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Posts posted by Maggusoil

  1. How many man hours? How much effort? What utter irresponsible waste of resources. 8 Yabba pills, suggests such evil, crime and corruption that this even gets "aired"?


    There is a serious question mark over what is important. Fine its a funny photograph, but about what?

    Does this poor individual now have to pay the police to stay out of prison because he was just trying to have a bit of a good time? Most likely and if he cannot another waste of a good life that although a little high at night or with his friends, would still be going to work and living with his family and being productive.

    The world is crazy.

  2. 4 hours ago, muluc said:

    ....i think statistics are never objective, i lived in bangkok a year long recently and i found it quite save, even i rode a hired 'pun pun' bicycle all the time, i love krung thep...:-)

    I have a friend 76 who has lived there all her life. No problems so far. So ??????

    How does this work?

    Anyway you know about the people that collect these so-called statistics. REally . . . . . . !!!


  3. The Australian Government is only likely to find out if and when you enter the country with your Thai wife and you say you are married. Then within the prescribed time, she will be entitled to Aus benefits.


    Whether or not you let the Department of Births Deaths and Marriages know you are married is up to you, and you can let Centerlink know you are married. If you don't tell Dept BD&M, means you can divorce without the Aus expenses and complications. 


    In other words at the moment I believe you can keep these two information streams separate. 

  4. 3 hours ago, DM07 said:

    I hope Zuckerberg tells Prayut to shove his facebook- plans, where the sun don't shine!

    But with the sleazebag Zuckerberg is, I highly doubt it!

    Yes a couple of billionaire control freaks, putting their heads together over our welfare!

    Can that be a good thing? If you don't laugh you cry. Lets see what comes out of it and what sort of shit we have to go through. 

  5. On 10/15/2017 at 5:07 PM, smedly said:

    Improvement, as long as I have been here I have seen none

    Judging by the reports of this kind, there does not seem to have been an "improvement" at least in the 10 years I have experience in Thailand. In fact of late it is as bad if not worse than ever. 

    About the only country/ territory that seems to have "improved" their law and order record in ASEAN at least, is Singapore, and I guess we can largely say they have concentrated hard, on disincentives. Harsh penalties actually working. I better not do that, I don't want a really hard spanking. 


    We may find them repugnantly hard, but humans are resilient, ruthless animals that need to be trained. 

    It seems that with the degeneration of polite society under the influence of ever more lax moral codes, excuses, lame reasons, the influence of designer drugs and the blanket penetration of pharmaceuticals, our ability to reason, seems to be declining. 


    I am an optimist, but we have to "see" the rot before we cut it out.

  6. 1 hour ago, smedly said:

    it is time the authorities started to ask why people need to go to the media (not just this particular case) to get the police to actually do what they are supposed to do, that is a fundamental 3rd world flaw and needs to be addressed, we all know and have heard about people going to the police to report a crime and  have basically been told to (piss) off unless they go to the media or are willing to pay money, that is not how policing works in any civilised country 


    Fine but we come to 3rd World countries for myriad "other" benefits. Don't we? So what can we expect?

  7. On 9/22/2017 at 5:14 PM, Laza 45 said:

    ...I woke up to a fight in the corridor of a hotel.. guy finds the 'girl' he brought back has tackle..  next morning staff say to me...'he should have asked us if he wanted a girl... we can tell the difference'!  To the untrained eye it may be difficult.. but really .. big hands, Adams apple.. lack of subcutaneous fat.. and voice are giveaways.. I think you would have to be pissed and hopeful to make a mistake! 

    I think Airlines should have notices like little videos for passengers arriving. The Dangers of Transgender Men and How to Identify Them. 

  8. 1 hour ago, r136dg said:

    Yea, but what if that Australian British nut bag had access to an AK rather than a machete???

    People like that screw things up for the rest of us. 

    Yes well we should all get in touch wiht our Expat frineds o/s and let the know not to come here and attack people with machetes for fear of getting a bad reputation


  9. 4 hours ago, isitworthit said:

    Why would anyone leave there bag outside a toilet 

    and again not all  Australians are like this and one point 

    all Nationals have there bad seeds not just Australians so stop the hate 

    Its opportunistic racism. There are so many Thai baggers on here, that any opportunity to bring the baggers down to size is seized upon. Normal sort of biff baff buff stuff. Best not to take much notice of it.

  10. 4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    This shows everything that is wrong with road usage in Thailand. She thinks she can park wherever she wants, can drive away knocking others down with impunity and will probably get a piss poor fine with a couple of wai's thrown in. Only when this sort of antosocial behaviour is rewarded with significant jail time, are we ever likely to see improvements in peoples driving behaviour here.

    That's not dangerous driving its assault with what is potentially a deadly weapon. They should upgrade the charge. 


  11. 15 minutes ago, UnkleMoooose said:

    Indiana Jones chasing robots. What's not to love.

    If we or anybody else could really tell who was a skin job and who wasn't . . 


    I am an enormeous fan of the first movie, not sure about this one and the bad guy is so awful you

    wonder what his problem is. I think he needs bad guy therapy, is he a skin job too? 

    They walk among us. . . . 

  12. This is one of the areas that alcohol plays its role on such a regular basis, its happening as we speak all day, every day, 24 hours a day all over the world. If we had the ears for it, we would be listening to the car crunches, one after the other, while we are having our morning coffee. All day every day. Like a ruthless killing machine.


    On the other hand, for people who want to puff on some weed and drive half the speed, and probably more carefully, or chill out with some heroin and contemplate the garden of eden, or just have a few dreams with opium or hashish, or even speed up a little in the mind for dancing on a little meth; they risk getting put in the pen for twenty years to life or being EXECUTED by the state. That means the State make you Dead. Finished. Reducing you to a memory for your family.


    Thou Shalt Drink Alcohol and Nothing but Alcohol for Your Pleasures.

    Thou Shalt Have No Other Drugs Before Me. etc etc


    Something is not right here. The law and people's priorities are so bent out of shape, the plot has been lost completely.

    Before the wowsers, start tsk tsking and wagging their great pudgy or bony fingers, sure any drug can be abused, but we cannot prevent the odd people from going to excess on anything or buying the wrong stuff because it is illegal and there are no quality controls. Its human nature to make mistakes, but getting some rationality in the law wouldn't be a bad thing. Would it?


    I know of a tall, handsome, personable young Pakistani man wasting his time away in one of the worst places on earth, a Philippine jail, because he got caught with a bit of meth and refused to sleep with the disgustingly obese, pimply, greasy daughter of the local Chief of Police. Well he did it once in desperation before making himself sick and taking his medicine like a man. She must be pretty awful.

    How's that for the so called Law and Justice set?

    So what's life like for him now? He gets his meth in the jail and probably has to have his sex alone.

    While BIG ALCOHOL'S death drum beats in his ears at night, rumbling away in the distance endlessly.

    What a waste.


  13. 10 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    Dunno, I agreed to marry mine after a week, was married a week later, lasted 8 years so far.

    The previous one in the UK, dated for two years and was a complete disaster.


    As for the reporting quality .......

    Was it his previous wife that weighed 350lbs?

    He certainly doesn't look that big.

    Good luck to them . . . . . 

    I think they'll do OK. . They're both lucky . . . Too many naysayers here

    These days love's a lottery, you gotta have a ticket to win it . . . . . 

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