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Posts posted by Maggusoil

  1. 4 hours ago, quadperfect said:

    This whole dog and pony show is hilariouse. I lean towards all thailand is corrupt and dishonest. This way i am not shocked by daily life in the kingdome.


    Yes its a fair comment, but they are not alone people. This stuff goes on everywhere. Its not about politics, its all about money. 

  2. 32 minutes ago, StayinThailand2much said:

    What do you mean with "us"? Most people in the world leave those critters alone. Only in a few countries/regions of the world do they tend to prefer vermin to a good steak or healthy vegetables.

    I just didn' t want to be too vindictive to people doing really stupid things. So I used the Royal plural. 

    Still and all critters are frequently more clever than us when it comes to common sense.

    Additionally where I come from in Thai, the people eat most things because they don't "farm" animals for consumption in 'insanely' cruel institution/ factories for the hoi paloi to "enjoy" their "steaks". 

  3. 6 hours ago, docshock13 said:

    Unless I missed something, it seems the Germans on the bike entered the Russian's lane in an attempt to overtake the pickup and smashed head on into Russian. 

    If so, how can the Russian be charged? 

    Its my understanding they normally charge and hold everyone until the court case, to decide culpability. In this case they cannot. So the Russian remains a suspect, until proven. 

  4. 9 hours ago, dinsdale said:

    Lucky he wasn't in the Philippines with this madman at the helm. Thaksin had nothing on this lunatic.


    No no no. You see. You don't understand the Philippines. There, this man is "ridding" the country of scum people who's only crime is to get a bit of pleasure in their abject poverty from substance use. Poverty being far worse than Thailand and alcohol being not quite the only drug of choice there. There citizens are "encouraged" to just get a gun and kill each other.      Very sensible. Ex-judicial justice on the streets. Keeps the pressure off the police who are busy with the actual business of running things. 

  5. Scaring the public is a crime here now? That's raising the sensitivity bar a little high isn't it?

    Lets not forget the most important of democracy's three vital tenets. Freedom of Speech.


    Sorry. Not a democracy at all here is it? 555


    That's the one they go for most. Freedom of Speech. The internet is a little runaway bunny for the 

    control monsters. Watch out folks.

  6. 4 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

    A 91-year-old Thai woman from Phayao, who earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in human and family development !!!



    Why not spend the resources on the youth of Thailand instead?, what could a 91 year old woman contribute to the development of Thailand!

    You probably won't make it to 90 or anything close, but for those that do, surprise surprise, satisfaction in achievement is a wonderful thing. She sets a great example for other achievers and there can't be enough of it.

  7. 15 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    "..........ban on political gatherings if Yingluck’s supporters are judged to be mobilising politically. "

    Why else would they be mobilising? Because she's an attractive 50 year old woman?  Because she's super rich (at least for now)?

    ". . mobilising politically. . , politically motivated. . . " 555, either way there is not much room for freedom of assembly, which is about right according to the world wide trend in the demise of democracy, even the 1st class democracies. 

  8. One wonders just how much he paid Pol Maj General Kris Piakaew and others to help in the obfuscation and obstruction of all the processes of justice. Little point in that. He has very deep pockets, which appear to be getting deeper every day.


    I don't know how but does anyone know of the current connections between Red Bull and Vorayuth Yoovidhaya? "Red Bull heir" would probably be sufficient. 


    RED BULL HEIR Dirt by association through a petition site may produce results. A petition dragging in the association with Formula One, Ford/ Jaguar or ? Anyone agreeing please get in touch with me. Results of the petition sent to Commissioner Pol Lt General Sanit Mahathavorn and major international news outlets. 


    The longer this lasts the more rigid the fingers will point at those in Thailand that secure justice for the rich.


    This was why the English invented the Magna Carta in 1215 and in my opinion, what made Britain great, because ordinary people had a justice system that protected them from the wealthy. This provides unity and cohesiveness in society. The collective ego of a country is less divided.


    This situation in Thailand needs to be addressed.

  9. 7 hours ago, gedster said:

    The driver filming the video was very calm and unfazed of what he just witnessed. He didn't make a sound or take evasive action. Probably seen this too often on the road. 

    I do however wonder why it is that people that witnessed an accident like this, do not stop and render assistance in the case of injured drivers or passengers.

    , , , , because if you do stop, you can easily end up getting blamed for something

  10. 3 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

    The Tourism association should hire him. 

     He does more to bring attention to Thailand than probably any one else on the internet. He single handed gets millions of views on things in Thailand he is an asset not a liability.

     The Thais should thank him for his contribution to bringing Thailand to the masses. More tourism more business etc.

     Must remember there is no bad press.

    Yes a marketing truism, there is no such thing as 'bad' publicity. . . . . you may not like him but he's a clever man and if he just stays to the right side of the law he will do well, but he may have outstayed his Welcome Wai Whitey. 

  11. 9 hours ago, kannot said:

    they  never  are  with  the  gullible  and  stupid  who'll believe anything  without a shred of  evidence..............this  the  harm belief  without evidence can  cause


    I suppose the point is, in terms of the psychology behind it, if the individuals believe in eternal life, and which requires constant death and rebirth to maintain the flow, then they may have a more reckless approach to survival of the current ego. Right? Well that's my twig on it. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Titan1962 said:

    Sorry to see the death of any tourist here in Thailand. But when you live in or visit a country with very substandard regards towards life and safety, this sort of thing comes across as acceptable.Nothing will change,it's another day today and life goes on.

    and death . . . and in the land of rebirth, the consequences are not as final. Are they?

  13. 4 hours ago, SABloke said:

    Peter Scully was arrested - the soldier that totured the boy in the OP has been walking around free for 6 months. 

    (Read post #7)

    Point taken and a very good point. I was referring more to the crime and the criminals more than the apprehension and the justice. 


    That is absolutely unforgivable and a blight on those in command. 

  14. 2 hours ago, Lingba said:

    absolutely disgustingly sad....how could any human being do this to another..especially a young child...??


    3 hours ago, fasteddie said:

    I couldn't agree more.

    Lets not get too carried away with criticisms of Thailand or other Asian countries. Comparing this with what the Australian pedophile and professional torturer Peter Scully has done to children  http://www.news.com.au/world/asia/australian-child-molester-peter-scully-faces-death-penalty-in-philippines/news-story/f15a28a8b971d95f815b5f6105814ff9


    It seems to me these beasts can emanate from any nationality. I think the death penalty is too good for this scum. 

    Permanent incarceration in concrete and bars on Manus Island by other professional torturers, employed by the Australian Government, would be more fitting perhaps. 

  15. Ever since doing some hastily trained for parachute drops in Australia, I have a natural distrust of this excitement technology. Everyone was so jazzed at the whole thing and I was thinking why are people so happy, I had only just "grasped" the emergency procedures and I was the most together of about 10 people. Six months later they "bounced" a student. To death. 

    It can happen anywhere. He obviously wasn't trained properly. This should be a general warning to others, PARTICULARLY in places like Thailand. Take a look at the people "selling" the rides and make a choice. Anyway, I'm also 70  and I was contemplating doing some of this, but you have to choose your venue with care. 

    And by the way to those a. holes who scoff at "us" septuagenarians having fun, I can swim two lengths of a 30 meter pool underwater on one breath hold and surf 8-10 foot waves on a short board so think again about "old" age. 

    Something else is also possible in Asia that keeps me young besides tai chi and yoga, but I won't go into that. 5555555

  16. 3 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

    This kid is an obvious Physco,just deport him to Syria,he would fit in well there.

    come on everybody, we all should know its yaba induced psychosis. Give the kids some quality drugs and you'd get less of this. This stuff which is like very bad speed, amphetamine, is full of shit and it literally sends people off their heads. Banning marijuana was and is a very 'bad' idea. They combine yaba with lao cao alcohol and go off their heads. 

    This is the result of not legalising drugs, and utilising comprehensive education programs. This is pure unadulterated laziness at the top of the regime, and the alcohol lobby paying for its supremacy. 

    The kid is undereducated, full of drugs, alcohol and testosterone, hasn't even got a father who could take him to the local short stay with a decent girl and yes probably psychotic as a result. 

  17. 2 hours ago, Mrjlh said:

    According to witness/s the armed men show up at 4 PM, wait until 8 PM then shoots ever everyone at 11PM  and not one person thinks they should call Police even at 4 PM? For 7 hours not one person though it was unusual to have armed men in fatigues and do nothing about it?   Sad testament to how society responds to suspicious activity when they see it.  I'd be suspicious of the witness.

    Just maybe as is the case in village life, the people who "noticed" men in fatigues turning up at 4pm had no desire to stop whatever was going to happen because someone may not be very popular with a lot of other people. There is a code in the country that we westerners are not aware of. Some murderers get off very lightly because nobody liked the bastard he or she disposed of anyway. I've always thought village life in Thai was a bit like a combination of 13th century England and the wild west. 

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