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  1. For me... torrentgalaxy.to is down but tg.one and tg.skin are up.
  2. No , was Kenneth Williams in film Carry on Cleo.
  3. Must be a complete misunderstanding. It will turn out that the foreigner was only trying to teach the Thai a nursery rhyme. " This little piggy went to market this little piggy stayed at home this little piggy ...." etc etc
  4. You first have to visit your embassy and get an 'Affirmation of Marital Status' certificate, you then have it translated by an official translator and then take it, or have it sent, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to have it legalised. You can then visit an Amphur and use this form , and any other form that they ask for' to get married. ( And may the Lord have mercy upon your soul , just joking)
  5. Don't you mean sewercide ! (Sorry, exit stage left)
  6. Mt personal goal for 2025... See start of 2026.
  7. Visa Exempt entry has to satisfy money and ticket out conditions. What is not usually considered is that VE is also for 'strictly tourism purposes only'. Personally I have never seen any official statement by Immigration defining what that means. Immigration could argue that returning immediately indicates living here and not tourism. In this case the OP states his reason was 'to visit wife and family' which, to me would not satisfy tourism purposes.
  8. Thanks OP for a good Christmas laugh. Most people get their final stamp at the end of the month. If you go back many years things were not the same. In the mid 90 s delays of 3-5 months were common. My worst was ... apply beginning June received final approval stamp end December. Felt like a Xmas pressie from immigration. (sorry if a bit off topic)
  9. Install head in an earthed metal box --- problem solved !!
  10. Get it corrected. If you do not and you stay after 25 Feb 2025 you will be considered to be on overstay irrespective as to what the 'permission to stay' date says. Their mistake but would be your consequences.
  11. Some airlines refuse to take deportees if not to persons passport country as the destination country might refuse the deported person entry , then the airline is lumbered with costs and problems of where to take the passenger.
  12. SS,S,M,L,XL2L,3L,4L,5L,6L,7L (7L also called Mr Blobby)
  13. Probably just a baby that got lost. Do NOT leave the screen open as its mum might come looking for it.
  14. I must congratulate all Thai Ministers, and this Minister in particular, for their composure. How they can make such statements with a straight face and not be rolling on the floor laughing is beyond me.
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