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Posts posted by Maggusoil

  1. 8 hours ago, canopus1969 said:

    This proves they are getting desperate   :shock1:

    One wonders if any of these "high end" visitors, will want high end attractions like transparent governance, freedom of speech, democracy, lack of high end corruption in government, a transparent court system, juries in courts and so on and so forth. Or is it just a free loading froth up of financial floss making? Desperate for investment perhaps? 

  2. On 3/31/2017 at 6:51 AM, Darron said:

    He was charged with rape and sodomy of the child and granted bail. He then fled by using an old childhood friend's details to obtain a passport.

    At this point most people extrapolate and use their imaginations if they have one. the question being obviously to "most", how does he get bail. OK? Got that? Another cup of coffee?

  3. On 3/29/2017 at 10:41 PM, Catkiwi said:

    Short memories ......a few weeks ago this guy was said to be heading to Wat Mapka sckool to teach. We checked through contacts and found he had indeed been teaching there (dont forget he had been convicted before of sodomy ona 5 year old) when our source asked questions at the Wat, they said he had gone 1 week before but they had no clue he was the ass i question.....clearly this SA dad has cause for concern, even for a beatch ex!!

    How do you get convicted of sodomy on a 5 year old and you are still free . . . ? Isn't that how Paul Scully started out?

  4. On 3/24/2017 at 11:36 AM, Happyman58 said:

    Oh they understand the rules alright But the thing that is lacking is patience  And they unfortuantly  dont have any Its me me first and i dont care as long as i get there first. And when the keystone cops are around who cares. They are probly trying to beat the traffic themselves

    I don't know about this. I have found Thai drivers very polite and patient. I have always been surprised by the amount of vehicles who "indicate" on the left to let you know its "safe" to pass. Never in Australia and we used to have that as a regular driving feature when I was young. A long time ago!!!!!!                    More patient than in Australia for example or the Philippines or Indonesia. There are just a few morons. Enough morons who are not patient, and make the thing a killing ground.

    This is a good indication of where driving common sense, community services announcements on tv for example would be a good thing to have. I thought about this a lot when I was there.

  5. 17 hours ago, Notadoctor said:

    You have no idea, do you......driver run away from any incident so as to avoid any bail complications . they need the insurance rep to be there before the police.......do I need to explain why?


    it is also worth noting that the driver is "recovering" and has spoken to the police.....heaven forbid any of that should interfere with your determination to lay preconceived blame--------

    This is a nice justification, but running away from the scene of an accident is very frequently reported here. I've even seen it on a highway cam, where the guilty party look around and walk and drive away. 

  6. That is the living pits. This driver "running" away from the scene of this accident. Alcohol in the blood perhaps? A guilty conscience perhaps? What a bunch of revolting, disgusting, gutless, spineless irresponsible cowards they breed and train here. It really is pathetic. I have mainly been a great supporter of all things Thai, but this running away from an accident, is indicative of something else fairly unsavoury  running in the Thai psyche.

  7. 4 hours ago, animalmagic said:

    I agree that the blue pickup was driving in an irresponsible manner, however the taxi driver did not appear to make any attempt to ensure the lane was clear before moving from his own lane to join the highway.  It is the responsibility of the driver joining the highway to ensure that they can do so safely and without endangering other vehicles travelling at higher speed than themselves.  From simple observation the taxi appears t simply pull into the next lane to the right as quickly as possible before the end of the feeder lane.

    It is always the responsibility of the "overtaking" driver, no matter which lane you're in. The pickup clearly did not "want" the taxi to get in it's way and even looks like it tried to nudge it sideways. The blue pick up could have slowed down instead of the bambardier approach to I'm bigger than you.  

    The taxi driver was also doing what a lot of drivers do in Thailand. Everything is OK as long as you do it slowly or gradually in the traffic. This looks like the taxi doing the lane entry gradually, would assume the pick up would let him. We all experience the car entering a 90kmh highway slowly in front of a wall of speeding traffic haven't we? If you do it slowly everything is OK. Isn't it? That I think is a Thai thing. I haven't seen it anywhere else.

  8. Any one with half a brain and a modicum of experience knows this can happen anywhere. The insanely jealous partner who cannot tolerate the thought of life without the other.  Yes and its shocking and disturbing to think of the little kid going out like that and the grief of the grandparents and other family. That people cannot see another way of solving problems, anywhere in the world in these circumstances is so sad.

  9. 5 hours ago, taichiplanet said:

    i see this happen all the time and I've nearly been wiped out a few times. It is a seriously dangerous and stupid habit.


    I think it is a hangover from when police would book bikes if they weren't keeping left, even when wanting to turn right. Now it seems to be ingrained into the brains (or what little there is) of a lot of bike riders, that don't bother to look behind them.

    You mean with a rear view mirror? haha yes will in this case the rider was lucky and as far as complaining about what the driver of the dashcam car did, as other posters have pointed out, he or she may not even have seen what happened, it was very quick

  10. Does anyone remember the two friends of 30 years who got into an argument over whether Thailand should have a female prime minister or not? One of them killed his "mate" with a hammer that just happened to be the closest weapon at hand! 


    One thing about TV forum is that for the making of a successful digital Daily Scandal Rag, there does seem to be a plethora of madness in this country. I am trying to be impartial and not a Thai basher but am I imagining this? This fantastic quantity of violent stuff that happens in this country. 


    Have been living in the Philippines for a while now and people ask me if I feel safe!!! I say well at least safer than where I was. I escaped with my life and I believe I was lucky. Others who knew my circumstances agreed. I had gone past my use by date. 

  11. On 2/8/2017 at 2:55 PM, yogavnture said:

    how do we know this. maybe he hated her and did it on purpose?  we don't know

    The grieving boyfriend Tommy Keating quote:

    Meanwhile, Mr Keating took to Facebook to pay tribute to his "beautiful girl".

    "My beautiful girl!! Taken from us far too soon. I love you so much Emily and I wish I could just bring you back into my arms. I’m so broken and I know I’ll never be able to mend.

    "I’ll always be your boy and you’ll always be my girl. We had so many plans for our future Emmy ..."


    It was an accident.. . . 

  12. 1 hour ago, hobz said:

    This is a great step forward. Drugs destroy lives but making drugs illegal clearly just makes everything worse and makes the overall cost to society higher. Legalizing is the pragmatic thing to do.


    Really? You really think this? OMG. EDUCATION not Legislation is the only way to combat the negative effects of all drugs. Positive.

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