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Posts posted by Maggusoil

  1. 2 hours ago, Lingba said:

    absolutely disgustingly sad....how could any human being do this to another..especially a young child...??


    3 hours ago, fasteddie said:

    I couldn't agree more.

    Lets not get too carried away with criticisms of Thailand or other Asian countries. Comparing this with what the Australian pedophile and professional torturer Peter Scully has done to children  http://www.news.com.au/world/asia/australian-child-molester-peter-scully-faces-death-penalty-in-philippines/news-story/f15a28a8b971d95f815b5f6105814ff9


    It seems to me these beasts can emanate from any nationality. I think the death penalty is too good for this scum. 

    Permanent incarceration in concrete and bars on Manus Island by other professional torturers, employed by the Australian Government, would be more fitting perhaps. 

  2. Ever since doing some hastily trained for parachute drops in Australia, I have a natural distrust of this excitement technology. Everyone was so jazzed at the whole thing and I was thinking why are people so happy, I had only just "grasped" the emergency procedures and I was the most together of about 10 people. Six months later they "bounced" a student. To death. 

    It can happen anywhere. He obviously wasn't trained properly. This should be a general warning to others, PARTICULARLY in places like Thailand. Take a look at the people "selling" the rides and make a choice. Anyway, I'm also 70  and I was contemplating doing some of this, but you have to choose your venue with care. 

    And by the way to those a. holes who scoff at "us" septuagenarians having fun, I can swim two lengths of a 30 meter pool underwater on one breath hold and surf 8-10 foot waves on a short board so think again about "old" age. 

    Something else is also possible in Asia that keeps me young besides tai chi and yoga, but I won't go into that. 5555555

  3. 3 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

    This kid is an obvious Physco,just deport him to Syria,he would fit in well there.

    come on everybody, we all should know its yaba induced psychosis. Give the kids some quality drugs and you'd get less of this. This stuff which is like very bad speed, amphetamine, is full of shit and it literally sends people off their heads. Banning marijuana was and is a very 'bad' idea. They combine yaba with lao cao alcohol and go off their heads. 

    This is the result of not legalising drugs, and utilising comprehensive education programs. This is pure unadulterated laziness at the top of the regime, and the alcohol lobby paying for its supremacy. 

    The kid is undereducated, full of drugs, alcohol and testosterone, hasn't even got a father who could take him to the local short stay with a decent girl and yes probably psychotic as a result. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Mrjlh said:

    According to witness/s the armed men show up at 4 PM, wait until 8 PM then shoots ever everyone at 11PM  and not one person thinks they should call Police even at 4 PM? For 7 hours not one person though it was unusual to have armed men in fatigues and do nothing about it?   Sad testament to how society responds to suspicious activity when they see it.  I'd be suspicious of the witness.

    Just maybe as is the case in village life, the people who "noticed" men in fatigues turning up at 4pm had no desire to stop whatever was going to happen because someone may not be very popular with a lot of other people. There is a code in the country that we westerners are not aware of. Some murderers get off very lightly because nobody liked the bastard he or she disposed of anyway. I've always thought village life in Thai was a bit like a combination of 13th century England and the wild west. 

  5. 15 hours ago, lvr181 said:

    "...the distribution is taken out of the hands of criminals. You cannot argue that. Its a mere fact."

    Never argued against that. 

    But the violence by the users of many drugs remains so to use the same system all over again doesn't really solve anything! I do not know what the solution is.

    The violence is inherent in our nature. The stimulants, e.g. amphetamines, coke, etc can often raise the level, with alcohol being the fuel to lower the inhibitions. That's pretty toxic. Its a very big subject, but the only way to control the manufacturing, distribution and usage is to have it all made legal.           

    It rips away the "cool" aura, it takes away the indulgence in the illicit and that sneaky bad little person syndrome, it provides funding for drug education programmes. A role model of this sort of attitude change has made the Marlboro Man an anachronism in this modern age where it is no longer kool to smoke cigarettes and I frequently find smokers apologising to me for lighting up!

    Would the Marlboro Man have ever done that?

    It takes time to change attitudes. Always keeping in mind that by far the most dangerous of all the drugs, is the one you can buy in the corner store. Alcohol. 

    It is hypocritical, particularly in the eyes of the young when their associations with drugs are usually formed, to be hounding the users of marijuana into death penalties, in Asia and elsewhere, for the equivalent of wanting to have a smoke and listen to some music, or enhance other pleasures while the all legal alcohol is readily available and providing the psychological fertiliser, for all manners of aberrant, violent and dangerous behaviours. Including the often fatal, falling asleep at the wheel.

    It is all agreed, for sure, any drug can be misused or consumed with other drugs to produce toxic results but if the drug is sold legally, it can come with a warning, such as those that exist on a lot of cigarette packs these days.

    We will never lose our desires for pleasure. We will always make mistakes when intoxicated with anything, even joy. For instance the poor young couple recently in the fatal jet ski accident. We cannot rule that out.

    The "legal banning" of drugs only goes to make criminals wealthy, who benefit from selling them. Too simple to be true?

    Sometimes truths are like that.

    It always makes me wonder how many "friends in the business" these politicians have, that are so keen on keeping this idiotic status quo going. The more virulent their attacks in the war on drugs, the more suspicious I am.

  6. 3 hours ago, dotpoom said:

    Nothing to do with what happened here, better to stick with what's relevant and the facts.

      The driver did not indicate to other road users that he intended to take a turn ( by using his indicator) which is what caused the student to hit his car.

       This arrogance seems to common amoung many Thai drivers.

    Arrogance, read ignorance, total lack of common sense and like it or not, one wonders when on the road sometimes, how many monkeys there are behind the wheels of Mercs. I find most drivers are not too bad. Its always the way that the bad ones stick out further. 

  7. 9 hours ago, lvr181 said:

    Duh? When people do not have money for the drugs they crave, they commit crimes (often involving violence) to obtain the money. How will legalising the drugs stop that? :post-4641-1156693976: Alcohol is legal but the violence continues.

    Tobacco is legal but with huge bad health effects.  Think outside the square. There is not a simplistic solution.


    So thinking outside the square? Your thinking please? Duh? High on criticism but short on answers it seems.


    This is not about solving all crime and when people do not have money for drugs, what percentage commit crimes? Lots of generalised  bits of obvious facts, but no cohesive solutions here in your rant. 

    The violence continues because one of the results of drinking is a propensity for violence. The fact that it is legal to obtain is precisely the point. Where is the logic in it?     There isn't any. It is just lobbying for you dollar by big alcohol.


    By legalising all drugs, the simple fact is that the distribution is taken out of the hands of criminals. You cannot argue that. Its a mere fact. The drugs lose their illicit fun flavour. Opium, grass and other stupefacients help people chill out and write novels. Any humourists out there.

  8. 11 hours ago, halloween said:

    In most western countries, alcohol and tobacco products are heavily taxed to help off set the costs (and more) of abuse. Most of this is paid by recreational users who will never have serious problems.

    If all drugs are legalised, would you be prepared to pay similar tax levels to help cover the costs of treatment of abusers? If the taxes were imposed, would users pay them, or go back to their old ways?

    If people fall foul of their own abuse, then they should also pay for their own treatment. This is about personal responsibility. Responsible enough to make the choice to imbibe and responsible enough to pay for the result, good bad or indifferent. Nanny statism, is an anachronism and all about not taking responsibility. The brave new world.

  9. 12 hours ago, Essaybloke said:

    It's not so much that the drug is so bad, it's how the drug is used. The way I and millions of others use alcohol or prescription drugs is perfectly fine. The issues begin when the drugs are misused, of course. I agree with most of what you say but certainly can't agree with your last point (if I understand it correctly). Prohibition simply does not work, and banning something for religious reasons is damned oppression, (notice that they don't ban tobacco for instance). No, more prohibition is not the answer.

    No. Not in favour of any prohibition. We need to be educated enough to make our own choices. Or not. The choice should be there. 

  10. 10 hours ago, whatawonderfulday said:

    I would have thought Tobacco was the most dangerous substance

    As a danger to health no. Nothing kills like alcohol and you can add big pharma products that endanger human life

    on this planet. What we're talking about here are products taken for their pleasure or stimulation value. By comparison,

    nothing comes close to alcohol as a danger to human life and a destroyer of families, individuals and a desensitiser that allows people to do horrific things to others. 

    This is not to say other drugs are all clean of danger, but the argument is that it is at least legal in most non-muslim countries, and possession of other recreational drugs in some countries can get you the death penalty, and that health hazard is out of all proportion to the crime. A crime that does not involve endangering others or hurting others.

    In this fact also it seems that in muslim countries that have made alcohol illegal, by comparison, they've got that right.

  11. 1 hour ago, eggers said:

    Certainly hope AUS police get those responsible in AUS; they destroy people's lives for their greed!!

    Nobody destroys anybody else's life. People with their own malice and aforethought, seek out drug dealers to buy the substances they want. If they then destroy their lives, it is their choice. Or as is the case, as many do, they imbibe a bit on a Saturday night and stay substance free the rest of the week.               Freely chosen, with the risks calculated.

    It is not as if the drug dealers are distributing enticing advertising in their letter boxes or online. Is it? Or standing over them with a glass pipe saying "Smoke! Or I kill you."


    Get real and if you think that other people cannot take responsibility for their lives, then is it highly likely that you cannot do so yourself. You need the state to impose its guidelines upon you, because you cannot do it yourself.


    When the whole of modern society wakes up to the fact that legalising drugs is the only way to educate people properly about their dangers and pleasures, we will have a more balanced society less dependent on the most dangerous substance on earth. Alcohol.

    Wakey wakey people.

  12. 10 hours ago, thai006 said:

    so sad   party with mdma is just fabolousssss

    What is the problem here. That way back in America, when the alcohol companies started losing money because of the popularity of marijuana, they put pressure on the pollies to ban it and of course anything else which competes with the true drug of death for ascendency. 

    None of these drugs cause as much damage as alcohol. This is pure and utter madness, precipitated by dishonest politicians, who hide behind comments regarding "drug lords" frequently working for the police, hidden investments of their own, payments from alcohol companies and so on and so forth. 

    Imbibing of a substance for pleasure. How does that get to be interpreted as a crime? A crime is an offence against another human being, not enjoying oneself. Do the politically correct "nanny" statists clucking about 'such a good thing' really believe themselves. Yes. They do. Standing around in their aprons and the washing up liquid.


    I have been imbibing various since I was 2 when I first got drunk from drinking a pink Gin left on a low table, that makes close to 70 years. My enlightened parents were liberals. At 71, I am in perfect health and take no medications whatsoever. My life of imbibing has not even touched the sides of my health. I can swim the length of a 60 meter pool underwater and look twenty years younger than I am. 


    Explain that to your stupid Nannies who cluck cluck cluck over their eggs of pseudo dismay. 


    Grow up people. Legalise all drugs. Get rid of all the drug lords in the police instantly. Turn the money raised into drug education and lets party (sic). At least, let the poor enjoy their poverty which is at the heart of this.

    Then lets tackle poverty, one of the root causes of all this 'shit'.

  13. 8 hours ago, carabaothai said:


    It is very bad to attack a woman. 

    This man is very bad 


    But this "That means you have to accept our culture and treat us respectfully, especially with women." 

    How many times I've seen thai men young or not, thai husbands attacking with a lot of violence women or their wife in the street and nobody to help the woman! 


    Also... Every night in every thai soap opera we can see women attacked by thai men..

    This is thai culture also and it is bad also! 

    Two wrongs? Two wrongs don't make a right. In 50 years of associating with hookers, I never met one wanted to hit me for "no" reason. First the drunken slob, should absorb the slap and walk away apologising if necessary. As any real man should. Setting an example of what real men do. What a moronic, druken, bully really is. I am never ashamed to be an Australian, this man comes from Neanderthal Valley, where ever that is.

  14. Was it the bible or the old bard Willie S that coined the Truth will Out. I think both. The net is the one place that's leaking truths like a sieve. So I agree. The sooner the military get out of politics the better. 

    Freedom of Speech, free elections and I know their are detractors, but juries in courts, saw the English create the greatest empire known to modern history. That court system has done well in North America, Canada, Australia, in particular the United States, even India. Even if the people don't use it to full advantage its there and it is a bastion for accountability and transparency. 

    Power to the people is a great idea, but do the people have the nous, or the time, or even the interest to actually use the power to think for themselves? The answer is no. Elect some other mug to do their best or their worst and keep drinking. Its all really too hard. Isn't it? The reason Thailand keeps working under a clod of military neanderthals is that the people know how to work the till themselves, or toil the sod, or whatever it is and local officials and village heads are good at what they do. Everyone know its nearly always corrupt at the top, no matter who's steering the boat.

  15. On 6/22/2017 at 0:53 AM, SiamBeast said:

    Deport him if you must, but he doesn't deserve to be in jail. It's pure BS.

    But why deport him? These imbecile turkey, politically correct, point scoring fun police are just pissed off he has made a fabulous success of selling one of the world's most useful substances, legally and for profit and then used the profit to come to Thailand and set up with one of their own, buy a few beautiful toys because it is also "fun" to do so and enjoy his life.

    Legal punishment is reserved for those that do other's harm. Has he harmed anyone? Let's not go down the road of selling drugs is harmful before we pass legislation to take away licences from every club, pub, hotel, restaurant, liquor store, corner store or supermarket to sell the world's most harmful digestible drug.

    Get real. Apologise to him for the dreadful mistake you/we have made. Compensate him generously for the injurious and wrongful deprivation of his liberty and set him free. For God's sake people. Lets get our priorities right. My God. 

  16. 4 hours ago, ezzra said:


    The PM may have good intentions, but the road to hell, as they say, paved

    with good intentions....

    Ecclesiastes 1:9

    All things are wearisome; Man is not able to tell it. The eye is not satisfied with seeing, Nor is the ear filled with hearing. That which has been is that which will be, And that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun.

    Is there anything of which one might say, "See this, it is new "? Already it has existed for ages Which were before us.…

    Great stuff. 

    If people are doing business without rancour and honestly, and it is hurting no one, then what is the problem?

    One of the problems is jealousy. Fun police. Let it be.

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