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Posts posted by Maggusoil

  1. On 3/7/2018 at 1:09 PM, Happy enough said:

    beautiful whore? well that's a matter of personal taste i suppose. she's certainly not beautiful to me. Just looks like a whore be it an expensive one. Can buy them over ratchada better looking than her if whores are your thing. i really prefer to cut my own toe nails BTW. Harold should get himself on a nice expensive cruise, plenty of single ladies more in tune to him than that little skank making a fool out of him IMO

    Oh come on. You know the old saying "Don't get between a dog and his bone. Different bones for different dogs." One man's whore is another man's stone. Harold must have enjoyed it and OK. You like to cut your own toenails? Probably because you can. 55555555 I love it. Its a long time since I practiced yoga, much easier and more enjoyable when someone else does it. 

  2. On 1/30/2018 at 12:05 PM, soalbundy said:

    Those who call a spade a spade should be made to use one. What would you have done with the next line:-


    Her lips suck forth my soul,see where it flies

    If her lips could do that, I'd be the third victim. OMG. Somehow I doubt it, but I've had someone here tonight who is getting far too close to it for comfort. . . and not in Thailand as it turns out.. . . I need a mast like Ulysses right now

  3. On 3/6/2018 at 10:43 AM, Happy enough said:

    Oh Harold. Couldn't you see that she was a leach. Not only using you for your money but to get publicity for herself. She's nothing but a little whore. End of. But as long as you were happy at the time. Now chill out and live the rest of your life in happiness and stop sending that skank money

    Yes, but also a beautiful whore, a cunning whore, a professional whore and one who can now buy the affections of someone younger and even more stupid. I can't see where she's going wrong to be honest. 555


    As for Harold. To have her on her knees cutting my toenails, and elevating my body parts, I might have gone there myself. Next time he goes on holiday here maybe he will formulate a slightly different plan. 

  4. 20 hours ago, berybert said:

    If asked "have you ever been to jail" the correct answer is NO. Why on earth did he say yes ?


    Well said. The answer is "No." I did some 'time' back in the days when you could work off thousands of dollars worth of parking fines in one weekend. In Australia at least i think after twenty years you can request a removal of your record of some minor convictions so they don't appear at least in cursory searches.

  5. 3 hours ago, Russell17au said:

    The rule about people traveling in the back of pick ups was shelved for the time being because they did not want to inconvenient anyone over Songkran and it is still on the shelf

    Because of the lack of infrastructure, laziness, infrastructure planning, being an agrarian economy, relying on the family ute for "everything". What's there to do? Put safety belts in the back of utes? I can see that working . . . or not. . . 

  6. 13 hours ago, ezzra said:

    When i travel long distances, what i don't see on the roads is police

    presence on bikes and cruisers, and when i see them, they pay no

    minds to the traffic around them, you can fly by them speeding and

    you'll not get stopped, a lot more police cars and bikes needed to be

    patrolling the roads keeping drivers honest, stop and search for alcohol

    and drugs use, and heavy fines on the spot for badly behaving drivers, 

    put the fear in the hearts and minds of all drivers, show of force urgently

    needed, not just the occasional  road blocks....


    Why should the police work? Its easier to sit in chairs by the roadside. A flashing red light atop a candy coloured pyramid to indicate their "presence". Working would need 'effort'. They don't get paid enough for effort.


    They will have to make effort if there is an accident, for which they will be the last on the scene, to decide which of the motorists will have to pay the largest fine/ bribe.       Then its back to the chairs. I think any number of us would be familiar with this observation, without being labelled cynical. 


    Nice people I have found, but not fond of effort. 

    • Like 2
  7. 14 hours ago, midas said:

    The saddest part is that with the degradation of Buddhism this country will have no moral compass and I can only see things going from bad to worse

    Sad? That we are seeing the "reporting" more and more of what's really going on behind the scenes of the different major religions around the world of what has been going on for eons? 


    I think its progress that more and more people are able to come out now, particularly with the advent of "social" media, which the powers that be are currently trying to silence as fast as they can. That's sad so if there is work to do it is resistance to the big boys trying to shut us up.

  8. 18 hours ago, wump said:

    You wouldn't say that if you lived in Pattaya or Phuket. Every year hundreds of lives are lost because people ride around drunk as they refuse to get extorted by the taxi mafia. Uber is the only one that had the balls to take them on. Did it work? No. But things will change. The first step has been done.


    Support Uber in Thailand wherever you can.

    Uber has the 'balls'? as you put it, to provide an almost seamless, system that makes complaints very difficult to make because they have the 'balls' to cut costs everywhere, for profits and not provide a transparent complaint system.


    The poster is right. Try getting through to "anyone" at Uber to make a complaint.


     Its an interesting model for public transport, and has forced the taxi industry to smarten up a bit, but at least in Philippines "others" like GRAB are doing a better job. For example providing a phone complaint service with "live" consultants. The first thing you get for a complaint at Uber, IF you can find the means to do it is a "form" letter, which replied to, will get you another "form" letter/email. 


    UBER care about profits. Not people. To suggest otherwise is ridiculous.



  9. 11 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    Not sure if the bad economy got anything to do with the increase in 2016. Money hard to come by and drivers are doing more shifts and less sleep to make ends meet. Maybe even drinking more to ease their

    misery and behind the wheels. There must be a logical reason. The junta government has been imposing tough measures and still the accidents piled up. 


    There are far poorer countries around ASEAN that don't have this carnage. The media comment that the public are resistant has nothing to do with it. Singapore has consistently led the charge on most things with a rigorous penalty system. It is the police and judiciary that are resistant to change. Why? Could it be they make money out of the bribe system that operates openly in this country. 


    Comments regarding the inadequacy of penalties in Thailand are spot on. One wonders if it reflects the country's devil may care attitude. Mai bin rai. Life goes on. "Pay someone off" and get on with the job.


    However it seems that they are more obsessed with incarcerating people for smoking pot, or possession of a medicine as it is now being classified in the U.S. than dealing with murderers, rapists and drunk drivers mowing innocent people down. A good dose of Singaporean style penalty severity, would soon give the "public" the INCENTIVE it needs to change 'their' attitude.

  10. 9 hours ago, bangrak said:

    The video is just disgusting, really horrible! That's murder!!! Dr Yorn, you're a shame to all human beings, when you don't get the death penalty, the guards should make a pot to have you disposed of!

    Yes I agree. A crime is a crime and that is intentional endangering of life. Possibly attempted murder. Attempted intentional manslaughter. Something along those lines. INTENTIONAL being the key word. Reckless driving does not cover it. 

  11. 4 hours ago, punchjudy said:

    Uber don't care over trivial matters like that.

    I've stopped using them in Phils. Never used them in Thai. My suggestion is if you are anywhere that has tuk tuk motorcycles or taxis about use them or Grab and UBER AS THE LAST RESORT, because you are right. Getting complaints handled or cancellations handled is well nigh impossible or next to it. They do not even have an office there no doubt. Its in Singapore. Ruthless they are

  12. 1 hour ago, InMyShadow said:
    1 hour ago, a1falang said:
    "Another Pattaya own goal"? What is this gibberish? Can someone translate?

    Shooting one self in the foot is pretty close but total BS in this rare instance

    Here we have a typical design fault. "Somebody" had gotten a nice earn out of doing this and rushes in with an untested, by the sounds of it, inadequate piece of design, that looks good and is less than functional. It doesn't matter where it is, but its just such a waste and pathetic bungling by those involved.


    How is this supposed to make people happy. Where is the idea that we can make something really good and get satisfaction from doing it, as well as getting a buck out of it?       Aaah no f. . k that. Lets just get it done and earn a buck.     That attitude is universal and stinks anywhere. 

  13. 3 hours ago, PAIBKK said:

    With their trained eye, they will mention that:

    • The tires have the wrong pressure.
    • You weren't driving at the extreme left side of the road.
    • Not signaling (to the left) when stopping for the police checkpoint.
    • Your bike is dirty and needs to be cleaned as there is some dust on the headlight(s).
    • Not having the orginal parts (modification of mirrors, bar handles, buddyseat) or missing an air valve cap...

    And many more excuses to pull you over and fine you...


    I would say, turn it around.

    Squeeze some money out of the bribing cops by telling to call 1197 and report them, or let them pay up a 1,000 THB or so... I really want to see the face of that cop... :w00t: :cheesy:

    I've been caught by a team of highway cops. I was exceeding the speed limit for sure, by about 50ks on a  highway.  They had no radar. They were very polite. I paid 400baht, or 100 each, because I know how low these guys get paid, I didn't mind paying cash. 

    They let me go. Urged me to slow down. 

    Job done. 

    I slowed down. Fined something I could afford and helped them out.


    People call this corruption. I call it cooperation. Its what works at the time. 

    Some people say this can escalate to unacceptable proportions. Sure when murders are being covered up etc. Very bad. In the same way that marijuana smoking does NOT lead to heroin abuse, small time cooperation does not lead to big time corruption. 

    The various systems we live in are full of much worse things. Far worse corruption. 

    If we must and have the time and the energy, lets concentrate on what really 'is' rotten in Society. 

    That has to do with false flag terrorism projects, international full scale murder committed in wars and so forth. Monopolies in Asia countries like Thailand that keep the people on a slave level of existence.

    These things need exposing. 



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