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  1. Install head in an earthed metal box --- problem solved !!
  2. Get it corrected. If you do not and you stay after 25 Feb 2025 you will be considered to be on overstay irrespective as to what the 'permission to stay' date says. Their mistake but would be your consequences.
  3. Some airlines refuse to take deportees if not to persons passport country as the destination country might refuse the deported person entry , then the airline is lumbered with costs and problems of where to take the passenger.
  4. SS,S,M,L,XL2L,3L,4L,5L,6L,7L (7L also called Mr Blobby)
  5. Probably just a baby that got lost. Do NOT leave the screen open as its mum might come looking for it.
  6. I must congratulate all Thai Ministers, and this Minister in particular, for their composure. How they can make such statements with a straight face and not be rolling on the floor laughing is beyond me.
  7. Both parties to the marriage are each given a formal marriage certificate.
  8. Never been in that position, may depend on Immi. Office but would have thought KR2 plus certified copy of original cert, if available would be ok. Suggest ask IO in advance.
  9. Yes. If you have a copy of the original marriage certificate the amphur might stamp it 'Certified' Edit to add.. originally you were each issued a cert. Have you lost both or is the other unavailable.
  10. Said to be French.... doubtful due to ... 1 No beret 2 No Blue/white striped shirt 3 (the clincher) No onions around his neck.
  11. Obviously a misunderstanding of the ruling. I'm sure that the company did cease operations on the 25th May thus satisfying the ruling. Then started up again on the 26th of May.
  12. For extension based on retirement - yes For extension based on marriage - no.
  13. It is 'in writing'. Answers made by both parties relating to assets and children are recorded in the Amphurs divorce documentation. You can get a copy of it.
  14. You would have thought he was able to foretell his own change of fortune if he was the real deal.
  15. You stuck your oar in uninvited and turned his life upsides down without thinking of any consequences. Now, when your 'friend' might need help and support' you are thinking of washing your hands of his predicament and backing out. If this story is real , you sound like a disgusting piece of work. (If this story is a troll - you are a disgusting piece of work.)

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