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Posts posted by Maggusoil

  1. He just lost the love of his life.


    No matter what happened, he will be replaying whatever mistakes he felt he made, if there was a fault, over and over in his mind, wishing to God it had happened another way, for a long time.


    Those of us that would be more cautious with a high powered water machine, can conjecture as to the wisdom or folly of it all, but there will be no one more aware of this than he is right now.       A terrible accident.


  2. 3 hours ago, jonclark said:

    It has been aparent for some considerable time the the police and unable t9 police themselves. Perhaps a brave future government should remove the power of the police to physically collect fine money. If fined the offender pays the fine to a different legal entity. The police enforce the law but never collect the fine. 


    Problem with this is, if the police can't collect the fines the government will have to pay them a decent wage to compensate for not being able to fend for themselves.

  3. 6 hours ago, PatOngo said:

    Finally.............a poll that you can believe.   :thumbsup:


    Some people can believe anything. Sorry but what I know about Australians is that they would believe anything. Especially how brilliant they think they are. I wonder if they can figure out how their government sold areas of Australia out from under their feet bigger than most European countries and they didn't benefit from it?   Or how the government in front of their faces are allowing  a coal mine to destroy the Great Barrier Reef, and which is owned by a company in the Cayman Islands. Or how most of their "own" banks have their registered offices "offshore" haha 5555

    In fact I find the Thais politically aware, which is why most things are cheaper in Thailand so their own poor can have a dignified existence.

    Sure it may be a hard country and tough as nails and corruption, laziness and pure cowardice are rife, but I think these comparisons are missing huge ares of supposed understanding that are not really understood at all.

    After the last two elections, most of the villagers in North Thailand that I spoke to had a very good grasp of who was paying who to stay on the top.

    Not so in Australia. For Australians, corruption does not exist at the top. That's how deluded they are. "We" are, as I am one of them. However, at least I know what's going on. The big con. That's why the pollies always smile. Whether they'e supposedly "in power" or not. They couldn't give a rat's arse. They have their repective snouts in the trough and are making the average Aussie pay. And Pay. And Pay. And Pay.

  4. 4 hours ago, tominbkk said:

    Yeah my dad was a pacifist but had to get over that instinct.  


    Seeing a nasty woman like that who obviously enjoys hurting young children makes me so angry.  I really do feel that she needs a couple years in prison for that.


    That's a crime. Its criminal. Its intention to do bodily harm. Its a defenseless child. I'd give her at least two years and 10,000 blood money. That would put other teachers off pretty quickly.

  5. On 22/12/2016 at 11:44 AM, Peterw42 said:


    I agree, What about a dedicated forum here on Thaivisa, keeping the black dog at bay, sharing experiences, your not alone etc. It would need monitoring and moderation by some people with a knowledge of psychology etc. 


    Yes I agree but in line with an old stydy of psycholoy I read abot 20 years ago in a blind group of 200 people with problems, and who were fed through a series of therapists. Pscyhiatrists, psychologists, social workers and ordinary people off the street. The results reflected not training but a personality type. Warm and sympathetic with good listening skills.

    Its important that there is "someone" there, who can listen and respond with sympathy or empathy. I have done of a lot of telephone "psychology" and been very successful at it, utilising these same dynamics. Not completely untrained, but more importantly keeping in mind the same dynamics.

    Re-empowering people who felt they had lost control.

    I think that there is a certain lack of feeling which is quite predominant in Thailand, and makes people in a crisis feel desperate.

    A servicee of this type is needed for people in this crisis.

  6. On 19/12/2016 at 7:23 PM, Strange said:


    The only people that claim he threw the first punch were the group that put the guy in the hospital. The people that beat the shit out of the guy are the ones claiming that he threw the first punch. 


    On what planet is that objective police work or reporting? On what planet is that a credible group of witnesses?


    I like this criticism of IMHO, but we will never know the answer to that opinion either. The point is, the likelihood is very high, given the parameters of my experience and those of others, that it went that way. Ask yourself, how often do you know of that you have checked a bill and found it wanting in their favour and let it go at that, thinking I'll keep better tabs next time. Usually the girls/ waitresses or whatever are going to benefit.

    So our reasoning goes, why make a fuss a fight? Why fuss at all. This is really the point.

    Just as the dangers of Australian beaches should be advertised on air flights in to the country, I think there is a message that needs to be conveyed coming into Thailand. Their friendliness belies a nature, like other apparently passive civilizations, for example Indonesia, when the locals get pushed too hard things can get really nasty and very quickly.

  7. That's good to know. Should be more of this " useful" info here. I ddidn't know this. I was thinking about a hotline myself and when people run out of ideas its often good to have someone to talk to and help with. Anecdotally there does seem to be a lot of suicides of falungs in this country. Run out of money, ideas and love all at once, the future can seem bleak, but suicide is unecessary.

  8. 5 hours ago, Old Croc said:

    Strange and Frits. You're both right.

    The question is, does drunken, boorish behaviour, even swinging the first punch, deserve the level of violence so called "security guards? mete out on tourists. They use overwhelming numbers, boots, sticks, everything is considered fair in their minds.

    CCTV footage, when it hasn't mysteriously disappeared,  has highlighted excessive force by these thugs in many incidences. Remember the Boat Captain who defended himself against the mob, the three Australian youths beaten and kicked outside a club after a bill dispute. The Russian in Karon who fought back, the Aussie tour operator who had to brandish a fake gun to save himself from a mob. And who could forget the actor Jeremey Renner and the home made axe wielded by a security guard? The list goes on and on.

    I'd prefer to see footage or hear independent testimony before rushing to judgement.   

    You got a big loud mouthed drunken boorish yobbo who is getting aggressive and throws the first punch. It was his choice to go that route, instead of quietly, without emotion going through the bill, piece by piece and or keeping tabs on his drinking. I've lived in Thailand on and off for 4 years and never got into a fight with anybody. There are simply ways to do things and ways not to.


    You don't want to get bitten, don't stamp around in snake pits.

  9. 2 hours ago, ezzra said:

    This man should be in a asylum for the critically insane and deranged psychopath,

    he has no business in running a country of 100 million of mostly

    poor and uneducated people, and someone should stop him now, by any means,

    before he dose more damage......



    I read somewhere a few years ago, psychopathology occurrs in about 1 in 100 people. That's a lot of psychopaths. Psychopaths have no conscience further than improving their lives by any means. Manipulation is the name of the game and due to the laws of attraction and mutual interests, they tend to gather in areas where they can exert their power to the exclusion of all else.

    Politics, religion, the police, care of the young and defenseless.

    Here we have a full blown psychopath in full blown out of control mode.

    They exist in the West but their techniques by necessity have to be more subtle. aka the Clintons, although not that subtle.

    This is why he, Duterte, will continue to get away with it and the only people that can ever do anything about it are so socially engineered by now, they just shrug and smile and say ". . come what may. . " Sorry to the people of the Philippines, but I fear that one way or the other, we are all in the same boat.

  10. 3 hours ago, impulse said:


    A capitol city where you can get a decent room downtown with A/C for $25, eat on the street for $2 and get a nice mango snack for $0.60?  And spend a great day gawking pretty much for free?


    Edit: Sure, you can blow a big wad in BKK.  But you don't have to.


    I always smile when I realize that I'm getting paid to be here...


    Totally agree with this. The best, most nutritious street food in Asia, the friendliest vendors, good travel infrastructure. My favourite too.

  11. On 25/10/2016 at 7:09 AM, kalbo123 said:

    This guy did nothing wrong in Thailand accept spending his legally earned cannabis money in the Netherlands in Thailand.

    Does this mean all foreign (legal) cannabis sellers are outlaws in Thailand?

    What does this mean for other people who have a profession abroad, but forbidden in Thailand?

    Dutch government should take action in getting this guy out of jail asap!




    and as publicly as possible. How ludicrous, what will they think of next?

    Be careful of what you say about Lese Majeste laws or those they protect when you go back home too.

  12. 2 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    Arresting people on the basis of their colour is racial profiling. 


    Arrest drug dealers, no one's complaining about that, but do it on the basis of evidence not colour. 


    Many ways to catch a fish, they did it this way and got some results! So . . . they got results       if all the drugs were legal these so called

    "scum", even "black scum", wouln't have a job would they? End of the story right there

  13. 18 hours ago, jamesbrock said:

    8 years in a Thai prison while going through the Thai (in)justice system because of a debt he owes the Dutch government - is there something I'm missing?? :blink:


    There's something we're all missing. A competent justice system. Competent morals. Adequate transparency. Middle ages here.

  14. 1 hour ago, Thian said:

    In my whole life i have never ever read any positive news about Nigerians. Are they all so bad?


    No. I just met one in Manila. A beautiful award winning, actress and film director. Smart, good looking, honest and very chic. I should not go on, but I am truly grateful, but probalby not in the race. Anyway in answer to your question. NO.

  15. 3 hours ago, apalink_thailand said:

    "Champion Overstayers Awards"...ROFL. Brlliant. 


    Yes what a great headline! 

    One of the folks up in my remote part of the world, is on his way out health wise. I guess they've missed him in the roundups.


    7 years!! Overstay.


    No one really understands why a guy with copious rubber plantations, a house with all the family around him and so on and so forth would endanger his situation in this way. Now wheel chair bound, to be sent home at this stage of things would be

    outrageously inconvenient. Strange, this overstaying thing, when you have all the qaulaifications to remain.

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