent themselves, just as if my wife sold sausages on a corner , soon another sausage seller will open next to her.
  10. If America had to fight another war in Cambodia, or Laos, Vietnam, R and R could save Nana.
  11. It may not be his wish, but rather a look at things to come in the future, while covid locked down and closed Walking Street, property deals may have been done, we may now see all the night life going into Hotels, big discos and girls controlled by the venues. All the small buildings will be knocked down, you will have to pay to enter, the rest will become money exchanges and gold shops. I only saw this in a nightmare last night, I awoke in a sweat and took 2 aspirin and went back to bed.
  12. Yes , I was there then, and clubs survived in buildings, and nice disco bars were in nice hotels the girls dressed beautiful looked beautiful and the service was as good as ever, only Singapore invested in infrastructure and clean streets, no more sack over the drain. Thailand still wants smelly drains, no bars and hi class tourists, I guess covid could solve the smelly drain problem if your sense of smell was gone.
  13. Just to keep you up to date with RT-PCR costs, IN NZ free at a testing site. RT-PCR test 72 hours before departure, go to authorized doctors where the sample will be sent to the same lab the government uses but you will be charged NZ 450.00 for this test, you can not use the free govt sites for the departure test. So it is not only NZ ripping into travelers pockets.
  14. This alcohol ban is to prevent you becoming amorous and kissing Thai girls, which could mean you removing mask, for such actions. If they made masks with a flap for drinking that would solve removing masks to drink but kissing girls that's going to spread covid. It also will reveal how much you are a handsome man and encourage girls to sit to close to you. caution must be implemented at all times.
  15. Australia is opening up having reached its vaccinated percentage 80% goal but not open straight away to foreigners only for Aussies to travel https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-58757888 This is a more cautious move than Thailand, I can only hope that Thailand does not turn out the same as Singapore and Israel which are seeing cases of vaccinated being reinfected, I hope it works for everybody's sake.
  16. They cleaned up Singapore, did a very good job, infrastructure and cleanliness the place immaculate, but the bars were still around some in hotels, nice discos ect and the girls were just as friendly and never disappeared, how can you kill the oldest profession in the world? covid??
  17. Now I know why all the boarded up Bars have for sale/rent signs on them. This will come as a shock to all the bar owners and there employees, Thailand new slogan-- No going Back, this will mean more beech chairs, speed boats, Chinese guided tours, and a share price reduction for Leo and Chiang.
  18. I thought I saw something in that newspaper as well saying it would be increased to 27, we all wait in suspense for the official declaration.
  19. There is only one person who can explain/ decipher this to us, Ubon Joe , he's the best!
  20. Just remember Guy fox Day 5th Nov get your crackers ready. So Im confused, if you fly into Thailand and use MIQ you need a COE. If you enter by sea or land you need a COE. So what determines flying in requiring a COE and MIQ, is that for the unvaccinated? or those that test positive on arrival? so if your tested positive on arrival, then they must issue you a COE on arrival after testing positive , then rush you off to MIQ at your expense. Other than that who will want to get a COE rather than a Thailand Pass ????enjoy guy fox. All answers appreciated, sorry guess's.
  21. So if you travel to LOS with a negative rt-pcr ,and a double jabba certificate, then when you leave you suddenly get a positive rt-pcr you might not be allowed on a plane and in the case of NZ you would have to go into MIQ, thats if you can get a booking as MIQ is booked out for months at present.
  22. because you can catch and spread covid while being fully vaccinated, and you can end up in ICU, just look at Singapore, then I think you better have a good covid insurance policy, then will the hospitals cope, if it goes belly up/ wait and see, watchful waiting I think its called.
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