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Steely Dan

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Posts posted by Steely Dan

  1. ^^ Thats the Sunni Govt plan, not what the people want.

    in relation:

    Cleric issues 48-page fatwa against democracy

    Muslims told to ignore calls for change because 'democracy goes against Islam'Published: 00:00 March 16, 2011

    Algiers: The spiritual leader of Algeria's influential Salafist movement has issued a 48-page fatwa, or religious decree, urging Muslims to ignore calls for change because he says that democracy goes against Islam.

    The fatwa by Shaikh Abdul Malek Ramdani, who lives in Saudi Arabia, comes at an opportune time for President Abdul Aziz Bouteflika as Algerians watching protests in other Arab states have begun pushing their own political and economic demands.

    "As long as the commander of the nation is a Muslim, you must obey and listen to him. Those who are against him are just seeking to replace him, and this is not licit," Ramdani wrote in the fatwa obtained by Reuters.


    Ramdani, who moved to Saudi Arabia after threats from Islamists, wrote in his ‘fatwa on unrest' that an observant Muslim can only "pray and be patient" when faced with an unwanted ruler. "Unrest is a tool created by democratic systems which are against Islam."


    Muslims told to ignore calls for change because 'democracy goes against Islam'


    Well there you have it in a nutshell, the liberal left's human rights ideals and democracy are incompatable with Sharia law, always were and always will be. To reiterate my earlier point the choice is a stark one between ruling despots or fundamentalist Islam - Human rights lose in both cases but with the former the fallout is localised and therefore preferable.

    You may even get a benevolent dictator like Attaturk at best.

  2. Since the U.N became a proxy for the Arab league with it's block vote and capacity to enlist more 'support' with the carrot of oil supplies and lucrative arms deals. :jap:

    oh not more conspiracy theories :bah:

    You should know about conspiracy theories if your recent posting history is anything to go by. ;) What about the Israeli government sending mercenaries to Libya or staging the murder of a family in order to justify building of settlements?

  3. Set off from Syria eh? I wonder whether this is connected with what was aboard the two Iranian warships which recently docked in Syria. :whistling:

    Why didn't the Israeli check upon those 2 Iranian ships when they left the Suez canal, bound for Syria ? :blink:

    And, is it also allowed for all other Mediterranean countries to check upon Israel bound ships -in INTERNATIONAL WATERS- ? :unsure:


    If you check a warship belonging to a hostile nation you are risking a military response possibly escalating to war. The timing of the Iranian ships transit of the Suez canal was opportunistic as the whole middle east is in turmoil, Iran wanted the focus of Arab unrest to be directed towards Israel rather than towards internal national affairs so Israel kept a low profile at the time.

    As for stopping a ship in international waters, well yes that's probably not stictly legal, similar to stopping a Somali pirate ship in international waters may not be. Perhaps Israel should have let the ship through and waited for long range rockets to land in it's cities in order to garner a muted international condemnation of resulting deaths in return. :crazy:

    since when did Israel give a dam_n about adhering to International law about anything ? :rolleyes:

    Since the U.N became a proxy for the Arab league with it's block vote and capacity to enlist more 'support' with the carrot of oil supplies and lucrative arms deals. :jap:

  4. Set off from Syria eh? I wonder whether this is connected with what was aboard the two Iranian warships which recently docked in Syria. :whistling:

    Why didn't the Israeli check upon those 2 Iranian ships when they left the Suez canal, bound for Syria ? :blink:

    And, is it also allowed for all other Mediterranean countries to check upon Israel bound ships -in INTERNATIONAL WATERS- ? :unsure:


    If you check a warship belonging to a hostile nation you are risking a military response possibly escalating to war. The timing of the Iranian ships transit of the Suez canal was opportunistic as the whole middle east is in turmoil, Iran wanted the focus of Arab unrest to be directed towards Israel rather than towards internal national affairs so Israel kept a low profile at the time.

    As for stopping a ship in international waters, well yes that's probably not stictly legal, similar to stopping a Somali pirate ship in international waters may not be. Perhaps Israel should have let the ship through and waited for long range rockets to land in it's cities in order to garner a muted international condemnation of resulting deaths in return. :crazy:

  5. Iran shows it's usual hypocrisy by condemning Bahrain for supressing anti-government protesters after brutally putting down internal protests following their last rigged election. There is an interesting showdown coming, between Shiite Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia, the Iranians have been attempting with some success to increase their sphere of influence and the U.S have been so passive recently that Iran looks more likely than ever to achieve nuclear capability. This worries the Saudis as much as it does Israel and for the first time Saudi Arabia has acted to protect it's own back yard.

  6. http://www.debka.com/article/20768/

    Israeli navy intercepts vessel carrying arms delivered by Iranian warships

    DEBKAfile Special Report March 15, 2011, 4:08 PM (GMT+02:00) Tags: arms shipment Egypt Hamas Iranian warships Israeli naval commandos Heavy mortar shell in A.S. Victoria weapons cargoThe Israeli Navy's elite Shayetet 13 commandos intercepted the German-owned A.S. Victoria Tuesday, March 15 about 320 kilometers off Israel's Mediterranean coast on its way from the Turkish port of Mercin to Egyptian El Arish with Alexandria its final destination.

    The Liberian-flagged vessel was carrying a large consignment of weapons including C-704 shore-to-ship missiles with a range of 35 kilometers and heavy mortars shells bound for the Palestinian Hamas in the Gaza Strip. debkafile reports the consignment was picked up at the Syrian port of Latakia after being offloaded there by the two Iranian warships which transited the Suez Canal February 22.

    The ship's documents and crew showed the vessel had departed from Latakia Port in Syria before proceeding to Mercin Port in Turkey. At least three crates of weapons were uncovered on board. Hundreds of others will be inspected when the ship reaches Israeli port. The crew did not resist the Israeli naval commandoes who boarded the vessel.

    The US and Israeli navies did not stop the Iranian Alvand missile destroyer and Kharg logistical cruiser when they applied to transit the canal last month, asserting that they could not be stopped as they were not carrying contraband weapons. Egyptian Suez Canal officials made the same determination after reporting they had been inspected. Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak said the voyage was no more harmful than a "cadets' outing."

    debkafile alone reported the Iranian warships were carrying missiles

    It now turns out that the clean bill of health they all gave the Iranian warships was not based on fact.

    At the same time, debkafile's military sources report that from the time that the Iranian navy ships entered the Mediterranean, US and Israeli warships and spy planes kept their movements under close surveillance: Around Feb. 25-26, the Kharg was seen offloading a large batch of containers at Syrian Navy ordnance depots in Latakia port.

    In the second half of last week, the German A.S Victoria docked there and was seen loading the containers delivered by the Iranian warships at Latakia.

    It now appears that the ship was instructed to detour to the Turkish port and wait there for a couple of days to disguise its real destination.

    But after learning that the arms were bound for El Arish, in northern Sinai, Israel decided to apprehend the cargo before it could be delivered, whether to Hamas in Gaza or radical Egyptian Muslims, which Iran has been backing and funding.

    Hamas would have arranged to have had it picked up at Al Arish and spirited into the Gaza through its smuggling tunnels. But it is possible too that Iran, while originally planning to consign the weapons to the Palestinian extremists in Gaza, changed their destination later to Egypt.

    Much about this episode is still obscure, except for the clear evidence of military intelligence cooperation between Tehran, Damascus, Ankara, Hizballah and Hamas in the smuggling of Iranian weapons to radical groups in the region.

    Cairo may have something to say about the seizure in international waters of a ship bound for Egyptian waters, albeit one surreptitiously carrying arms. Ankara, too, will not enjoy the exposure of Mercin, a port under the close supervision of the Turkish Navy, as a hub for the illegal transfer of Iranian war materials to the Palestinian Hamas and anti-government forces fighting Arab regimes.

    debkafile's intelligence sources report that several boats loaded with arms for the Libyan rebels sailed out of Mercin in the last few days. They were bound for the rebel stronghold of Benghazi.

    It was decided in Jerusalem that whatever the destination of the Iranian weapons cargo may be, severing this link in Iran's new weapons smuggling route was absolutely essential.

  7. http://en.wikipedia....itions_only.png

    That map tells it all! It is also the map of something else.


    Looks like a map where basic freedoms are not respected and where corruption rules.

    Once we're on the subject of Indonesia and its recognition of new nations, what happened in Timor?

    Indeed what did happen in Timor where Indonesia invaded and presided over a proportionally greater genocide than happened in Cambodia!


    P.S The OT post mentions the French intending to recognise Palestine in September which they have subsequently explicitly denied.

  8. I prefer Niall Ferguson's book 'Is the West History?' If you want a more balanced view of the only democracy in a sea of medieval barbarism.


    I could not watch the 'book'. channel 4 doesn't start to play in my area

    A book about a master race and all others are barbarians and subhumans? Sounds very balanced.

    There you go again. Master race, huh? I am sorry, but I think you are revealing yourself.

    Back to the film issue, I think any film deserves to be seen by its audience. I don't have an opinion about UN showing partly because I don't know what the UN policy is on showing films. I usually don't think of them as a film festival venue. But in any case, even if the film is biased, it's out there, people can see it, and if there is stuff in the content that is unfairly biased, people can and will broadcast that. Like the series The Promise.

    It surely is not beyond the wit of man to change their apparent I.P location, but I note that without even taking the trouble to try you are coming out with Master race bullshit. B)

    Edit: Comments directed to Bangkok Eddy.

  9. Nice to know imperialism is alive and well and values we take for granted are to be denied others just because what they chose may not be to our liking.

    Values :huh: You really don't have a clue do you. Values such as amputation of hands for theft, stoning to death for adultery, death for apostacy, no education for women, if the Islamo-fascist values are to be denied the people of Bahrain then so be it, you are welcome to go and live in Somalia or Iran if you want to have a love in with fundamentalist Islam. :lol:


    Dan, the stupid part about some of these posts is that none of those things are happening now in Bahrain, but if they have their way, they probably will have in the future. Since this King has been in power, women have been given the right to vote, and encouraged to get an education, more representation by members of society. If the fundamentalist get their way, you can bet human rights will suffer a setback, and the things you mention could be the fuure.


    The trouble is you base your view on ten years of personal experience whereas your lefty islamofascist sympathiser takes his cue from Iranian Press TV. When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?

  10. Nice to know imperialism is alive and well and values we take for granted are to be denied others just because what they chose may not be to our liking.

    Values :huh: You really don't have a clue do you. Values such as amputation of hands for theft, stoning to death for adultery, death for apostacy, no education for women, if the Islamo-fascist values are to be denied the people of Bahrain then so be it, you are welcome to go and live in Somalia or Iran if you want to have a love in with fundamentalist Islam. :lol:


  11. Interesting that so many people are condemning Bahrain. Where were they last year, or the year before? Not a peep on the subject. All of a sudden, some shiites protest and the Baharain government is condemned.iran has been trying to absorb Bahrain since the turn of the last century, and again, not a peep from those condemning the Arabs of Bahrain. I find it odd that the main government opponents are led by clerics that wish to institute strict sharia law. I also find it odd that those who claim to believe in freedom are opposed to a government that has brought modernization and an attempt at civil rights. Here they are backing religious groups that wish to roll back those freedoms, and to put women back in their perceived position as chattel.

    This thread is a demonstration of the hypocrisy and ignorance of the usual gang of sh*t disturbers spewing hate. It is incredible that for a group that bleats on about the need to respect Arabs sees fit to stab them in the back because the their Farsi led darlings want to create a nasty sharia run state and snuggle with the despotic nation of Iran.

    The Arabs in the surrounding regions are going to give you a lesson on what happens when Iranians try to bully Arabs.


    Well yes hypocrisy and ignorance about covers it. I would add that it is ironic that those up in arms over Israeli settlement building or who cry blue murder whenever Israel retaliates claiming human rights abuses are all to happy to cry colonialism when it's suggested by some that a no fly zone should be enforced over Libya, which could save literally thousands of lives. But this is an example of the hypocrisy of some posters. As for ignorance it is worth bearing in mind the likely ramifications of middle eastern regimes being toppled. Most are dictatorships true enough, but the left wing naively think democracy can supplant these despotic regimes, however as with the Shah of Iran's overthrow the odds are high that we get Islamic fundamentalist theocracies in their place. Both scenarios are a disaster for the human rights of a Country's populace, but at least a despot can be managed more effectively from outside and terrorism is less likely to spill over borders.

    The above does contain elements of hindsight and the trouble is that after the mess that is Afghanistan and Iraq the U.S seems to be loath to intervene, however the domino theory applied to communism may have been replaced by a new domino theory of fundamental Islam and due to past experience the U.S may stand aside and in doing so embolden the fundamentalists.

    Just for fun (and from an atheist) this is one view.

    http://disasteremergencysupplies.com/snafu/category/armageddon/ :hit-the-fan:

  12. If you scratch below the surface on this one you can get a better picture of what's happening - Bahrain has a sizeable Shiite population, Iran has been instrumental in inciting unrest in Bahrain hoping it will set a precedent and spread to Saudi Arabia and the Emirate states. Meanwhile contrary to an Iranian claim there is talk that it is Syria not Israel supplying arms to help prop up the Libyan regime.


    Cheer for consistency if you like but be very aware that in comparing Bahrain with Libya may apply on one level, but if Libya persists and Bahrain then other Emirate states and Saudi Arabia succumb to chaos then it impacts us all including naive liberals or internet jihadists.

    Edit: Just to add Syria have form when it comes to violently crushing their own insurrections with Assad Senior killing up to 40,000 in 1982.

  13. I would actually agree with the editorial that to be seen to escalate matters is not wise though I also think it worth pointing out that the building sanctioned is within the boundaries of existing settlements and not any newly claimed land. I also think it worth noting that this week is annual Israel apparteid week in which all Israel's enemies will do their level best to create as bigger shit storm as possible.

    Finally and most tellingly Israel has thus far managed to keep a low profile with respect to the ongoing unrest within the Arab world and it's Irans hope and the internet jihadist's wet dream to get Israel to be a focal point for Arab hostility in the hope of starting a war. Israel should be careful not to take the bait.

  14. Israeli Textbooks and Children's Literature Promote Racism and Hatred Toward Palestinians and Arabs

    This nonsense is from a monthly magazine that is published by the Washington-based anti-Israel American Educational Trust. Thai Visa is not a place for this kind of crap.

    Or perhaps it is in the sense that it's a safer bet to post mendacious racist nonsense on a Thailand based website and probably with a Thai I.P address than it would be to do so on a European equivalent. Certainly in the U.K a procedure called a Norwich Pharmacal can be used to compel a webmaster to divulge the I.P address of a poster who has potentially posted something actionable in either civil or criminal law.

  15. Regarding charges of antisemitism towards critics of Israeli policies. Sometimes that's charged unfairly and too often, and sometimes it should be charged based on substance when it isn't. Each case is different. Many people who are antisemitic do use criticism of Israel as a cover but you can't always tell based on some statements. There is a difference also between an antisemitic person and antisemitic comment. Not every word out an antisemite's mouth is going to confirm that they have that hate disease, but usually it doesn't take very long for them to come out of that closet.

    Here is an excellent, objective way, to evaluate specific statements for antisemitic content --


    ... criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.

    I don't need to mention names, but it's fairly obvious to a neutral observer that many posters here would fit squarely within the scope of the EU definition of antisemitism. The fact that sundry threads some not even about Israel are steered in that direction by posters intent on posting clearly biased if not antisemitic material and coming up with fantastical conspiracy theories to question for example whether or not the holocaust happened, or in this case whether or not two babies were murdered in their sleep by a terrorist organization, which even admitted to the crime.

  16. In my opinion, on the face of it, I find it a very strange decision to show it at the UN and is completely wrong.

    I disagree with you Wallaby because where else will the UN members get to see ? And I think far too much has been suppressed

    in the past - listen to the confession of a former Israeli Minister :o

    I see you are repeating links from other threads, but the answer is the same. You have a broad range of oppinion in a democracy such as Israel and you don't get a fatwa put on your head for doing so, which is standard fayre in most Arab Countries, some where women can't even drive. As for the link, yes some Israelis may be quick to use the scapegoat argument but no quicker than every single Country in the Arab world systematically scapegoats Israel. Here is but one link of many thousands, I'll give a different link than I did last time in reply to yours.


    As for the U.N and it's Arab bloc vote the anti-Israel film is EXACTLY what I would expect from an organization that still employs Robert Falk who alleges 9/11 was set up by George Bush.

    Quick edit to add: And the bias inherent in the U.N underlines exactly why Israel will continue to ignore it and the U.S will continue to veto every binding resolution that is politically motivated. A busy time for the building trade I predict.

  17. Gaza war tourism - Keren Levy: I'm a little bit fascist

    A little bit :offtopic: aren't we considering the OT is the international community condemning cold blooded murder, but I guess you knew that very well indeed. :annoyed:

    Could not find a "Gaza residents from the southern city of Rafah celebrate the attack" video. So i took related footage.

    You must be blind. Here's a tip, google 'Gaza residents celebrate attack'


  18. Celebrates! :bah:

    Gaza residents from the southern city of Rafah hit the streets Saturday to celebrate the terror attack in the West Bank settlement of Itamar where five family members were murdered in their sleep, including three children. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4041106,00.html

    this whole thing sounds like a conspiracy theory to me :whistling:

    Can I recommend the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, I think it might be to your taste. :sick:

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