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Steely Dan

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Posts posted by Steely Dan

  1. And a lot more Jews flocked to Israel after the surrounding Arab countries drove them out simply for being Jewish.

    By the way, the Brits stabbed the Jews in the back by allowing rampant Arab immigration and doing their best to stop the Jews. It is no secret that they played both sides against the middle. ;)

    "if it were possible Israel would be signing it's own death warrant by agreeing to it as tanks and planes are not effective in close quarters fighting which would be the inevitable result of returning to the 1967 borders".


    FACT : This is why Israel follows the current policy on Palistine today. It has everything to lose [which it took in the past] and Palestine has everything to gain.

    Who started the 1967 war, who started the 1973 war, who forced Jews to leave Arab lands after the two said wars? You reap what you sow. Palestine lost because of the company it kept, end of story.

  2. Take a closer look at the article starting with the title, notice how the sentence starts with the word Israel instead of Hamas. Hamas fires 50 mortars at Israeli civilian targets, Israel retaliates has a far different feel to it. The article proceeds to mention the injured on the Hamas side before it mentions those on the Israeli side. You have to read to the last two lines of the article to be told that this was the biggest attack from the Gaza strip this year.

    Our inbuilt bullshit detector adjusts the tone automatically, but the 'liberals' lap it up and are no doubt privately creaming themselves if Hamas does succeed in killing anyone as they no doubt deserved it for being there.

  3. And a lot more Jews flocked to Israel after the surrounding Arab countries drove them out simply for being Jewish.

    By the way, the Brits stabbed the Jews in the back by allowing rampant Arab immigration and doing their best to stop the Jews. It is no secret that they played both sides against the middle. ;)

    Some 800,000 to 1,000,000 who since then have in some cases had families the facts on the ground are largely a result of the fallout from the 1967 and 1973 wars neither of which Israel started. Going back to the pre 1967 borders is just a liberal wet dream and even if it were possible Israel would be signing it's own death warrant by agreeing to it as tanks and planes are not effective in close quarters fighting which would be the inevitable result of returning to the 1967 borders.


  4. He is a politically correct wimp and a terrorist appeaser. I can forget the hopey, changey thing. :D

    Agreed. If I weren't an atheist I'd have him down as the anti-Christ considering the way he has let dangerous situations fester and deteriorate, but leaving superstition out of it that bloody nobel prize softened his brain - the Emperor Nero of our times.

  5. Brahmburgers, Thanks for your insight, that was most interesting. I think any arguements based on genetic differences between people tends towards racism, human development is predominantly of a cultural nature and here is where change has to happen. If you teach your children to hate and fill their heads with superstitious nonsense there can never be peace, but if you let them develop as human beings then future generations have hope. This applies to the children from left wing liberal parents as well as Muslim children. :)

    What is your definition of " superstitious nonsense " ?

    Some children perhaps merely hear their parents commenting when someone

    asks Israel about certain matters, they never get an answer for. Only

    an accusation that you are anti- semetic just for asking those questions ? :blink:

    So some children may then grow up simply not trusting Jews - but this does not have to be the

    same as hating them ?

    Just a small sample of the kind of outstanding questions :-

    1. Why is Israel allowed to possess the only nuclear arsenal in the Middle East and not

    even have to comply with NPT ?

    2. Why hasn't Israel cooperated with the findings of the Goldstone Report .

    3. Who exactly owns The Federal Reserve Bank of USA ( of course we know :rolleyes: )and

    why is this ridiculous situation allowed to continue ? :ph34r:

    Is that really the best you can do?


    Well isn't it cute the mysoginistic antisemitic hate manual being recited by a three year old. :sick:

    and more


    Lets skip the nobel prizes or even the notion of taking any responsibility for your children's future and go straight to the main course of suicide bombers. :thumbsup:

    Edit: Just to add there are plenty more where these came from and from Arab children living nowhere near Israel so you less of the liberal twaddle that they were traumatised by what's happening in a tiny slither of land some 1/700th the land area of the entire middle east.

  6. "The Egyptian Coalition for Monitoring the Referendum issued its first report around noon, saying that some stations failed to open on time and that votes have been cast outside of the regulatory curtains. In addition, a large number of voting forms were unstamped.

    The report also mentioned that Muslim Brotherhood members were allegedly telling people to vote 'Yes' as they queue, breaking the polling day rules set by the voting committee. It was also reported earlier that Salafist groups across the country have been telling people that voting "No" is sinful and goes against Sharia law."

    So it's goodbye Mubarrak the dictactor and hello Egyptian 'democracy' :unsure: The chances of any middle eastern state converting to a true democracy as oppose to an Islamic theocracy are sadly remote indeed. Ever heard of the domino effect Mr Obama. :ph34r:

  7. Brahmburgers, Thanks for your insight, that was most interesting. I think any arguements based on genetic differences between people tends towards racism, human development is predominantly of a cultural nature and here is where change has to happen. If you teach your children to hate and fill their heads with superstitious nonsense there can never be peace, but if you let them develop as human beings then future generations have hope. This applies to the children from left wing liberal parents as well as Muslim children. :)

  8. "Peace Prize" winner!

    He can stuff his lies up his behind where they came from.

    But might as well knock out Iran's nukes while he is at it.

    It might have been Israel's Stuxnet attack on Iran Busher reactor that contributed to the nuclear disaster now taking place in Japan. See my post in the Japan thread.

    Besides, Obama doesn't have the balls to take on Iran, no matter how hard Netanyahoo is pushing him as recent as 2 days ago :

    Netanyahu: Only fear of possible strike could stop Iran's nuclear progress

    Netanyahu said if military action was taken, he would prefer that it be lead by the United States.


    Not to mention this Israeli boy has been crying Iranian wolf for more than 15 years now, and hardly anyone takes him serious anymore :lol:

    In case it's escaped your attention Iran is up to it's neck in shit stirring, they have installed a puppet regime in Lebannon, are active in smuggling missiles to Hamas, Hizbollah and the Taleban in Afghanistan. They are behind the protests in Bahrain and Yemen and are inciting Shiite rebellion in Saudi Arabia. Action against Iran is inevitable, it's only a matter of time, action in Libya was not and I suspect Iran will do it's level best to cause another flare up whilst the west are preoccupied in Libya, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, have I missed any?

  9. In the words of Father Brennan "When the Jews return to Zion, and a comet rips the sky, and the Holy Roman Empire rises, then you and I must die. From the Eternal Sea, He rises, creating armies on either shore, turning man against his brother, till man exists, no more.".

    If there is a standoff in Libya such that Gadaffi can continue to produce and export oil then Russia and China could be big winners and the west big losers, do I sense the prospect of mission creep?

  10. Gadhafi to Kick Out Western Oil Firms, Turning to Russia and China

    Thursday, 17 Mar 2011 01:20 PM

    By Newsmax Wires

    More ways to share... Mixx Stumbled LinkedIn Vine Buzzflash Reddit Delicious Newstrust Technocrati Share: More . . . A A | Email Us | Print | Forward Article Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi has vowed to expel Western energy companies from the country and replace them with oil firms from China, India, and Russia.

    Gadhafi made the comments on the heels of recent successes against rebel forces.

    “We are ready to bring in India and Chinese companies to replace Western companies,” he said in a speech.

    And in an interview published Wednesday by RT — a global multilingual television news network based in Russia — Gadhafi said: “We don’t trust the West anymore, so Russia, China and India will be our allies in the oil sector, construction and investments

    Read more on Newsmax.com: Gadhafi to Kick Out Western Oil Firms, Turning to Russia and China

    Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

  11. And how dare Neranyahu complain or Countries might think he doesn't want peace, what they might think of Hamas is anyone's guess.


    Hamas wins Cairo's recognition, strikes Israel with 50 mortars

    DEBKAfile Exclusive Report March 19, 2011, 12:27 PM (GMT+02:00) Tags: Egypt Hamas Israel mortar barrage Syria IDF shows Iranian arms bound for GazaIsraeli civilians living around the Gaza border woke up Saturday, March 19, to the most massive mortar attack in years – 50 rounds fired in 15 minutes. Two civilians were injured and substantial damage caused to property. Hamas unusually claimed responsibility, emboldened by the support it has won from a new ally, the new rulers of Cairo, which have now lined up with Syria and Iran.

    The Netanyahu government has not informed the Israeli public about the ominous new winds blowing in fromCairo although they are already in motion: Cairo has given Hamas rule of the Gaza Strip de facto recognition, is about to lift the blockade on the Gaza Strip and is forging new understandings with Damascus and the Palestinian Hamas and Islamic Jihad radicals based there.

  12. Facts of history when the Israelis pulled out of Lebanon they got Hizbullah and 40,000 rockets and when they pulled out of Gaza they got Hamas and 20,000 rockets.

    Are you trying to say third time lucky?:blink:

    Hostile actions??? from which side?

    40,000 and 20,000? Not 40,002 and 19,998 maybe be or 39,971 and 20,004?

    What did they to the locals that they send them so many rockets? Where they came from?

    Actually they came from Iran and Syria possibly having been manufactured in Russia.

  13. The place with more deluded left-wing wackos than San Francisco is Bizerkely. They probably think Obama is a "racist".Just watch the video to see why these hypocrites are making up lies about him. :lol:


    A little left wing for my tastes. :lol: If Islam is singled out here then I would venture a similar speech could have been made about Christianity at the time of the crusades or Spanish inquisition. Islam is in my oppinion going through it's own dark ages and as with the crusades this manifests itself first in a contempt for and a refusal to coexist with any other faith, it recognises no Country with Islam being the only recognised group, which explains the demands to introduce Sharia law wherever Muslims set foot. This does not mean such fundamentalists represent the majority of Muslims, indeed in the west there is a silent majority co-existing peacefully, the trouble is they are cowed and intimidated by the fanatics.

    It was not always so, indeed Judaism and Islam coexisted for the most part peacefully for centuries, but it would be folly to deny that Islam does have a fundamental problem at the moment.

  14. Like I said. We will never ,never know if we don't try. Then if it does continue on this path the Israelis will have a legitimate mandate to suppress thier hostile actions. And I for one will stand up for that mandate and openly support Israel. And I am sure a mojority of Palestinian supporters will do likewise.

    It needs two to tango. Recognition of Israel's right to exist is a pre-requisite to any negotiations with a body including Hamas.

  15. The last paragragh is the key. Stop stealing Arab land. Withdraw to the pre 1967 war borders and then we can see from there. If Hamas then continues hostilities then I and I am sure many more will start to agree with Israeli policy. And before you say it. We will never know if we never do just that. There has to be give and take on both sides. The thing is that Israel is the one that stands to have to give/lose the most by this so they want nothing to do with it. And nobody can deny it because they have been the ones gaining the most since the beginning of those hostilities in 1967.

    But Israel retreated from Lebannon and were repaid with thousands of rockets, they retreated from Gaza unilaterally which met with the same reaction. The pre 67 borders are just a negotiating point in a gradualist stance to eliminate Israel completely, read it in the charter.

  16. Just in case it has skipped anyone's memory here is Hamas's charter. On reading it do you think there is any prospect whatsoever of Israel negotiating with a Palestinian leadership adopting this stance (Hint, even the Arabite liberal lefty nations of Europe consider Hamas a terrorist organization).


    The principles of the Hamas are stated in their Covenant or Charter, given in full below. Following are highlights.

    "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).

    "The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. "

    "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors."

    "After Palestine, the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", and their present conduct is the best proof of what we are saying."

  17. My understanding is that these "new" homes are actually apartments in existing Israeli places of abode on the West Bank specifically, Gush Etzion, Ma'ale Adumim, Ariel, and Kiryat Sefer. Although some are against these dwellings, there is a big difference between new location construction of single family dwellings and high density apartment blocks in an existing center of population. The intent is to send a message to the PLA that one can kill Israelis, but they will not go away. It is a political statement of resolve.

    And what is your position the Palestinian families being evicted from their houses on thier own land whilst these new Israeli dwellings are being erected. Is that fair?

    More illegal Israeli buildings than Palestinian ones were demolished last year, was that fair?

  18. Who is the Israeli PM to say that " Palestinian reconciliation was not approved by his government ". That is a disgraceful thing to say and only goes futher to show the oppression of the Palestinian people by the hand of Israeli policy towards them. Laughable.

    Yes let's not oppress any Palestinian leadership into not adopting racist nazi ideology. :sick:

  19. How about the Arabs follow the example of the UN 1948 come up with a partition plan for the British colonies and take New Jersey and Long Island and declare it to a Jewish state and give the rest of the land to the pilgrims. Or somewhere in Europe, take East Germany and Silesia declare that territory to the Jewish state.

    The Arabs didn't agree 1948 because they rejected the colonial map making in their front yard. For the Arabs is it much more a territory issue and own nationalist movement than that they were anti-semitic. A Jewish state somewhere else no problem, that would be a solution even the Arabs would finally agree with.

    Try telling that to the Mufti of Jerusalem.

    Edit: Just to add at the end that Hamas follow the same anti-semitic protocols as the Nazis and Mufti did, little wonder Netanyahu made the comment he made.

  20. I'm most interested in a written analysis by Steely Dan ;)


    Being facetious are we? :whistling:

    Well I will make one observation; The support or lack of it for outside intervention within the middle east seems to split clearly along the schism that is Sunni versus Shia Islam. The farce which is the Iraq intervention as well as Afghanistan/Pakistan has left the U.S resources stretched, furthermore the Obama administration looks to be trying to disengage from the middle east. The trouble is that these two factors have upset the balance of power between Sunni and Shia Muslims and enboldened Ahmedinajad. He has wasted no time in establishing unstable or hostile Countries bordering Israel and is now repeating the trick with Saudi Arabia. I think with U.S backing Israel would have attacked Iran's nuclear plants some time ago, but no backing was forthcoming. There is now a serious fall out between Obama and Abdullah who unlike Israel has decided to act. The Iranian 'rage' at Saudi intervention is in my oppinion manufactured and is part of Ahmedinajad's plan to cause mayhem in the middle east, he may succeed though the showdown may be between Iran and Saudi Arabia (with Israel's covert backing). Providing oil continues to flow this would work in the west's favour just as Iran and Iraq neutralised each other for years, however I'm very pessimistic that this would be possible and I fear a large war is brewing with an oil shock similar to 1974.

  21. Not a surprise that Germany which obtains 10%+ of its oil from Libya is hestitating for fear of what happens if Gadaffi survives.

    Or maybe they have memories of the whupping at Tobruk they received at the hands of the plucky British on Nov. 11, 1942 :whistling:

    The French, UK and Arab forces are going to remember the German decision. :D

    And me? I don't care. Let the EU freeze in the dark. The Germans and Italians are going to have to face reality soon enough.

    I'm coming round to your way of thinking. Perhaps the U.S should follow the Germans lead and let someone else do the U.N's dirty work for them.

  22. My understanding is that these "new" homes are actually apartments in existing Israeli places of abode on the West Bank specifically, Gush Etzion, Ma'ale Adumim, Ariel, and Kiryat Sefer. Although some are against these dwellings, there is a big difference between new location construction of single family dwellings and high density apartment blocks in an existing center of population. The intent is to send a message to the PLA that one can kill Israelis, but they will not go away. It is a political statement of resolve.

    Although some are against these dwellings ...

    William Hague warns over Israel settlements

    PA Friday, 18 March 2011

    Israeli settlement building "runs contrary to peace", William Hague said after calling for an end to new construction in talks with the country's defence minister.

    The Foreign Secretary said he raised the UK's "serious concern" over the announcement of 400 new units in the West Bank during a "constructive" meeting with Ehud Barak yesterday.



    The cheque is in the post William.

    Everything is now illuminated

    Monday, 16th November 2009

    After watching Peter Oborne’s ‘Dispatches’ programme on the power of the Israel lobby in Britain, the scales have fallen from my eyes.

    I now see things in an entirely different light. I now realise that the power of this unique cabal is so vast and unprecedented in its truly demonic power – a power given to no other lobby – that both the Labour government and Tory opposition slavishly and unquestioningly support Israel’s military actions and that the Guardian and the BBC have found themselves totally unable to publish or transmit anything other than wholehearted support for Israel.


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