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Posts posted by Jeffrey346

  1. 13 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

    Hi Jeffrey, I do believe you are completely correct, and this has been the situation for the past many years. I have today been advised by a major law company to take the license holder to the Tax Office in Laemchabang and find out what is wrong. As stated in another reply, my humble little open-air bar has now been listed by my lawyer as a disco ! ???? Very strange indeed, no music and an average net of not much over 150,000 after legal-rate wages paid. Thank you for your reply.

    I'm not quite sure what the tax increments are without checking with my wife, but believe 150-300,000 is 5%. 

    When you go to the Revenue Office and are not comfortable with what you're being told, let me know via PM and I will be glad to put you in touch with my wife.

    • Like 1
  2. The Police can determine that your complaint is a "no crime" complaint and not forward it to the prosecutor. If they determine the crime is borderline, they tend to bury it. They do this as there is a tremendous amount of investigation and paperwork that needs to be done prior to the complaint going to the prosecutor. 

    If you feel wronged, you can insist they send it to the prosecutor who will determine if a crime has been committed.

    Even if the prosecutor determines a crime has been committed. he/she can choose not to pursue it.

  3. 15 hours ago, mngmn said:

    Response from Transferwise.


    "Hey xxx, we did unfortunately have an issue with our partner bank in Thailand and for this reason your payment bounced back from them to us. The money is within our system and we'll try sending it out again today, it should be on your account by tomorrow. We're very sorry for any inconveniences this caused you."


    Note they are only going to "try" sending it again. Also note it's not their fault. In fact, it's never their fault.

    This is not true.. I setup a transfer on Friday. TW said I would receive the money on Monday Feb 4.

    On Feb 4 I got a message from TW stating that my receiving bank refused the transfer.

    I called Bangkok Bank and they said no such transfer was received by them.

    I called TW, they apologized saying the glitch was in their system and not with my receiving bank. They said I would have my transfer today.

    I asked them to adjust the conversion rate as it is now higher and in my favor. They said they could not.


    • Like 2
  4. 11 minutes ago, sfokevin said:

    From where are you printing this detailed transaction that shows everything from?... Bangkok Bank?


    And in general it is most likely that Thai Immigration will only accept printed documents directly from the Thai bank as anything you printed off yourself of from a foreign source  is easily manipulated...

    It's not a foreign source.. It's the official  BKK Bank Bualuang m Banking App

  5. 13 minutes ago, Spidey said:

    Did a SWIFT transfer from my UK bank this month and showed up as "International Transfer". Had planned to use TransferWise next month to reduce costs. However, I'm getting mixed messages from the forum as to whether this method always appears as am international transfer with Bangkok Bank. Some say that it does but @Sheryl claims that it doesn't 100% of the time. Not sure that I want to take the risk with TransferWise. 

    Bangkok Bank iBanking App shows every TW transfer I made as an international transfer.

    I would urge anyone who's transfer was listed as "local bank transfer" to download the app and see if BKK Bank has listed it as an Intl Transfer as mine are.

  6. 1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

    Yes, it is proof of where you live but at certain Immigration offices is is not an acceptable proof of where you live. They prefer the rental agreement or utility bills and whatnot. Yet another one of those arcane TiT and YYMV thingmies for you.


    Good to know you have their hotline on speed dial. I'm not calling anyone.

    KK Immigration accepts the YB as proof of where you are living. Never heard of an IO that doesn't.



  7. 3 minutes ago, SooKee said:

    That's why I said unless you are with Bangkok Bank.  Meaning IF you are with BKK bank it will show as an international transfer.  Not sure what's so har to understand about the sentence? But at least one poster has experienced a rogue transaction that didn't, presumably because another routing bank was used, as opposed to their normal route of direct to Bangkok Bank.

    My apologies..  missed that.. I understand that banks do make mistakes. In fact, I had BKK Bank print all last years international deposits that were sent to BKK Bank NY. 4 were missing. They checked and determined that they were coded wrong. They corrected it and revised my statement. 

  8. 9 minutes ago, SooKee said:

    What's not true?  Go back and read it again!


    Unless you are with Bangkok Bank (and even then there is no 100% guarantee) a TW transfer is highly likely to come from a bank within Thailand.


    However, in other threads at least one poster has had a TW deposit to BKK Bank NOT show up as international, I suspect because they used a different partner to route the funds.  So there is a danger, regardless of how small, that TW deposits to BKK bank will not show up as international for everyone 100% of the time.

    I called BKK Bank transfer dept and was told that TW is considered an international transfer. My mobile app shows the same. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, SooKee said:


    Any bank can.  The point that was actually being discussed above is when using Transferwise and proving the source of your funds for TI extensions under the new regulations.  Unless you are with Bangkok Bank (and even then there is no 100% guarantee) a TW transfer is highly likely to come from a bank within Thailand (e.g. a local transfer) and therefore will NOT show up in a statement or any other document that the bank can produce as a transfer from overseas, as far as the receiving bank is concerned, it wasn't.  So it was suggested by others that folks might be able to track back to the next bank in the chain to get details of the international nature of the transfer.  From speaking to Bangkok Bank, not gonna happen.  Is that clear enough now? 

    Not true.. BKK Bank shows TW as an International Transfer.

    If you use BKK Bank's mobile app, click on your last TW deposit and ir clearly states International Transfer

    • Confused 1
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