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Posts posted by maxme

  1. I get it on a daily basis but I live "thai way"

    Do you speak Thai ?

    Not much and every time I attempt to use it I get discouraged by Thai people.

    It is funny how you are being so negative against Thai's in two forums now. I am not Thai but I will speak for them. "Any farang who speaks Thai well or try to speak Thai with us is great. We love it..." Now, the fact that I do speak fluently let's me know this. I think you have a serious personal issue that you need to get over. I you dont and can't deal with the hospitality of the locals, then go live somewhere else where you don't have to communicate with anyone. Can I suggest a remote desert in Africa or Australia!

    So if you are not a Thai , where are you from?

  2. I found this thread interesting as it´s as democratic as the former Thai government. Everyone is allowed to voice their opinions here but have one bad opinion about Thailand and you are bashed. I´m not saying the OP is completly accurate in her assessment but this kind of bashing makes me think that the the ones who do this are as uneducated and biased in their own assessments and shouldn´t throw rocks since sometimes those rocks are thrown back.

  3. Not worth going there. Its relatively really dangerous. You never heard about farangs getting hurt , because no farangs are going down there. Thais themselves are trying their best not to come across those provinces, let alone the farangs.

  4. Thai suffer from cultural as well as national identity. They love their country but what does the country do for them really? All they can do is watch and envy the hordes of westerners who come here and spend money on things that only the low middle class worker can dream of. So when that happens it´s easier to blame the ones that have it better than them because certainly they didnt deserve it as much as the worker.

    If they are patriots and have cultural identity why do they copy every aspect of western culture and implement it as a Thai thing?

    If you really want to know read," The Fascist Leader That Shaped Modern Thailand – Field Marshal Plaek Phibunsongkhram." His "Thai Cultural Mandates" that would create a modern, uniform and "civilized" Thai Culture. Twelve cultural edicts were issued during 1939-1942, dictating citizens' behaviors concerning everything from nation building, national flag, national and royal anthems, to how to speak, read, write, eat, dress, work, sleep, and relate to one another.

    Well I stocked with books already that I have to finish but if I want a fast version and your personal conclusion of this, what would it be?

  5. I don´t think it´s strange to see some people here support the corruption in Thailand. Probably have sth to gain on it themselves, like people from the only country that has a free trade agreement with Thailand.

    The problem with Thailand isn´t just the politicians and the dirty cops, it´s guys with guns that are the biggest problem but that won´t change until Thais themselves do a soul search and start thinking about their kids and their grandkids and not just themselves. U need to change the whole educational system and that won´t be easy because Uncle Poo Yai is watching but if more and more dare to do that then there could be a change. Unfortunately most Thais don´t care about these sort of things because in their mind it will always fire back on them like it have done in the past so it´s better to leave it be. It´s this kind of attitude that needs to be changed.

    Try to ask a Thai about how some western countries managed to get up from the slums and most answers you will hear are "easy for you to say", "you never experienced such poverty or hard time as Thais do" or the most common remark "You can never understand Thais". All of these are of course excuses for not wanting to change or that a foreigner makes a Thai lose face over something that he or she should have figured out by himself/herself.

    It´s the common attitude that needs to be change and understand what it means to fight for your own country, a concept that has been twisted to the point that blame is the solution. Blame everybody, blame foreigners because its them not us that made Thailand to what it is.

    I don´t think it´s strange to see some people here support the corruption in Thailand. Probably have sth to gain on it themselves, like people from the only country that has a free trade agreement with Thailand.

    The problem with Thailand isn´t just the politicians and the dirty cops, it´s guys with guns that are the biggest problem but that won´t change until Thais themselves do a soul search and start thinking about their kids and their grandkids and not just themselves. U need to change the whole educational system and that won´t be easy because Uncle Poo Yai is watching but if more and more dare to do that then there could be a change. Unfortunately most Thais don´t care about these sort of things because in their mind it will always fire back on them like it have done in the past so it´s better to leave it be. It´s this kind of attitude that needs to be changed.

    Try to ask a Thai about how some western countries managed to get up from the slums and most answers you will hear are "easy for you to say", "you never experienced such poverty or hard time as Thais do" or the most common remark "You can never understand Thais". All of these are of course excuses for not wanting to change or that a foreigner makes a Thai lose face over something that he or she should have figured out by himself/herself.

    It´s the common attitude that needs to be change and understand what it means to fight for your own country, a concept that has been twisted to the point that blame is the solution. Blame everybody, blame foreigners because its them not us that made Thailand to what it is.

    From my observations,this is the case. MOST Thais loathe the corruption in their country. Yes, some of you will 'state' corruption is endemic/in the blood'. Not true. And the 'Fear Factor' very prevalent, in concert with the massive feudal system here. But make no mistake, the Thais ARE, despite the delusional Pu Yai, have had enough. Times are changing. And I wish them well.

    Read that line again. I didn´t say the Thais welcomed corruption though some do but when it comes to doing sth about it they are suddenly stroke by a case of apathy.

    The young politicians who either got their education in the west or associate with westerners have a more solid thinking in how they can change Thailand into sth better (Having western thinking about democracy ain´t the same thing as incorporating western democracy)

    Unfortunately these people will be bombarded by the poo yai press that they want farangs to take over or sth similar.

    Just ask a local, may that be its middle class woman and what she thinks about how foreigners are treated even here in Thailand and you will hear that she said she cant feel too much for them since for example they own 70-90% of Phuket, which is pretty laughable.

    The media (controlled by the military in some aspects) and the elite have done their job in invocing xenophobia to prolong their rule because how can the common Thai see anything good with having a bunch of foreigners around when some dont even have for food.

  6. No interest in learning the local language?

    Why bother?

    In government offices in the UK they now have Urdu, Hindi, Polish and Serbo Croat services....

    I think Thailand should follow suit.


    Utter nonsens...

    To compare the problems with immigrants in the west and in the east is comparing apples with durians.

    Foreigners here dont have basic rights and never will have while we give the immigrants a fair chance atleast in the west.

    I don´t care about having extra privilegies just because Im a westerner, I just want to be respected like everybody else, being able to apply for the same work as the locals (Have you ever seen a westerner working at KFC or McDonalds?) and being able to vote so that I can help make a change.

    If you take most of western and northern Europe the immigrants have all this and much more while people who have families in Thailand suffer greatly because of incorporated racism. Not being able to buy land, not being able to own your own company and not being able to choose the job you want. Along with a load of cash that has the be represented every year and almost no chance of becoming a citizen.

    I think the people who complain here sometimes get their biased minds mixed up and forget that they too are foreigners in LOS.

  7. Thai suffer from cultural as well as national identity. They love their country but what does the country do for them really? All they can do is watch and envy the hordes of westerners who come here and spend money on things that only the low middle class worker can dream of. So when that happens it´s easier to blame the ones that have it better than them because certainly they didnt deserve it as much as the worker.

    If they are patriots and have cultural identity why do they copy every aspect of western culture and implement it as a Thai thing?

  8. I don´t think it´s strange to see some people here support the corruption in Thailand. Probably have sth to gain on it themselves, like people from the only country that has a free trade agreement with Thailand.

    The problem with Thailand isn´t just the politicians and the dirty cops, it´s guys with guns that are the biggest problem but that won´t change until Thais themselves do a soul search and start thinking about their kids and their grandkids and not just themselves. U need to change the whole educational system and that won´t be easy because Uncle Poo Yai is watching but if more and more dare to do that then there could be a change. Unfortunately most Thais don´t care about these sort of things because in their mind it will always fire back on them like it have done in the past so it´s better to leave it be. It´s this kind of attitude that needs to be changed.

    Try to ask a Thai about how some western countries managed to get up from the slums and most answers you will hear are "easy for you to say", "you never experienced such poverty or hard time as Thais do" or the most common remark "You can never understand Thais". All of these are of course excuses for not wanting to change or that a foreigner makes a Thai lose face over something that he or she should have figured out by himself/herself.

    It´s the common attitude that needs to be change and understand what it means to fight for your own country, a concept that has been twisted to the point that blame is the solution. Blame everybody, blame foreigners because its them not us that made Thailand to what it is.

    • Like 2
  9. I think it´s generalizing from both sides. If you can imagine how much racism exists in a western country then try to think how much there is in a developing country where poor people see westerners come and go as they please but instead of getting help from their own government the elite blames the foreigners, especially the farangs. Wasnt there an article some time ago where an official said that farangs own 90% of Phuket? There is a lot of racism here ,especially coming from the elite who dislikes farangs, coz god help them if foreigners were allowed to vote here.

    It exists everywhere but I would be so bold to guess it´s more in the poorer areas and suburbs where farangs are practically non existential. Farangs who live in tourist areas hear less of this of course and can therefor without an effort in checking things up, say you complain too much.

    Then again, you find people who can do nothing but complain and I have a few of these as my neighbors but it´s not so much in black and white as some here try to claim.

  10. Chulalongkorn University Hospital which is just opposite Lumpini Park. I always go to the special clinic at 4 pm to avoid huge crowd. You have a pay an extra fee but who cares, its still a lot less expensive than those overpriced private hospitals. Guess what since i switched my chronic allergy treatment from BNH to Chula Uni Hospital, i have paid less than half and still get the exact same drugs. Some doctors who work at Chula Hospital also work part time at other private hospitals as well.

  11. I live in Bangkok and have been using Bangkok Smile Dental Clinic for years. I'm really happy with the service and the doctors' performance. Got a lot of complicated work done there including fillings and crowns and all turned out perfect. The clinic is on Asoke road which is easily accessed by BTS. Here goes their website www.bangkoksmiledental.com

  12. <p><p>

    I am an Asian. This topic made me sit up! Hence, I would like to comment on it - please do not get me wrong, but correct me if I am wrong...

    "being culled because of the threat they pose to tourists"

    What about the animal lovers associations etc...???

    Some countries "cull" humans as that species are a threat to those countries.

    Yeah thais are racist. Move on.

    Really? Can a normal Thai (or any other citizen from an "undeveloped country") travel freely around the world? Are visas given over the counter? Where?

    We are guests here and always will be.

    Only in Thailand? Other countries make foreigners feel at home? With all perks...

    Poisoned fresh meat works much better.

    Is this done "Internationally"? An accepted practice? Really?

    It would be a start if the white folks would get it straight in their own minds: Does their white skin propel them towards the top of Thailand's social strata or does it make them a target for "racism"?

    Pray,tell us... Where would our Black, Yellow, Brown or what ever color skin propel us to in your "white folks" countries?

    Yes.... we all are the same. When it happens to "ME" it is wrong. Strange... so many many complaints about Thailand and yet so many people are dying to go there... and once we are there, should Thailand change to satisfy us?

    Is the rest of the world worse, that so many "foreigners" are choosing Thailand with all its "FAULTS" to settle down?

    Who should Thailand satisfy - Foreigners or their citizens?

    I feel there is something radically wrong somewhere... (or maybe it is only me)

    Really.. who is the worst racist???

    Other countries make foreigners feel at home? With all perks...

    The UK loves to make foreigners feel at home with all the perks- I know, I was there.

    Really? Could you please explain this?http://uk.news.yahoo.com/men-guilty-stealing-student-riots-104950906.html

    You don´t want to get into to that discussion. How many drive by shootings, stabbings, trickery, fraud don´t Thais pull on foreigners in Thailand every day and nothing happens while this gets documented and the guilty party gets prosecuted.

    You just lost your face

  13. I can't see that I've ever been subject to racism in Thailand. I have however been subject to opportunistic measures (i.e. attempted double pricing), but so has my Thai wife.

    With regards to visa regulations etc. I don’t see any racism here, I simply see uniform policy as with many nations. We can’t expect the same visa and residence regulations in England and Thailand, it would be silly to expect this.

    With regards to our rights. I have right enough to be treated respectfully, I insist on that and I generally am by all around me.

    I have no voting rights. Big deal, I don’t expect to.

    For those who say we are second class citizens, I do not think of myself as such, I am equal to any Thai around me and those Thai's who I know around me (family and friends) see that, believe that and act that. Those Thai's who do not know me base their judgments on my appearance, behavior and their experience - Generally their judgment and treatment of me is more positive than the Thai person standing next to me.

    It is my experience that in general being a westerner in Thailand I am treated better than a lot of Thai folk, but I do not expect this. Equal and indifferent treatment such as that for any Thai suits me fine.

    On one occasion I was dealt with impolitely by a Junior official in a local amphur office. There was no need to argue, I simply took her supervisors name (she would not give me hers), left and took measures into the hands of someone I know well. A few hours later the senior officer was on the phone apologizing. This is how things are done here when we face a brick wall.

    Another example is double pricing on a golf course. I took issue, complained and walked away. But this is not racism, its opportunism attempting to charge someone of more due to either a thoughtless policy or taking advantage of a general perception of increased wealth.

    Regarding the Op Specifically: I would have done the same thing and sprayed the dog. If the owner of the dog doesn't like it, he would have received a piece of my mind. Without an apology from him the doggie poop would end up on his drive way. The issue would be resolved with or without loss of face to the owner of the dog, that simply depends on his reaction.

    Regarding the Ops wife suggesting that we as foreigners or individuals cant do anything about this, she is wrong, perhaps a little lazy or tired of fighting constant loosing battles due to the perception of her own status.

    We can, if we choose not to be lazy, take issue with those things worthy of taking issue with. IMO Poop on the drive way is such an issue.

    I usally like to read your posts as they often are non-biased and very informative but then again everything is up to debate. Opportunism has to do with rooted discrimination and foolhardy beliefs that has got so stuck in the Thai cultural system that it´s now perceived as normal. I wouldn´t go so far as simplifying it as you do.

    Thais are taught that they are nothing yet that Thailand is one of the greatest country in the world (at some schools I´ve been to). We can talk about double moral later but I think it shows how confused the elite has made the mass.

    Now a question with an easy answer. Why would a country like Thailand accept foregin currency, boost tourism industry yet not let any foreigners but Thais or Sino-Thais live here?

    Thais come in thousands to western countries and in most of them get the same treatment and means to survive like anybody else if not better but we are subjected to a sort of penalty fee because we are apparently richer and the government suspects if we can´t manage that we would have white bums living in the streets? Really... come on....

    One Thai gal I know are not too fond of the treatment we get but when I asked why they can´t allow us own 100% of our own companies and buy land, she said it was simply matter of time before farang took over everything and Thai would have nothing. AS much as I love that gal I thought it was one of the dumbest answers Ive ever got. Most of the farang countries couldnt have risen without the foreigners and we take in alot every year. This just show how uneducated and xenophobic they are but I can imagine there is a reason the elite pounder this crap onto the "normal" Thais.

    Now the question would be what would happen if farangs and other foreigners got the right to vote?

  14. What stigma? I am not aware that there is a stigma to having an Asian wife/gf. If you attract any attention, it is certainly not because there is any stigma to having a Thai partner.

    I Have lived with my Thai wife in the US for several years, and have never noticed any undue attention.

    I cant talk to the UK, but I assume, given the large number of immigrants in the UK that people would not be too surprised at a racial mixed couple. I think that you are either paranoid, or overly sensitive.

    I´m pretty sure that you are not aware of this but Europe ain´t like the US. Other western people tend to mock the US but one thing is for sure, even though the States have its racial issues among the citizens it´s ALOT more openminded than most European countries... for a fact. I would imagine that it´s mostly European women and not men that are doing this. Since most of the ethnic groups that come to the European countries are from developing countries, the uneducated European women´s imagination spur. Most of the time is uneducated guesses and the fact is that they have no idea what they are talking about says alot about us westerners as well.

    There isn´t an easy answer to this question but there are ways to deal with it. It´s just up to the type of man you are.

    On few occations when I´ve seen this being done to my Thai friends , I just go to their table and ask them if there is something I can help them with. Most of the time they pretend they didnt see me and look down in their menus and then I´ve proven not only are they racists but cowards. Pretty much come hand in hand most of the time. There are a few countries in Europe that are exceptional in this but I wont mention them since last time the moderator was pretty much offended. Perhaps he came from one of those countries, who knows but the whole point is... there are ways to deal with it and its better you do something about it or you just choose western gals next time if can´t cope with the price for marrying a Thai girl.

    I´m not trying to say that you are weak or pathetic but this is the way it is now, so either you deal with it or let it go.

  15. Don´t serial killers start out with torturing animals? So those of you who do sympathize with such a low-life, maybe you should go and get checked. Just a friendly advice.

    It´s one thing not to like a certain animal , a totally different thing hurting someone as defenseless as that.

  16. Many have complained about this forum that there are too many people that whine but most other thai forums is more like "Excuse me sir , have you seen my beach ball?" and I can´t frikking stand that, here people express they way they want and yes sometimes the MOD doesn´t like us but that´s the beauty of a "whining" forum, we have then accomplished pissing someone off. :P

  17. Sin sod exists a little here and there and since Thailand still is a developing country you would expect such feudal concepts are still in motion. Since the family obviously can´t understand what´s really going on and his decision comes first since he pays the most I would give up the attempt to please them. That they would say something I could take but that the other farang opens his mouth about how much I would pay? No sir... that I won´t take and since they are on his side, avoid the place... no matter how much your wife screams and begs but you have to go over this with your wife and tell her that enough is enough. You can´t stop her from visiting her own parents but that doesn´t mean you need to participate. I wouldnt under those conditions.

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