I have had covid twice this year, nothing but a snivel, my 12 yr old son had it twicw as well, both of us unvaccinated by personal choice. My Thai wife got vaccinated twice and had covid once, she was sick as a dog for eight days in bed.
No covid for at least 8 months amongst myself and many friends, mostly unvaxxed.
A few old people have had it and been quite ill, they have had four shots. I knew them and they were in their mid 80's.
I just got the flew from a friend returning from Jomtiem after 6 weeks in LOS, I caught the flew from him, never been so sick, was upper chest and bad for 3 weeks, way worse than covid.
I was at my DR's today and asked her ,she said people were reporting worse symptoms of flue than covid.
I hear Annutin was going to reintroduce double vaccination requirement in a few days? true or false?? it's on some Thai news outlets, I'm due to fly into BK on the 13th with wife and son who hold Thai passports, but lots of rumor's going around , maybe a separate topic anyone know what's happening.????????