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Steely Dan

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Posts posted by Steely Dan

  1. Israel engaged in ethnic cleansing: UN investigator

    Richard Falk - 9/11 conspiracy theory nutcase criticized publicly by Ban Ki Moon


    Up to your usual standard of sources I see.

    Its NEWS, from Reuters.

    Shoot the messenger.

    You gave a Falk link on another thread today which I replied to with a link concerning Falk's bias, but you choose to repeat his suspect reports here, If you are the messenger your message is understood loud and clear - Post propaganda and mendacious nonsense 24/7 in the hope you get a post that's not refuted so the mud sticks.

  2. Israel engaged in ethnic cleansing: UN investigator

    Richard Falk - 9/11 conspiracy theory nutcase criticized publicly by Ban Ki Moon

    UNITED NATIONS — The United States on Tuesday demanded the sacking of a UN human rights expert for "noxious" comments claiming there had been a US cover-up over the September 11 attacks.

    UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon condemned the comments by Richard Falk, UN special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, as "an affront" to the victims of the 2001 Al-Qaeda attacks on New York and Washington.


    Up to your usual standard of sources I see.

  3. Exactly, kuffki, Middle Eastern governments have craftily used antisemitism to control their own people and blame their own problems on the Jews. Things are changing now with the governments there, but sadly most of those people were raised in an antisemitic propaganda environment.

    Such sad facts mean that it may take generations to arrive at a rational Arab view of Israel where peace can be negotiated, and that's if they start now. Should Islamic theocracies spring up to replace the despots it's back to square one, or worse.

  4. I think the chances of peace for this generation went when Yitzak Rabin was assassinated.


    Who assassinated Yitzhak Rabin and why?

    Is your google on the fritz?

    Militant Zionists killed Rabin.

    Who killed Sadat, who killed Bhutto, I could go on, militant extremists of all colours are the problem. P.S I'm surprised your 'Z' key still works with all the use it gets. :spamsign:

  5. Israel retaliates after being attacked and as usual finds itself in the dock whilst not a single word of condemnation comes from those criticize it for the perpetrators and the politically biased and flawed Goldstone report makes yet another appearance.

    This is designed to delegitimise Israel so that it no longer should even have the right of self defence. But is it Israel which should be on trial at all or is this just a cynical device to get people to look in the wrong direction?


  6. So you are saying that because Palestinians are doing it then it's ok that Israelis do it and therefore they are both not guilty of it. Because the Palestinians don't get the same scrutiny doesn't mean the Israelis are less guilty. You can't use the excuse that 'it isn't fair that we get caught for doing it but they don't'. It just doesn't make you less guilty because someone else does the same but gets away with it.

    If I was in the same position I could understand the frustration and I would also feel aggrieved, but that still wouldn't make it right.

    It seems from what I have been reading lately that a lot of the animosity is because some posters just refuse to acknowledge that Israel can do anything wrong, it is always the Palestinians fault. Maybe if both sides were a little less hardline it would be better.

    Stop twisting things. Israel has faced violent threats to it's very existence from the word go, so in an environment of constant war humans will occasionally violate laws and commit war crimes. Nothing excuses this, but Israel has acted almost exclusively in a retaliatory manner against an enemy who actively try to cause civilian deaths, either Israeli or Palestinian, which are just as welcome to them for propaganda purposes, hence their use of human shields, suicide bombers etc.

    If you don't believe me take it from the horses mouth.

  7. But you are changing the subject. To alledge that Jews own the banks and thus own the White House is the same medieval antisemitic propaganda that has been used by racists for centuries, you really haven't developed much have you? :ph34r:

    LOL :lol:

    That is easy - put a shroud of absolute secrecy around the Fed and then respond to questions

    by just claiming its all propaganda !

    Yes perfect for your purposes of inuendo and scapegoating, you know they control the media as well. :whistling:

  8. We can bat this sort of stuff back all day and a hundred fold.

    But that doesn't make you 'more' right.

    It's hardly a dick measuring competition.

    Perhaps that just makes one side just as bad as the other. Something I wouldn't be too proud of.

    The point is that every single alleged breach of human rights by Israel is automatically referred to the U.N or taken up by politically motivated organizations. They actively attempt to have Israeli politicians prosecuted if they travel to other jurisdictions or boycott Israeli academic institutions or sportsmen. There is a coordinated campaign to try to delegitimize Israel for occasionally falling foul of human rights laws when the breeches by Palestinian terrorists or sundry Arab Countries are more numerous and far more serious. So yes in this respect measuring is important as it demonstrates both bias and an antisemitic agenda.


  9. That is not true because its who controls the money that controls the White House and

    we know who " they " are :bah:

    "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws"

    — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

    "They" huh?

    I see they're still selling copies of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, one of the books Hitler didn't burn.

    Again, why is such blatant antisemitic propaganda tolerated on this board?

    Bullet item 2 --


    And what about this classic stuff from the other side...........

    "We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population." Israel Koenig, "The Koenig Memorandum" :bah:

    We can bat this sort of stuff back all day and a hundred fold.

    But you are changing the subject. To alledge that Jews own the banks and thus own the White House is the same medieval antisemitic propaganda that has been used by racists for centuries, you really haven't developed much have you? :ph34r:

  10. Please explain how Netanyahu is managing to keep the leaders from Hamas sitting down with the leaders of Fatah. Has he somehow built a magic bubble around one or the other to keep the two organizations from talking? If they wanted to meet, why can't they both fly to Zurich and sit down over tea and crumpets?

    In response to your statement..."he aint going about establishing peace in the Middle East the right way." I would like to know what your version of the correct method would be in order to establish peace in the Middle East.

    The finest minds in the world have been working the problem since 1948 and they have not managed to create peace. You have magically come up with the solution.

    Perhaps you wouldn't mind sharing it with this anonymous forum.

    There was an interesting interview on CNN by Piers Morgan with PM Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, just a few days ago.

    In the end of the interview (see part #4 out of 4 videos on Youtube) Morgan challenged Netanyahu to be(come) the first Big Man to be remembered as the one who created final long lasting peace with the Palestinians...

    Can he...or will he be remembered as the man who could NOT, being a PM for the second time in 15 years, as Morgan put it...?

    I doubt it very much if he can but would applaud it if he did.


    I think the chances of peace for this generation went when Yitzak Rabin was assassinated. Since then mistakes have been made on both sides. We will never probably know how much of the recent Wikileaks allegations concerning the Palestinian authority were true, but sadly if it is indeed true that they were willing to compromise on settlement location and right of return and still no agreement was made then perhaps a last chance has gone for several more years. I suspect the Fatah negotiators were placed in a dangerous position by the leaks and they may harden their stance due to self preservation.

    It is becoming pretty clear to me that negotiations with Hamas and their parent organization the brotherhood of Islam will never be possible and I fear another war is now inevitable.

  11. Yes. But Netanyahu is not allowing the Palestinian players to negotiate between each other. That is the title of this thread.

    Furthermore News article : Israeli jets have carried out a series of airstrikes in Gaza, wounding 17 people, mostly lightly, Palestinian emergency workers say.

    They said that two women and seven children were among those hurt on Monday night and Tuesday morning.

    An Israeli military spokesman said aircraft attacked a total of six targets."

    And with more news headlines overnight like the above, he aint going about establishing peace in the Middle East the right way.

    link please


    Thank you, is there any reason to have children and women at arms manufacturing facilities or at training facility of its military wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades?

    Furthermore "Gaza residents reported receiving telephone calls from the Israeli military urging them to leave the vicinity of Hamas facilities."

    So who is to blame for the injury's?? Hammas for using kids and women as human shields or Israel for warning them prior to leave the area

    Using children for military purpose is a clear breach of human rights, but hell will freeze over before the U.N starts taking Hamas to task for it.

  12. "Juwaini went on to describe Islam as a peaceful religion, adding that people who truly understand it would never try to bomb anyone.

    If there is a Muslim behind the bombs, Islam should not be linked to the acts, the legislator said, stating that Islam denounced terror acts, violence, and despotic treatments."

    I find it very hard to read these words without using the following emoticon - :cheesy: Still if you are serious then I trust that every effort will be made to track down the perps.

  13. Meanwhile in some parallel universe Assad kills 20 and not a dickie is heard from the U.N.

    Assad blockades disaffected Syrian areas to contain spreading protests

    DEBKAfile Exclusive Report March 21, 2011, 1:54 PM (GMT+02:00) Tags: Bashar Assad Darra protest demonstrations Syria Protesters call on Assad to goIn an effort to contain spreading popular disorders against his regime, Syrian President Bashar Assad Monday, March 21, sent the 4th Armored Division commanded by his younger brother Maher Assad to suppress the three-day uprising in Darra (Deraa), capital of the southern Hauran region, and blockade the adjoining Jabal ad-Duruz where a demonstration is planned for March 26 at As-Suwada.


  14. You expect everything to be perfect when surrounded by Arab peoples (not the Israeli Arab citizens) who mostly favor destroying their Jewish country? Jews are people, like everyone else, and all people have potential to be racists. It's natural to grow defensive feelings when you grow up in a country with Arab suicide bombers. Many (I guess most) Palestinians also hate the Jews and they also have their rationales. That area of the world is not like living in Kansas.

    It does not follow that Zionism equals racism; that is a big lie, but like many big lies told so many times, many people fall for it.

    This in a nutshell is the tactics employed by Islamofaschist and their left wing lackeys. It is quite laughable how often they cry foul to the UN when one of their terrorists cops it, but they themselves are responsible for systematic abuse of human rights to a far greater degree. It also matters not a jot how many times their lies and distortions are refuted because their propaganda is on a continuous loop hoping to hook any passing reader in the off chance they may be duped.

    But we have their number. :)

  15. So your knee jerk reaction every time someone correctly identifies some of your thoughts as anti-semitic to post your Holy List of Islamophobia is intellectually lazy to an extreme.

    Where? You are lying, again.

    Hypocrite! You cumulatively post antisemitic propaganda 24/7, the odd post in isolation might not constitute it, but en massse your agenda is patently clear to everyone. Then when the true agenda of your beloved extremists is spelled out you belch out a diversionary cloud by alledging Islamophobia. Well there are millions of Muslims in the west, the vast majority are perfectly decent human beings living their lives according to the secular laws of the Countries they live in, but their voices are drowned out by your beloved Islamofascists who silence them with threats, intimidation and even murder.

    I would no doubt be considered Christian-phobic if I lived in the middle ages and criticized the crusades, witch trials, burning at the stake of gays and heretics, surpression of science and the forced conversion or death of non-believers.

  16. Assumed it would be valid argument and not a fine example of islamophobia and hate speech, what has "Islam in Europe" to do with the topic?

    Let me spell it out for you. The islamofascists are trying to pull the biggest confidence trick the world has ever seen. It goes as follows - All the problems in the middle east are due to how Israel treats the Palestinians. If you do something about this we will suddenly become model citizens and not detonate bombs on your planes and trains, you see it's the Jews who are responsible for the state the Arab world finds itself in.

    So along come the gutless feeble minded politically correct liberals who spring into action on behalf of the Islamofascists and they do so with a fervour and focus which means they can't see the whacking great elephant in the room. The elephant being that militant Islam is systematically undermining western democracy bringing it's ugly totalitarian self in by the back door whilst numbskulls are looking at some slither of land in the middle east as being the root of all problems.

    I suggest checking out the Danish cartoon saga, the murdered Dutch M.P who spoke out against Islam as two recent examples, but the rot has well and truly set in inside Europe.


  17. Well since US reserve bank owned by the Arab king the good news is Jews do not own it and can not be blamed.

    Unless if course the "informed" people are little misinformed or have problems using google.

    blaming Jews would be indeed absurd. since they take-over them "Ayrabs" even insist that the CEOs of the FED are Muslims, e.g. Mohamed Greenspan, Ben-Salaam Bernanke...


    It's hardly changed since the middle ages. Edward 1st of England financed wars borrowing money from Jewish money lenders and then killed them in lieu of payment. They own the banks you know :whistling: (forgetting money lending was one of the only jobs they were allowed to do) so there it is a ready made scapegoat centuries old and just as ugly and twisted as it ever was. Welcome to the 21st century brother. :jerk:

  18. This forum is being turned into a venue for blatant, hate filled, anti-Zionist propaganda. Not just one thread, but pretty much EVERY thread with any news from the Middle East. Why is this tolerated?

    It's the other head of the hydra. The left wing loons have infested the body politic of Europe and anyone who publicly confronts the Islamification of Europe is threatened or even murdered. This reality has even led to the populations of moderate Countries such as Holland and Denmark standing up to cancer that's eating away at our democracies.

  19. So here we go again with the right wing Christian crusade. As to the rebels well seems their leaders are part & parcel of the Gaddaffi mob that has had their face pushed out.

    The UN now is just a joey to the USA war mongers.

    Can anybody tell me why no intervention in other Middle East Countries where the same is going on. How about Saudi ? They seem to be killing enough. The people of Libya are just being used as a porn .

    They just never learn fking halfwit murdering USA, UK UN gangsters that is all they are

    Thank you for your articuate, reasoned and well-thought out response.

    So Obama and Clinton et al are now "right wing" -- this is breaking news! The Arab League is part of a "Christian Crusade" - more breaking news!

    There has been no other intervention " in other Middle Eastern Countries" , because no other dictator has hired mercenaries to execute his own people.

    " The people of Libya are just being used as a porn" -- I sincerely hope that you meant "pawn" -- I have seen no hint of pornographic coverage of the fighting.

    Obviously you are driven by hatred of USA, right wing, Christians, UK and and the UN -- did I miss any ?

    I sincerely hope that you are merely trolling . If not you have my sympathy.


  20. The reason that he has recently been tolerated and even courted is because his compliance is far better than having him as he once was, funding every terrorist organization and trying to arm himself with all manner of weapons. It was the lesser of two evils. Had Saddam taken the same route as he did he would have got the same treatment. Better a calm and controlled mad man than a loose nutcase.

    Indeed! A compliant despot is so much easier to contain, a bit like a nuclear fuel rod in it's containment vessel :unsure:

    Still some seem to believe that in their gratitude for achieving freedom the people concerned will embrace a western democratic model instead of succumbing to an Islamic theocracy led by a mad man, and let's face it they all are, mad.

    The lunatics have taken over the assylum. :crazy:

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