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Posts posted by maxme

  1. What a depressing thread... I would say for all Thailand is worth when it comes to living... most old people either die alone or without proper care. You would need a developed country to make the politicians even think about elderly care. For me I would take my missus with me when we come of age and return to my home country.

    It's maybe not the best and it's certainly less energetic than Thailand is sometimes but atleast there we won´t have to worry to be buried in unmarked graves.

    People here do want to care but the simply don´t because for many it's survival for the fittest ... in other words , think about yourself. The malls, the shopping centers, the hi-so restaurants and cafes are all part of the shroud that is hiding Thailands real infrastructure and social problems. In one way it's not far from what is happening in the US but to be honest , how many here would care about farangs when we are not part of their country? If you have money and want to spend the remaining time here before you pass away, go ahead but for me I rather play it safe with my family than take risks like that. I don't see myslef as an 89 year old playboy, it just doesnt fit the picture.

  2. IKEA maybe not top notch but most of the stuff there is pretty decent and some do have good quality, but when it comes to Thailand everything seems to be downgraded. Probably so it suits the low middle class.

    However in your world it seems that American is the only way. I remember Obama saying that once and retracted that speech fast as hell after the realization that one it's not true and two it won't work buying only American.

    There are pretty good foreign and by that I mean European stores like IKEA that sell alot to the US, so I just find your remark condescending and totally unecessary

  3. how many japanese are running around with older western men, I never saw any in the time i was there as ther pockets are already well lined.

    Japanese for all its achievements is not really a developed country. That could be seen clearly during the tsunami disaster. Their culture is also based on an ancient fedual set of principals much like LOS and there you have it why it becomes like that. Perhaps you should spend more time with the locals than just judge them. That doesn´t mean I concurr with their actions but the background for it can´t be compared even to farang.

  4. Sounds like a typical Ikea. Low quality.

    Are you one of those plonkers that will go around saying "Buy American"? You know that's out of date...

    Hardly, like fine wine, it only gets better with age...............................................................

    Tell that to our economy ;)

    Unless it's from Chinese made from Walmart..

  5. To the one who posted that you didn´t understand what the fuss is about some expats died. I think you don't have your tinker in place... it´s not about that farangs are more important than Thais, it's more about how much is covered up about these deaths. If your sister or mother got electrocuted and the small article in the newspaper with the line read "Another farang bites the dust" ... how would you feel that they didn´t get the proper investigation or treatment?

    The story about the Royhingas, shooting of the red skirts and don't forget my personal favorite... hundreds of 18-year old bargirls dies of heart attacks every year. How much investigation or truth was there to that?

    This is about covering up things that shouldn't have been covered up. Instead it should have been dealt with to protect the good reputation LOS once had. That is all gone now... Among some Thais todays problem can be tomorrows problem and there you go. This has been building up for such a long time that the fuse is lit. How many unessecary deaths do we have to read about in the newspapers until the people in charge actually take responsibility they are causing the people who are living in this country?

  6. Either the OP want to start a troll thread or he has to be the saddest misfit I've ever encountered.

    Huge age gaps are common NOT normal here. Learn the difference between these two concepts. In any developing or underdeveloped country it´s about survival ... blood and money. Right or wrong doesn´t matter that's how it is... for a fact.

    If things were different in LOS, for example it was as developed as North or West Europe do you honestly think that these age gaps would be so "normal"?

    I fear you need a reality check my friend or a dose of education

  7. Sounds like a typical Ikea. Low quality.

    Are you one of those plonkers that will go around saying "Buy American"? You know that's out of date...

    The IKEA in Bangkok does neither have the same quality nor the variety you would expect in a western IKEA. Yes it's adapted to Thai locals who could normally not even afford these things they sell now. I know they have to place it somewhere since it's rather huge but BANG NA?

    The food was terrible and NOT, I repeat not, typical Swedish food. The only thing I saw that was somewhat Swedish was the meatballs with the usual gravy, potatoes and cranberry jam. The rest seems to be a mix between KFC and Fish & Chips vendor. There aren´t even real Swedish desserts. They even serve cheesecake and as far as I know that's not Swedish.

    The quality of the food was low since they didn´t even know how to heat up the food. The potatoes were mashy and filled with water, the meatballs was dry so the only thing that passed the OK bar was the gravy. The cashier and the "lovely" ladies serving the food seem to be suffering from some personality disorder as they were rather nasty to the customers.

    They were completely unprepared for the "debut" and they also hired low-skill and uneducated workers to keep the prices down so you get what you give.

  8. Welcome in Curruption Country. When you farang morons finally learn: you have one right here and one only: P A Y ! !

    See it as a direct way of paying tax: police has the unwritten right to distort money from everyone, and as farangs have so much money they get a hart attack of it., for sure farangs are more in sight than ordinary Thais.

    Once a French friend of mine got a fine.. because the police officer could not see his eyes through the wind shield he had on his motor bike helmet..

    Go in court? You as farang are guilty by the only fact you entered the country of smiling .. Whatever. Take care you are not fined for the flooding of Krung Thep.

    When you do not like it: leave this country. Oh, your money, investements etc .. are the heritage of the Thais anyhow.

    I took my losses in 2006 and left, together with nearly all my business.

    So why do you bother still reading Thai Visa?

    Everybody ventilates even you it seems so let the guy have his moment.

    I think since the police themselves break the law atleast 10 times a day by drinking when driving, drinking while on duty etc etc then it's fair to say that your morals and ethics are of no use to a cop so don't even argue with the guy, they simply don´t care what happens to you.

    Since Thailand is ONLY for Thais thus farangs or other foreigners can´t become Thai citizens without being filthy rich, you won´t have a fair trial or much of a chance to argue your case.

    Pay up and don´t make the u-turn at that place again...

  9. I think the fault is on both ends. Gold diggers are everywhere, even in farang countries but tends to increasese significantly in developing countries. I don´t get farangs sometimes because back home we have something called dating and when farangs come to Thailand, they get together with a girl pretty fast without dating much and then wonders why the the girl cheats or why it didn´t work. It´s not because they are Thais, it´s because YOU didn´t bother to find out much about the girl through dating.

    If you have done that for a period of 3-6 months you would know alot of about this girl.

    If she doesn´t speak remotely decent English and you don't speak Thai and both of you are not eager to learn any language well then I guess that is that because then it's not a real relationship. In a real relationship you talk a lot to eachother.

    Also getting a Thai into the US is pretty hard. My wife who´s a dentist managed to get the 10 year visa though I think her communication skills are excellent and she certainly have the knowhow to manage in other countries, she is part of the minority of educated Thais in Thailand.

    It's not only to have a degree in something , that only makes you good at your job, to be educated is to know about things that can happen or is happening around you and trying to understand them. This kind of "education" most Thais don't care about since they are either struggling with their lives or simply don´t care. However a Thai that has got to know how the world is like , have a different point of view from the rest.

    I´m not saying that you should only go and get MIT broads but I do suggest that if the girl is not aware of where you are from or how you tick , she has to be willing to learn as much as you have learn about her or it's doomed to fail.

    • Like 1
  10. A crown in one day is possible but definitely not for 100 bucks! I got one porcelain crown done in one day at Bangkok Smile Dental Clinic in Asoke area. This dental clinic has its own lab so they could make it in one day. Check their recent price at www.bangkoksmiledental.com

  11. Visit Chulalongkorn Hospital which is just across the street from The Dusit Thani Hotel. This hospital is always crowded so better go to the evening clinic. Be there around 4 PM for registration. Believe it or not I got the same medicine, for Asthma, as I got from BNH at half a price!

  12. Besides slugging remarks at each other. Take certain facts into consideration.

    - The law in Thailand does not work to it's fully extent if at all

    - When there are Tsunami warnings in Phang Nga area, some if not most hotels do not notify the guests as they are afraid to lose them.

    - Bargirls that end up dead despite being only teenagers have suffered from heart attacks

    - Tuk tuk & Taxi mafia runs freely in Phuket

    - Besides Brits there are numerous reports about rapes against western citizens but are never followed up. If they are then a Burmese is quickly detained and prosecuted without a fair trial.

    - Honking when a driver cuts you off can lead to you being shot and the perp would get a few years in prison.

    - If you call 112 (Thailands 911) and speak English will you be helped or do you have to wait for an interpreter?

    - How many of the cops in Thailand do actually speak English?

    - What kind of authority do the tourist police have? Is it the same as the regular cop?

    Looking at Thailand extremely biased and unfair system even to expats whom I might add can't become a Thai citizen if they are not stinking rich it's pretty fair to say that you can rule out fair treatment of the victims here.

    I´m not saying that her story doesn´t sound a bit odd but I've seen enough of the so called justice system here to know that if it can hurt the tourism or the Thai image, it's better to play the devil's advocate and win something than lose your face by doing the right thing.

  13. Traditional braces with small metal things on your teeth are definitely cheaper than The US. But if you wanna go for Invisalign, clear invisible trays that act like metal braces, it is almost the same price as in the US since they have to send to the lab in the US for fabrication. This is the dentist I always use, they are great and reliable. Check it out www.bangkoksmiledental.com

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