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Posts posted by maxme

  1. No reason not to cook at home. When we met my now wife would only eat Thai.

    Now she makes and EATS Italian, Indian, Chinese, British and North American grub. She also bakes scones, bread pudding, apple crumble and has recently made her forst xmas cake.

    As the OP says the info is all online --- including some cexcellent demonstrations on youtube... cook at home - eat out less

    Think I my get her to try the dill pickles they look great :)

    be careful thai girls can bulk up very quickly :)

    Yeah, I´m thinking serving mine as pot-roast this Sunday :P

  2. I know the password for the accounts and her dad doesnt speak much english. Not sure whats weird about that.

    The weird thing is that you ask questions here on a internet forum about your personal gf problems. Better you ask your parents what to do.

    I´ve seen far worse threads than this so what's so wrong adding another one? I´m sure you have your fair share of problems that you've been ventilating here once or twice...

  3. No confidence in themselves and the chance of losing face often result in bizarre behavior. Like when asking a Thai guy directions and he answers back with either a pouting or an angry face.

    It´s about how we are taught. Most farangs are taught to think for themselves and be independent, Thais are not.

    In many cases they can´t see the logic we do and vice versa. If you want to change that then you have change the quality of education in this country.

    It's sometimes pretty harmless but sometimes pretty annoying but it's worse on them.

  4. Some are here for a short stay others for a long stay, both are eachothers opposite when it comes to thinking.

    For me the weather is a lot better than where I come from, the food is great but it's a crapshoot too kinda like being a foreigner trying to settle in the US.

    Though I think most of the foreigners come here for one of two reasons... women or business...

  5. Maybe you should tell your wife to go easy on the cleavage and hotpants, and you should try to cover your tattoos in something more than a string vest?

    Maybe you should get a personality...

    The mrs happens to be a dentist from Chula so I doubt that she would even try to wear something like that or behave like yours do.

    But thank you for assuming thoughts.

    There is a big difference in having an education and being educated. Now if I were like the old farts in Phuket and got myself someone 20 years younger but this one happened to be a westerner... well that would be more acceptable wouldn´t it?

    Now if you behaved like this by shouting out loud and accusing people, interferring in their businesses to the left and the right well wouldn´t there be a chance of getting sued back in the west?

    Looks more like its open season for crazy, racist and uneducated foreigners to come here and do what they want since they can´t do it back in their own countries. Now personally I don´t like old geezers running around with 50 year younger gals but it's not my business. Some western women who come to Thailand look like they could use a heavy face lift up but hey that's not my business either.

    Point is that westerners do come to third world countries because they can and will what they want what they can't do at home and who like false assumptions or accusations? Does no one value the western creed anymore or have we become uneducated?

  6. I know that is hard for western tourists to see the Thai womans age since asians tend to look younger than they are but does that give the tourists right to give bad stares at farang/thai couples when they go out even if they are the same age? Are some westerners really bad educated or has the racism gone overhand?

  7. I got laser whitening done at SeaSmile Dental Clinic on Patong beach. It turned out to be very good,i got very little sensitivity for the first few days. It cost me around 8000-9000 baht. From what i have heard, all kinds of whitening treatment whether laser or at home bleaching don't scrape out any of the tooth enamel. What they did is releasing oxygen which reacts with dark-staining molecules in the tooth. This reaction will change the physical property of those dark molecules and they become lighter in colour. My dentist said only the saliva coat of the tooth will be washed away during the whitening process and it takes a few days for our bodies to form it again, so in those days you are not allowed to take any dark colour food since it will easily stain your teeth.

  8. Got wonderful dental work done at Seasmile Dental Clinic on Patong beach some time ago. Great doctors, those specialists work in team. They even had the implant specialist fly from Bangkok for some complicated case. Besides, they are also cheaper than BKK-Phuket hospital.

  9. Happens all the time in Phuket and Khaolak. My wife ( Thai ) and her Thai friends went to Rayaa restaurant and paid for the crab curry with noodles 200 Baht less than what we normally have to pay when i tag along. They always double or sometimes triple the price to welcome the tourists here.

  10. I wonder if this is a Thailand thing or an Asian thing... Look at the Japanese...

    But so far what I have experienced it's tradition and part of their culture. Though there are many non believers among Thais, atheists pof, its still brought to them by their parents and by the media in form of ghost movies, series, ghost hunting programs (much like we have in the west). It can be they have bigger belief in this or that we westerners are more prone to discard experiences like this as to childish superstition. Perhaps we are more of atheists than the Thais are...

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