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Posts posted by Maggusoil

  1. 2 hours ago, lonewolf99 said:

    If they only looked at the right kind of thing on their smart phones they could Google the solution.....................




    this article also mentions a land fill in Bangkok catching fire....so not only do the pollute the land and sea they fire it off in to the sky...... 


    Good one. . . but Singapore gets run by people with their heads screwed on doesn't it? 


    Give them another five years to talk it over, and try to work out who gets the most from syphoning

    off money from the project and Oh Sorry!  They're all gone.

    Disappeared under their own trash. 

    Not sure what to do about it?         Really!       



  2. On 9/30/2017 at 5:57 PM, Raymonddiaz said:

    Buddha said don't drink alcohol. Don't have sexual intercourse with someone who's not your spouse. Don't kill. Don't lie.....Thailand is number 1 in drinking alcohol.....for sex....mairoo.....


    That just shows what happens when you so "don't" to many children. They're ten times more  likely to do it. Right.

    Well I've always been like that. Admission.


    I have renamed the Ten Commandments. The Ten best bits of advice you will get anywhere. Easier? 

  3. On 9/29/2017 at 1:45 PM, axact said:

    So blame anyone but the boys. Not everyone stoops to those levels, for what, a dream of money, chasing the capitalist dream, so why are there any young people left in poor areas ? 

    Only a few demean themselves in the pursuit of money, most make the best of what they have, families and friends. 

    I see some of the posters are those who whilst using Thais blame others, " like happily married to a boy in Chain mai", like the boy would stay if you had no money.


    Life is just one long term of prostitution for some people isn't it? Easy sleazy money.


    Then again, it depends on how large the family is that one is providing for and how low your education is and whether that bit of paper you got in school even allows you the privilege of sweeping the floor in a shop.


    Average provincial menial labour wage in the Philippines is 3,000 pesos/ mnth. That's for a 12 hour a day, 6 day week. That's 288hrs for 3,000 pesos. $59 USD.    20 cents an hour. Most Countries in South East Asia are using slave labour. Can you blame the young people who want a future and are willing to sell their arse to get through University? It happens in the West all the time but nobody talks about that.


    What would you do if you were young and good looking with no education and no hope? 


    How do you think a lot of the best actresses in the world that you love to see at the movies got there? 


    Why do you think Woody Allen had the gall to suggest a liaison with Scarlett Johansen? Because of his looks? Or wealth?


    Lets get real WOWSERS.


  4. A lot of posters seem to want to categorise either bar girls or other than bar girls. There is perhaps a certain deadening of the sensibilities when a girl has had a lot of professional experience, however in the older professionals they often arrive at a better understanding of the business parameters. 


    Girls in these countries are very rarely devoid of "family" So the influence and needs of the family are very important, and the input and results from that relationship are not necessarily predictable. "My" so-called family loved me and my presence in the village and were decidedly unhappy by 'madam's' choice of a richer, younger man. But she was influenced by just two of the 8 sisters. The best looking and the drunkest, maddest. So it goes. A year of coventry in Philippines is showing me a way back to the fold, which I have more or less gotten over except for a 9 year old daughter who I am very close to. We love each other to death. What do you do?


    The girls and their families need to survive and "women" the world over, are programmed to get the right guy who will do the right thing, when the babies start arriving. If a girl is in a relationship which is less than two years old I would suspect she may keep in touch with former prospects, just in case it all went pear shaped. 


    I know a 40 year old professional who has teenage kids in Thailand. She spend three months in Italy, three months in Spain and three months in Germany with different men who all know about each other. Everyone is happy with the arrangement.      


    Keep your eyes open and your pockets full and never lose sight of the fact that we all need to survive. 

  5. On 9/14/2017 at 8:36 AM, Keesters said:

    and how old were they? 17. Old enough to kill themselves riding a motorcycle but not old enough to earn some money the best way they can.

    ex caveat emptor. . . if that is the point of the age bracket. Customers need to be wary. 


    yes, good point.


    Too many wowsers and old matrons here criticise the sex industries in South East Asia.


    Selling drugs and prostitution are desperate but reasonable subs for a lack of work and ridiculously low wages. . . If the powers that be were less interested in the power of being in government and stamping down on the down trodden, they might come up with some creative ways to stimulate business and education. Its a long list but at least have a go. 

  6. 20 minutes ago, sklmeeera said:

    What a selfish cowardly act .


    I dunno. As long as he left enough money for the cleaners. We have the right to do this act. 

    I think its vastly misinformed an action. I only think of the pity I feel for anyone so desperate,

    that all other options just will not come to mind. 


    Many people in this situation want to rid themselves of a being a burden to others. 

  7. 2 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

    Her "alleged" negligence is just negligence now that she has been convicted !!


    That's the last we'll see of her now... New beginnings :)

    the last yes. . . . more or less permanent exile. For someone Thai, that's more serious than you would think. Personally I know a lot of people who would rather be in Thailand, especially if all your family live there. Dubai? For keeps? Yuck. Oh NO. 

  8. 1 hour ago, heybuz said:

    sorry mate but you would be laughed out of court if you tried to use magna carta as a base for a court action or claim. my favourite clause in the magna carta is where your house or dwelling cant be conficated or sold for a debt.try using that in court against a bank. i do although patrtly agree with your sentiments.

    Try asking Dr. John Wilson.



    I have been in court with him. We have run a grand jury together and indicted the judge that sent John Bauskis (76) to jail for wearing a "Democracy is juries in court" tee shirt in a court room. I have challenged the jurisdiction of the court. In court. Believe me when you have the guts this man has and take a lend of them and use some and a bit of knowledge and you get in court and start saying the RIGHT things, they do not laugh. They mumble a lot amongst themselves and hand it up to a higher court.


    For those with the strength of character and patience to get to the Supreme Court it normally gets thrown out. The State Debt Recovery Office is fairly easy meat. But you're right to an extent. A direct attack on the banks is very hard to pull off. Who owns our courts? Don't think about that too much or we'll have a revolution on our hands, let alone in Thailand. That's why they took our guns. So we can't. 

    That's why the military in Thailand at least have a modicum of respect for the Thai people. Because they can and they will use their guns. Besides which they're family. Something we don't have in England and Australia. Family.

    In Thailand. They're all Thais, pretty well. So you're really fighting family. Not so in the West.


    However I assure you they, the court aristocracy in Australia are not laughing. At least not in court. 


    John has been fighting the banks over this for 15 years. IN COURT. Using Magna Carta Law. He can be contacted in Sydney. 


    Some of his escapades are nicely recorded at the following website.



  9. Sanctions are nearly as good as warfare. The only people who suffer are the poor. Who get less than the little they already have. These people, heads of state, that is, need to get together to discuss how they keep the status quo, even if the style of government is different. Take a look around South East Asia and their systems of government. They vary on the surface only. All regimes, supposedly democratic or not are backed by close ties to the military. If the shit hits the fan, out will come the big guns. 

    Lets not kid ourselves, with raving lunatics like Kim Jong-il around, almost any reasonable relationship with anybody else is a good thing. 

    So the diplomatic thing to do in interpersonal relationships, as well as politics, is to talk. I strongly disagree with the Human Rights Watch wishing that Trump would indignantly stamp his foot and say I'm not talking to you. Its ridiculous and immature. 

    Whatever these so called leaders do has to become more transparent with time. As long as we keep up the pressure on them.

    For my experience the Thai people have an above average understanding of politics. Far better for instance than my native Australians and British. 

    This is profoundly frustrating because in my countries, we have laws enabling power to the people. Through Magna Carta we can even change laws. Do people know that? Bloody right they don't. 


  10. 3 hours ago, r136dg said:

    Don't know the genuine cause of the accident but I'm pretty sure one has to have a functioning brain in order for it to fail.


    On another note, once again, these trucking companies have to have educated drivers actively doing pre, during & post inspections every day on their rig. Land transport department should be doing random testing on the roads. Penalties should be enough to hurt the driver & company! Make it worth keeping your crap roadworthy.

    Theoretically speaking of course.


    But did you know all these people that died, are going to be reborn into a better life? So it was a kind of favour. Mai bin rai or Boppan yung, depending on where you live and Five funerals which are generally bigger family parties than weddings or birthdays. Thais know how to "do" death. You have to give them that. 


    So Mai bin rai and all that old sport and don't worry be happy. Its all in a day's life and death. Pass the whiskey white and throw another porker on the barbie. 

  11. On 9/20/2017 at 3:37 PM, CelticBhoy said:

    ". . . possessing illicit drugs with intent to sell, which could spell the end of her acting career."


    Understatement of the year, unless they do a remake of Oliver and need a female Fagan.

    She looks just the part for that role nowadays. What an advert for drug use she is!

    Perhaps this is more to your liking . . . . Perfect. Perfectly legal. . . . Good boys


  12. 8 hours ago, The manic said:

    251 milligrams is a quarter gram. Nothing. Disgraceful inhuman treatment given the conditions in Thai jails the majority of whom the inmates are women on petty drug offences. A blog on the face of Thai humanity. Truly sickening yet  rich killers in cars remain free.

    The sentences for enjoying a little something on the side to enhance an evening or morning, are absurdly and ridiculously high. What sort of a crime is it? The criteria for crime used to be hurting others physically or stealing their possessions.  Yes, like Ferrari Red Bull Cop Killing. Stealing from Govt funded schemes. Are these people hurting someone? No. Are they stealing from anybody? No. Leave them alone for f. . . k's sake. 

  13. 4 hours ago, farcanell said:

    Personally, whilst taking risks, I try to calculate them... factor in such things as risk awareness, risk management and even risk avoidance. (maybe it's just because I don't bounce as well, these days)


    anywho.... a punter on the beach should have the right to expect that the operator has done his due diligence, and that the risk of personal injury has been reduced to "as low as reasonably possible"


    clearly this was not not the case, and the operator should be sued for willfully endangering his clientele....( we all know what the weathers been like over the past week) 


    and whilst recognising that the drive may be the more dangerous part, this does not excuse others from their responsibilities (tourist operators). Devolving to the lowest common denominator is a pretty low bar to set.

    Yes and doing any of these things in South East Asia is a bit suss anyway. 

    Not a good reputation

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