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Steely Dan

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Posts posted by Steely Dan

  1. From that other link : "But the Russian “No” to the military intervention in Libya means such move would not get an approval of the UN Security Council, where Moscow has the veto power. It is also unlikely China would support it."

    This is what you call a Russian promise? A wild guess from a biased "journalist"! Got any moore "information" you would share with us to enlighten the situation. Or maybe just some lies.



    I guess the rantings of the Iranian media are more up your street judging from your post on the Iran thread today. Iran who rank 175 out of 178 in the press freedom league, and you have the brass neck to accuse others of lying - You are a stinking hypocrite of the first order.

  2. My fellow countryman? <deleted>!

    I'm American. I want Obama to HELP the rebels, not arm the government.

    Anyway, Yediot Ahronot is an Israeli daily, not a person. If it is true that the Israeli government has approved this (it isn't entirely clear from that broadcast, but it suggests it by saying "Tel Aviv") then that should be strongly condemned.


    Well that kind of excuse has served Israel so well in sooooo many cases ! :bah:

    OK Steely Dan... does " Veterans Today " meet your standards or are you even going to disparage Gordon Duff as well :unsure:


    Yes of course Gaddafi is Jewish, just like Hitler. :whistling:

    U.S antisemites, Islamofascists and middle eastern despots all drink from the same poisoned vessel. Whenever they face internal unrest they concoct some bizarre conspiracy theory centering on Israel. The current diversionary shit storm is no doubt due to Iran disposing of Rafsanjani who was about the last moderate standing. As for Gordon Duff - Up to your usual standard, naturally.


  3. My fellow countryman? <deleted>!

    I'm American. I want Obama to HELP the rebels, not arm the government.

    Anyway, Yediot Ahronot is an Israeli daily, not a person. If it is true that the Israeli government has approved this (it isn't entirely clear from that broadcast, but it suggests it by saying "Tel Aviv") then that should be strongly condemned.


  4. There is evidence that there are mercenaries on the ground in Libya and there is evidence that the recruitment of these mercenaries was accomplished by an Israel based company called Global CST.

    The anti-semitic regime of IRAN seems to think so. Prove it. If it's just a PRIVATE Israeli company that is bad but it's not the same thing as if this is a policy of the Israeli government.


    Yes, this rumor is all over the internet. How about a credible western source, can you find it, especially this Iranian charge that "Tel Aviv" is behind it.

    It stinks to high heaven of propaganda (especially the Tel Aviv part), but go ahead and provide a credible source.

    Well in that case why not interview your fellow country man Jingthing ?

    " A journalist from Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot states that Tel Aviv has decided to recruit African mercenaries to fight against anti-government protesters in Libya."

    Hope Yediot Ahronot doesnt end up like Mordechai Vanunu

    and spending 18 years in jail for leaking this information ? :whistling:


    As I wrote, completely out to lunch & still as mad as hell that Israel f@@ked their nuclear enrichment centrifuges with the Stuxnet virus.

  5. There is evidence that there are mercenaries on the ground in Libya and there is evidence that the recruitment of these mercenaries was accomplished by an Israel based company called Global CST.

    The anti-semitic regime of IRAN seems to think so. Prove it. If it's just a PRIVATE Israeli company that is bad but it's not the same thing as if this is a policy of the Israeli government.


    Yes, this rumor is all over the internet. How about a credible western source, can you find it, especially this Iranian charge that "Tel Aviv" is behind it.

    Here is another one from Iran demonstrating how completely out to lunch they are.


  6. There is evidence that there are mercenaries on the ground in Libya and there is evidence that the recruitment of these mercenaries was accomplished by an Israel based company called Global CST.

    What evidence? Source please and do hope it's not the same one as invented the Mossad shark or spy vulture.

  7. So the deathtoll is now estimated at 6,000 only another 11,000 needed to put Gadaffi in the same (Arab) league as Assad Snr of Syria. Still if Iran want the west to stay out I can think of only one reason for so doing and that's to save the bombs and bullets for toppling the Iranian regime as that will have to happen sooner or later.

  8. I'm waiting for Obama to condemn the leaders of North Korea as murderous bastards who let their people starve while the dear leader makes porno films. Does Obama know what happens to young girls in N Korea ? Sex slaves for the Army.

    I guess I'll have to wait to hear Obama do that.

    I am also waiting for him to condemn the Mullahs running Iran. But Obama will never do that. He has a special place in his heart for totalitarian regimes. What do you think "fundamentally change America" meant?

    No he only meddles in certain foreign countries. To wit Egypt & Libya.

    He had a chance to side with the protestors in Iran but he kept silent. Shame on you mister president.

    I suspect the U.S and the world wil pay a high price for Obama's incompetence in appeasing Iran, make no mistake Iran have turned Lebannon into a puppet state and are central to unrest currently taking place in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.

  9. Let's see now, perhaps with the deathtoll now estimated at 2000 outsiders are supposed to keep out of it and let Gadaffi challenge the death toll of other Arab tyrants. I wonder if the U.N will even get to vote on the matter, which is academic anyway as Russia has promised to veto any U.N sponsored military intervention. I suppose anyway the U.N have more pressing matters to debate such as Israel building a few houses on disputed land.

    You have a link to that Russian promise? Please post if you have.



    Ok, It's from the BBC stating Russia opposes military intervention, on closer inspection I see no mention of veto, so take this report as you will.


    Edited to add another link.

  10. There is one last possibility and it is not desirable. Think about the nationalist outrage in respect to the border issue with Cambodia. If a dispute over a Temple in the middle of nowhere can get people frothing at the mouth and shooting at each other, just consider what would happen if Thaialand had to deal with the possible loss of a large chunk of its nation. It would be unacceptable to all political factions in Thailand

    If the southern insurrection spreads to the rest of Thailand with acts that parallel the ETA and IRA, I would expect that Thais would retaliate with a fury that would see thousands dead. it would not be unreasonable to anticipate something along the lines of the Hindu-Muslim fighting that occurred when India and Pakistan obtained statehood.

    As much as one can criticize the Thai approach to the south, the strategy has avoided the threat of terrorist bombs in the resort areas and suicide bombers.

    I'm with you on this one. hether by neglect, muddling through or whatever other 'strategy' used, Thailand has not had Muslim problems on anything like the scale all the other world religions have had. I think the petty squables with Cambodia should be seen in true perspective looking at the world map of 'civilisations' according to the gospel of Henderson.


    Thailand take notice, your cultural allies are infact Burma, laos and Cambodia set aside minor difference for the sake of your common interests.

  11. Problem in the South has only one exit and it is inevitably going that direction, like it or not.

    Thailand is slowly but surely slipping into secession. Muslim separatist behavior is obvious as strategy everywhere in the world and we could count many examples.

    Thailand has no way out or even the capacity to stop it.

    Fortunately, you are not in any position of power to affect any change in the southern provinces,

    otherwise, Thailand might suffer even more serious encounter.... ;)

    I fear that your TPN, PAD or even the Thai army are way out of their depth on this one. You are dealing with a medieval death cult called fundamentalist Islam which has the goal of imposing it's will on the entire world. If you try to fight it they will escalate things, if you make concessions they will ask for still more. Perhaps the best way would be to ask Malaysia to make a token payment to take the Southern three provinces off your hands and the money could be spent to re-settle the Buddhist minority.

    P.S Mods, there's a case of moving this thread to world news as it is truly a world problem.

  12. Let's see now, perhaps with the deathtoll now estimated at 2000 outsiders are supposed to keep out of it and let Gadaffi challenge the death toll of other Arab tyrants. I wonder if the U.N will even get to vote on the matter, which is academic anyway as Russia has promised to veto any U.N sponsored military intervention. I suppose anyway the U.N have more pressing matters to debate such as Israel building a few houses on disputed land.

  13. I must have lived here too long as nothing about this case surprises me any more. A few days ago I asked the rhetorical question, how many more deaths would be needed before a proper investigation took place. Sadly we now learn of another poor victim who died in similar circumstances back in January, which makes five if they are indeed related.

    It seems more clear than ever that the function of an embassy is little more than to facilitate trade with the nation concerned, the welfare of citizens overseas scarcely registers. There is one aspect to this and countless similar cases which does amaze me is how little mud sticks to Thailand. We have unrest on various borders, sporadic outbreaks of politically motivated violence and countless tourists or expats getting scammed or even dying in mysterious circumstances, but still the baht stays strong and tourists continue to arrive in numbers.

    I suspect one day there will be a tipping point when the outside world actually takes notice to what goes on here and when that happens the shock will be of great proportion.

  14. http://www.politico.com/blogs/laurarozen/1210/France_not_recognizing_Palestine.html

    France not recognizing Palestine

    December 08, 2010

    French officials are calling highly inaccurate a report from Iran’s Press TV that France will join several South American countries in recognizing Palestine as an independent country.

    Highly inaccurate, plus ça change. I think a few choice words renouncing violence and recognising Israel's right to exist from (Iran sponsored) Hamas would be one pre-requisite.

  15. How about putting the south back where it belongs? In Malaysia!


    I'm sure the Thai Buddhists living in the Southern provinces would love to live under Sharia law. :)

    Moving the border would just move the location of the problem - Islam has bloody borders - Samuel P. Huntington 1993

  16. And what? Do 'The Arabs' have these bad genes that makes them to an inferiority race? Guilty and doomed just because they are 'The Arabs'?

    No not bad genes, I would venture the descendents of Isaac and Ishmael are more closely related to one another than they are to other non-semitic races, they do however have bad memes in prolific abundance. Just for your education a meme is a unit of cultural transmission which is what separates the wheat from the chaff with us homo sapiens.

    Bad memes I would list as tendency to look for external scapegoats, a victim culture, fundamentalist (literal) beliefs in a 1000+ year old fairy tale written by a psychopath, lack of respect for human life including their own race. I could go on but you get the picture.

    Good memes on the other hand would be adaptability, respect for human life, emphasis on eductation. A pretty good measure of this would be the number of Nobel prizes won by Jews. I'm afraid yes the arabs are their own worst enemy and are collectively going through their own dark ages and have indeed gone backwards over the last 1000 years from what was a promising start.

    Literal beliefs in old fairy tales? Like that fairy tale about Isaac and Ishmael you mentioned?

    Arabs are backwards? Have you been in Dubai or Doha recently? Did you actually ever met some real Arab people in your life?

    Your posting some inferior vs. superior BS here. thats all. Alone that you think you could put all Arabs together and that they all have a common traits is totally nonsense. Cliché and stereotypes.

    I've no desire to visit Doha or Dubai though I have been in transit through various Emirate airports so I do know just how vulgar the nouveau riche can be. :whistling: I do personally know some people of Arab descent from Saudi Arabia and Egypt as it happens, they are just as secular and English as I regard myself and as such I think of them a equals. Just to underline my point it is memes not genes which I'm referring to. Stop indoctrinating kids with hatred and give them access to education and freedom to make their own decisions and there may again be a golden age of cultural and scientific development in the middle east - Perhaps the current unrest may be a start, though I'm pessimistic of the chances of democracy filling the void instead of medieval theocracies.

  17. there are numerous articles relating attacks like this, but they only complain when a western military is involved, nary a peep when it's the Taliban, AQ, etc.


    It should be very clear that we all condemn terrorism.

    But who was actually involved in this case? Do you know that?

    Could that story be related?

    CIA contractor recruiting freshmen for Taliban

    According to the Pakistani newspaper The Express Tribune, CIA contractor Raymond Davis has been thrown into jail in Lahore for masterminding terrorist activities in Pakistan.

    Davis is now pending charges for the murder of two men believed to be Pakistani intelligence officers.

    Senior police officers said the security agents revealed the contractor’s identity and were to be disposed of.

    Raymond Davis’ close ties with the TTP (the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan) has also been established.

    “Davis was instrumental in recruiting young people from Punjab for the Taliban to fuel the bloody insurgency.” the official told the Express Tribune.

    According to the police the man was exchanging phone calls with nearly 30 militants belonging to the banned Pakistani Taliban and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi groups.

    The same groups which both the US and Pakistan blame for the assassination of Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and for the slaughter of a Wall Street Journal reporter.



    Ah the Pakistan free press :lol: The chap had diplomatic immunity making any trumped up allegations a complete non sequitur, and Pakistan should know all about diplomatic immunity.


  18. Surely more propaganda, it had to be an ISAF drone attack, right? Hmm, no criticism of this attack either. Seems some posters are selective when it comes to complaiing about civilian deaths.

    What for a silly accusation.

    The difference is actually that no-one comes here up with ugly excuses like in the other topic about the NATO killing civilians.

    There i have been told i can not blame the NATO for killing civilians because they have only good intention. And even if the really kill civilians its only bashing the west to complain about it.

    I guess you haven't heard about the Mossad shark which attacked tourists in Egypt or the Israeli spy vulture formenting unrest in Saudi Arabia. :) Whatever you have to admit that Muslims seem to have a flair for dispatching fellow Muslims equal to that dispatching infidels.

  19. And what? Do 'The Arabs' have these bad genes that makes them to an inferiority race? Guilty and doomed just because they are 'The Arabs'?

    No not bad genes, I would venture the descendents of Isaac and Ishmael are more closely related to one another than they are to other non-semitic races, they do however have bad memes in prolific abundance. Just for your education a meme is a unit of cultural transmission which is what separates the wheat from the chaff with us homo sapiens.

    Bad memes I would list as tendency to look for external scapegoats, a victim culture, fundamentalist (literal) beliefs in a 1000+ year old fairy tale written by a psychopath, lack of respect for human life including their own race. I could go on but you get the picture.

    Good memes on the other hand would be adaptability, respect for human life, emphasis on eductation. A pretty good measure of this would be the number of Nobel prizes won by Jews. I'm afraid yes the arabs are their own worst enemy and are collectively going through their own dark ages and have indeed gone backwards over the last 1000 years from what was a promising start.

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