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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. Every Friday Thais flock to Cha Amm and Hua Hin, to populate the beaches and Jam the traffic, during these times I avoid Cha Amm , it will take you over 1 Hr to get from the main Rd to the beach. The beaches are usually packed until Sunday afternoon when they all flock back to BK, this phenomenon has been occurring for a few years now. So we will probably see an increase of Delta at these locations, It will be-- Delta by the Sea. However, we can not stay locked down forever, a new way of dealing with and treating this virus must emerge. Australia is about to unlock as they are not controlling covid with lockdowns, nor it seems is mass vaccination controlling infection from Delta. So what will be the new way???-- back to the drawing board, new treatment for those infected may emerge as the winner, something will.
  2. Breaking news tonight, Australia is about to open up. They are opening on the basis of 70% vaccination rates in most states. They have not controlled Delta with lockdown, and people are getting very sick of being locked down. So watch the News and see what happens when the breaks come off. And the US president, JB ,just said that the USA is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. And today on RNZ news was a story of a Granny refusing vaccine as she is very old and wants to be left alone, yet her family and the media, by reporting the story are pressuring her to get a Jab. NZ is talking of opening up after Xmas and introducing a Vaccine passport, that did not do much good for Israel as they are having a reinfection wave, of the highly vaccinated population. So I am glad the breaks are going to come off, as then the truth will surface, then we will see what happens to the vaccinated and the anti- unvaccinated, that JB says are causing a unvaccinated pandemic in the USA.-- RNZ news today, Channel 9 news Australia.
  3. When we got a passport for out son approx at the same age, we had to go to the NZ Thai embassy in Wellington, as the mother is Thai no problem they said. But if the father is Thai it involves more scrutiny. The Passport was issued within a few hours no problem. I also have renewed my sons passport in BK at Wattana, and was issued the next day. Your probably better off to enter on a visa exempt, they will give you 45 days if you need MIQ. Then apply for the 90 day marriage Non O ,15 days before your exempt expires, and also the visa exempt can be extended once, to give you more time.
  4. Warning, all foreigners, do not stand near a protestor and spread COVID-19, you can face deportation. Myamer workers will be not allowed to leave their work place if caught near a protest.
  5. The truth is we don’t know long term effects, because long term hasn’t happened, not one person on this planet knows what long term side effects will be. Thats the amazing thing about this mad rush promoted by Big Pharma , mad politician’s and media who have suddenly become vaccine experts. If down the track things go wrong with side effects, then what state will the world be in???
  6. How did you read risks of dying into the post? No see no look meant that stats in Thailand may not be quite right. One Pfizer death was reported on RNZ news a few days ago, the only death so far.
  7. The world might have to come to it's senses, viruses mutate, and what you point out is happening in other well vaccinated countries. I have even read articles that blame those who are anti vaccine for this. Vaccines are not stopping covid, just alleviating the symptoms at present. NZ did not control the first or the second outbreak with vaccines it was achieved with social distancing and lockdowns. The third outbreak (delta) has nearly been contained down to around 20 cases per day now, but again vaccines did not achieve this , it's been lockdown and social distancing again. Some of the spreaders in this latest outbreak had been fully vaccinated using Pfizer(NZ only uses Pfizer). So what is the world going to do? shoot everyone a third time? a fourth time??? Are we going to stay locked up, the worlds economy strangled, airlines ruined, everyone mandated to get a jab of experimental or FDA approved vaccines, get a vaccine passport, do not pass go without one, for vaccines that are not stopping covid, YET, thats a big yet, and so far the world is not preventing spread. India and Brazil have had great success with Ivermectin, for improving recovery of infected covid patients, but the WHO does not want to know about it. Russia is in the process of phase 2 trials For MIR 19, which is looking like a winner as a medication inhaled that is supposed to knock covid in its' tracks, we will have to wait for the outcome of this, but ,it looks like the world will have to take a different approach to covid, India is saying this, look after the people over fifty with vaccines to reduce the impact of infection, and the rest will probably develop herd immunity, which is already developing in over 67% of the Indian population so far. Does big pharma think that the world according to Jabba, will be the new world, it is frightening, at the least.
  8. I wonder how many colonels, high so and policeman drive cars auctioned off from Malaysia ???
  9. I think the old saying "there is more to this than meets the eye" and many eyes on the $
  10. That Thailand newspaper has reported that the other officers will not be charged
  11. I will book my test for tomorrow and sit at the front seat at the back I can fall from the floor to the ceiling , and break the front bone in my back
  12. There once was a boxer in NZ, who got into some alleged trouble with drugs. All gone, problems gone, was he related to a politician? you can have 3 guess's.
  13. I think it all went wrong when Delta broke out in India, dashing Thailand's hopes of mass producing Astra, they could not get the ingredients as there is now a shortage of supply. India is using all it produces and not exporting any.
  14. At the present time there are people in the UK, Ireland and , the USA and many other countries filling up hospital ICU's with Delta. Many of them fully vaccinated. NZ is worried now that Delta will slip through MIQ and past border workers and they are considering a booster of Pfizer. Some of the spreaders were frontline fully vaccinated workers. RNZ news. So why would China let it's people into Thailand and have to control them for Delta when they return? Nz news said Pfizer was working on it's vaccines. I have read, so is China and every other vaccine producer. The problem the world faces is virus mutation, and the fear now is that since Alfa has passed and delta is dominant, that new variants will emerge and the present vaccines won't work. As covid is a cousin to influenza, and influenza vaccines are updated every year , then if this is the case with corona, then the world might need to start treating it with drugs. Russia has one in phase 2 trials, it is called MIR 19 and is said to be extremely effective, administered by inhaler where it attacks SARS, in the lungs, the main site of infection from covid. You can read all about MIR 19 on Dr Google.
  15. Sorry Joe I did not read all the posts , see you have posted the link for them , the company was very reasonable and worked very well for my friend, and thanks for all your help going through the hurdles, his special taxi took from MIQ him to Sak Nak 29th no problems, many thanks Keith
  16. It only cost my friend about 3500 Bhat for a 90 day covid cover, ask Ubon Joe for the link, the link he gave me was great they respond quick and email you the confirmation followed by the policy straight away.
  17. In the Danish media which has been critical of Astra, the say a first shot of half strength Astra was giving a 90% efficacy . So best to read that.
  18. I new a judge once who labelled people as smart Alec- the shoe, horse shoe fits your sole.
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