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Mister Fixit

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Posts posted by Mister Fixit

  1. Worms in the pool & new food stacked on old plates?

    I find that hard to believe.

    Unless they only ate in that hotel, they will have a hard time proving she got food poisoning there.

    Could have been from anywhere they ate...

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    True. I got a really bad dose of the squits from eating market food in Hong Kong ... Luckily, I always carry Imodium when I travel.

    Could have been anywhere ...

    • Like 1
  2. For me.....it's good here.....while a coup is not the ideal climax to achieve a resolution.....with opposing politcal teams both with what appears to be very limited intelligence....even those supposedly educated at Eton.....Thailand needed this to get it back on track......hopefully the military have the wherewithal to get things to a state whereby management can be handed back to civilians....

    The west is loaded with over zealous journalists and editors, that want nothing more than to harp up a subject, such as this coup.....

    It does seem that Prayuth is ignoring this reaction.....so far so good.

    Banned overseas travel for all today......sorry YL.......have to go mail order for Hermes for a while!

    "Banned overseas travel for all"????

    Not quite all.

    See Daily Telegraph (May 23) for some v interesting travel news about important Thai people.

    Thanks for the heads up - wonder why he grew a pair of wings? Something at home to hide?

    • Like 1
  3. Links please, evidence.

    Oh shit, I'm writing like you now! whistling.gif

    The difference is I provide them. Try Richard Barrow Twitter - there's a picture but it doesn't show all 5000 cleaners so you'll probably say that it didn't happen.

    Perhaps it's 5 cleaners in 1000 groups as current regulations do not allow more than 5 to gather. biggrin.png

    To be honest the picture shows 10 cleaners together so you're right they should have been arrested. I took the information about the cleaners from Richard Barrows Twitter. If it turns out to be wrong I apologise for being misled. It's not often we get misleading information on this site but it has been known, The Nation for instance............wai.gif

    Bolleaux, both of you. It's more than 5 people in a POLITICAL meeting! You should both learn to read and comprehend. cheesy.gif

    Other wise, any more than 5 on a bus, in a van, on the Skytrain or MRT would also be liable to arrest. No more than 5 in a restaurant? That's put MK out of business soon enough.

    Get real and learn to think before posting

  4. All these people being summoned ... are they allowed to decline? what happens if they just say "no thanks" ??

    Haven't you been reading at all?

    They get arrested and legal action will be taken against them. And when the Army is calling the shots, you don't want to find out how you might be treated if you do have to go to court.

    I suspect sentences will be harsh.

  5. She is the current leader of thailand elected by the people. The court ruling to oust her was illegal. She has a moral and legal mandate to not show up as well as a natural instinct to save ones life?

    Is there any guarantee she would not be arrested or killed?

    Where is Jatuporn?

    So you know better than the Constitutional Court judges? Who are you, oh, tiny speck on Thiavisa, to say whether or not they did not do their jobs properly and follow the law?

    Do you SERIOUSLY think she would be killed when (or if) she turns up at Thewet? Maybe on Planet devaram, but not in the real world.

    However, there's a good chance she could be 'arrested' (more likely worded 'detained' when she arrives), so she'd better pack a few dozen pairs of Gucci shoes and some nice designer clothes when she goes.

    Jatuporn was detained yesterday and remains at the Army centre. Do keep up.

    • Like 1
  6. Prayuth will lock all the opposing sides in one big room and let them sort it out between themselves . . . last person standing gets to form the new Govt . . . and betting will also be allowed in this one-off televised event! lol

    On a more serious note, I'm expecting an announcement stating that the international arrest warrant for Thaksin has been resurrected.

    Yes, agreed, it should be resurrected, but they still have to find someone who can write it in English ...!

    I've already offered to do it for them free! smile.png

    "Mark" was educated in the UK...surely he could draft this up ?

    Why not? He's about the only one of those intellectual pygmies who would have the ability and knowledge - and isn't he a lawyer as well?

    I would imagine a document like that would probably have a template which just needs the spaces filling in ...

  7. Just think - if they stupid Shiniwatra clan had actually proposed a moderate rice policy, and NOT tried to get an amnesty for Thaksin - PTP would still be in power and none of this would have happened. I bet there are a lot of folks saying. WT F did we do? We had it all!


    They are not really a clan. There is only one man at the centre of the web and that is Thaksin. The family members are just pawns to be moved around. As for having it all and screwing up, Thaksin has been behaving like this for nearly 10 years so the pattern is familiar.

    Having it all and screwing it up is a Thai trait par excellence.

    Various things have been said to describe this - 'shooting themselves in the foot', 'having a self-destruct button', 'plain lack of common sense', 'being incapable of NOT biting the hands that feeds you' etc etc.

    Whatever it is, it is rife throughout Thailand - people get something good and through this weird and commonplace trait, screw it up sooner or later.

    It's a complete inability to learn from experience, in my view, and that has cultural and mental health connotations.

  8. Prayuth will lock all the opposing sides in one big room and let them sort it out between themselves . . . last person standing gets to form the new Govt . . . and betting will also be allowed in this one-off televised event! lol

    On a more serious note, I'm expecting an announcement stating that the international arrest warrant for Thaksin has been resurrected.

    Yes, agreed, it should be resurrected, but they still have to find someone who can write it in English ...!

    I've already offered to do it for them free! smile.png

    • Like 2
  9. Black - ops for Thaksin would put an end to all this nonsense.

    It certainly would, but I doubt the Thais are up to it.

    Sub it out to the Israelis would be a good move.

    However, I have a pal who was in a certain UK regiment who did body-guarding later and he says Thaksin's security is as tight as a duck's a*se, and he actually listens to them and does as he's told.

  10. CNA reporting that the military is saying airport travel will be allowed -- but no explanation of how transport is supposed to be arranged.

    Those with 'valid' reasons to be on the way to the airport [or work for Thais] are permitted to do so.

    Just make sure you/taxi/limo does not try to avoid stopping any road check point; army or police or they will stop you forcibly.

    Also for those who are keen to venture out as normal and will return home after curfew IF you are stopped please keep your attitude in check.

    Good advice!

    And keep your passport in your pocket ...

    It's a legal requirement in Thailand to have it with you at all times, but was never enforced - but who knows what will happen now ?

    • Like 1
  11. Would that include the caretaker defense minister? PTP were insisting Ms. Yingluck was still caretaker defense minister and only removed from her caretaker PM role.

    Anyone know where she and the man who replaced her are? Say what you want about him but he was smart enough to stay away from the meetings Tuesday and today.

    Not so much smart as arrogant and cowardly. Sending his deputy instead probably tipped Gen. Prayuth into ballistic mode and may well have triggered his current response.

    Unless there's a spy in the camp .... whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  12. Amazing how many posters are in favor of the coup. If you don't remember how it was living here during the last one you will change your tune in a couple of weeks.

    Why on earth would you spout such nonsense?

    I was here in 2006 and on the day of the coup I went down to Pattaya because work was closed. I saw barely any soldiers and those I saw had yellow ribbons around the barrels of their guns.

    Nothing was out of the ordinary in the following days, weeks and months so don't spout nonsense.

    There's a new rule on here about rumour spreading and causing trouble - be careful ...

    • Like 2
  13. Perhaps in response Gen Prayuth can now finally revoke Thaksin's passport and get an international 'red warrant' for Thaksin's arrest issued so that interpol will act, track him down and arrest him.

    Interpol will never act to arrest somebody who is wanted on trumped up politically motivated charges.

    What politically motivated charges?

    Thaksin was convicted in a court of law in a proper manner, skedaddled before he could do time (or pay his debt to the society he'd screwed) and is a wanted man.

    The fact that no-one in the inept DSI could write an international arrest warrant in English is not only jaw-droppingly abysmal, but also equally incompetent and demonstrates complete uneducated ignorance on the part of the entire department.

    They should have sent it to me, I'd have done it in less than an hour - free. biggrin.png

    • Like 1
  14. Seems the Military called a fake meeting of heads of both Reds & Yellows then arrested them all?

    11 folks from what I can understand Suthep & Jutaporn included

    Don't speculate and make things up you don't know to be true. Read the new forum rules that say 'zero tolerance' etc etc

    We will find out soon enough. I suspect they've only been taken away to have their heads knocked together and told to grow up.

    They'll be back again tomorrow.

  15. Seems the Military called a fake meeting of heads of both Reds & Yellows then arrested them all?

    11 folks from what I can understand Suthep & Jutaporn included

    Don't speculate and make things up you don't know to be true. Read the new forum rules that say 'zero tolerance' etc etc

    We will find out soon enough. I suspect they've only been taken away to have their heads knocked together and told to grow up.

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