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Mister Fixit

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Posts posted by Mister Fixit

  1. Security cameras are a law-abiding citizens best friend.

    I am really happy to hear they are piss testing farangs and I hope those testing positive are swiftly booted right out of Thailand.

    That would have the additional benefit of clearing out the Full Moon parties ;-)

    BTW, that security guard looks like a very angry fellow.

    Only because he was caught and charged - and maybe the kicking he got from the police later ...

    But what happened to the other bouncers? The article mentioned 5-6 men (typical) beating up the Israeli brothers - why weren't they all charged?

    And yes, I also hope the place is closed down ...

  2. I would like to see more breast feeding.

    In the park ... biggrin.png

    Seriously, we have multi-national food companies to thank for the lack of breast-feeding too. The most natural way to feed a child, designed specifically for mammals, and people are brain-washed into thinking it is somehow 'dirty'.

    And people fall for it too ... All my children were breast-fed for up to a year (one had to stop at 3 months due to mum having a mammary cyst which curtailed milk flow) and I strongly believe they had the best possible start in life.

  3. I remember about 7 years ago I was working at a large school teaching M1 and M6, so 12 your olds and 17/18 year olds.

    I did a little fun survey as part of vocabulary and confidence-building. I asked all classes to tell me their favourite foods.

    The M6 kids almost all told me they liked 'normal' Thai foods, such as fried rice, pad krapao, noodles, etc. 90% of them were of normal Thai build, i.e., slim and trim.

    The M1's, however, all said they liked McDonalds, Pizza Hut & Company, KFC, hot dogs, 'Fren' Frie' and what we would call junk food. Hardly any mentioned a traditional Thai dish.

    About 75% of them were verging on the obese. The difference between their builds and the 6 years between their ages showed a marked difference - in only 6 years obesity in this small sample had become the norm - and I blame the junk food companies.

    If the good General were to do anything, he should tax the junk food outlets to the hilt and use the money to re-educate young Thais that the traditional Thai diet is in fact better for them. Make a Big Mac 500 baht and a packet of their appalling little grease-laden chips 150 baht and see if that would help youngsters to eat more healthily.

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  4. And can I just ask what this nonsense about drinking milk is all about?

    Milk only provides the resources for strength in bones and other parts requiring calcium. It does not raise IQ, make one taller, slimmer ... where on earth do you people get these folk-remedy ideas?

    If you can get kids drinking more milk and growing stronger muscles and bones, maybe they'll get off the couch floor and do something physical. It's also likely that as they drink more milk, they'll drink less sugar-laden beverages. So, while milk is not the magic bullet for the obesity problem, it's probably a step in the right direction.

    And for chrissakes stop deep-frying everything. Even the omelets are deep fried here!

    After a lifetime of being allergic to fish, I found some years ago that I could eat it with no problems - immune system finally matured, I suppose!

    However, my fiancee fried everything and then I remembered that we have an oven! Now she poaches or bakes the fish with herbs, and I feel 100% better after a meal.

  5. Banning the sale of junk food and running the fast food companies out of the country would be a good start to a more healthy bunch of kids.

    And reducing the dreadful habit that many Thais have of ladling extra sugar onto food, adding it to the dreadful excuse for bread they have here and generally going back to what is, in essence, a healthier diet than the Western model.

    If I ever become resurrected, I want to come back as a Thai dentist! smile.png

    Added to the issue with bread: it's not just the added sugar, although that tastes horrible, it's also the fact that much of the standard 'brown' bread is in fact simply coloured with molasses. It is not whole wheat bread at all. So some parents, believing they are making a healthy choice, are simply being conned

    True. I LOVE my trips back to the UK, just so that I can eat decent, well-made proper granary or wholewheat bread.

    One thing Thais are truly bad at is baking - bread especially, as well as the disgusting sugar and air-laden 'cakes'. Oh for a good fruit cake or malt loaf ...

    It's VERY difficult to get proper bread here and if you can find it, it's terribly expensive and still not that good - but it can be found

  6. Surely the key thing is balance. Thais are genetically programmed for a high intake of carbohydrate ( by consuming rice for 5,000 years). They are NOT adapted to overlaying that carb intake with mega loads of sugar from introduced western junk. To add a further load of carb from much higher milk consumption would create more problems. A balance of traditional diet with added dairy seems sensible, but only if the junk sugar, potato, crap carbs get the flick. This is a crisis for Thailand's future generations ( and today's kids)

    Cow's milk only contains > 5% carbohydrate, as lactose. The rest is water and protein. It won't add much carbohydrate to a child's diet. Agree about re added sugar though, a habit they seem to have borrowed from the US diet.

    Children would be better off being given goats milk, which is far superior to cows milk which can have detrimental effects on some children.

  7. Banning the sale of junk food and running the fast food companies out of the country would be a good start to a more healthy bunch of kids.

    And reducing the dreadful habit that many Thais have of ladling extra sugar onto food, adding it to the dreadful excuse for bread they have here and generally going back to what is, in essence, a healthier diet than the Western model.

    If I ever become resurrected, I want to come back as a Thai dentist! smile.png

    • Like 1
  8. Isn't it possible possible to open a sort of 'Trust' ? Where the money would be safe and no one could take out, but a monthly payment done? What ever new money is coming in, it has to go to the 'Trust' and stay there.

    Just what I was about to post.

    Set up some sort of trust and a 'trust-worthy' administrator (excuse the pun) who could oversee the thing and dole out money to the boy and his family as and when needed.

    There MUST be some sort of reliable charitable organisation in Thailand that can do that ...?

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I hope the insurgency stays in the South and does not spread. In fact I hope that they find peace in the South.


    Somehow, I don't think the insurgency would be permitted to spread. It might not be under control, but it is very much contained in location currently, and has been for many years.

    They only want what they say is there's, they want a secular state, they are aligned with that terrorist out fit in Indonesia.

    I doubt they want a 'secular' state,because that means non-religious. As they are all Muslims, AFAIK, I think you'll find they want a Muslim secessionist state - i.e. leave Thailand and have the 'United States of Pattani etc'

    Like I say, I think you mean they want a secessionist state ...

  10. More and more, it is becoming apparent that the Thaksin structure and underpinnings are being dismantled.


    And it is also becoming more and more apparent that this coup has been carefully planned well in advance.

    People complained the Army were doing nothing - not at all, they were beavering away setting this up, and giving everyone enough rope and just biding their time ... which is now.

    Perfect timing by Prayuth, get them all in one place, ask them a few simple questions, the idiots reply appropriately and BINGO! Off you go to your 'safe houses', aka cells.

    Strong and efficient action is needed now and I think Prayuth is not a quitter.

    I just hope the stupid Reds don't start something that needs effective retaliation. Unfortunately, their recent history suggests otherwise ...

  11. 'Not detained' but in a safe house IN AN ARMY BARRACKS!

    I think we all know what that means ...

    And she'd better not think about leaving ...

    Well, in Sattahip (south of Pattaya) we go sometimes to the "Navy-Beach" inside their huge compound. Very nice housings and well maintained. I would not mind to rent a house there directly facing the sea with a lot of green around, an duty free supermarket, a restaurant with daily life music aso.

    That's what you mean right?

    Nothing quite as nice for your young lady - last I read she was detained in a 'safe house' in the middle of an Army barracks at Saraburi.

  12. What comes to mind lunchtime today is militarism, martial law, toy soldiers who bully unarmed civilians.

    What complete and utter rubbish and tosh.

    Has there been any instances of normal people going about their business being bullied by soldiers? No

    Have the various politicians and protesters been treated badly? Almost certainly no.

    Have they had the absolute shock of their lives? Most certainly YES!

  13. Unfortunately the Western media all hear the word 'coup' and throw their hands up and gasp in horror, Pillay being just another bad example of this.

    Unfortunately, you really have to have lived here some time to understand the blatant corruption and inept mis-management here - Westerners really SHOULD NOT judge by their standards.

    In fact, at a stroke, the country is pretty well pacified, life goes on as normal and the inept and corrupt politicians have been grabbed by the military and put in safe houses after which, they will hopefully be made to answer for their actions.

    Butt out all you hand-wringing Yanks UK, UN, Frogs and appeasing Amnesty International, etc - all the General wanted to do was restore peace and order and he's been magnificent at it so far.

    Only time will tell what happens next - if it's bad, THEN you can complain ..

  14. Unfortunately the Western media all hear the word 'coup' and throw their hands up and gasp in horror, HP being just another bad example of this.

    Unfortunately, you really have to have lived here some time to understand the blatant corruption and inept mis-management here - Westerners really SHOULD NOT judge by their standards.

    In fact, at a stroke, the country is pretty well pacified, life goes on as normal and the inept and corrupt politicians have been grabbed by the military and put in safe houses after which, they will hopefully be made to answer for their actions.

    Butt out all you hand-wringing Yanks UK, Frogs and appeasing pinko Amnesty International, etc - all the General wanted to do was restore peace and order and he's been magnificent at it so far.

    Only time will tell what happens next - if it's bad, THEN you can complain ..

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