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Posts posted by Ulic

  1. I only use E-95 for the last tank of gas and storage (so, two tanks) before I return home for an extended stay. No reason not to use the least expensive recommended fuel (91). I read that alcohol in the fuel pulls moisture out of the air so you should not store vehicles with fuel containing alcohol.  (benzine 95 alcohol-free)

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  2. Rains forecast to come late and to be lite. Things may scrape by this year but next year could be terrible. It's time the Thai government brought in foreign water management consultants to come up with a plan to improve water retainment during the rainy season, especially during heavy rain flood years. With so much rain there is no reason to go through the dry season with drought.  

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  3. China has not lived up to its commitments to change for 50 years yet they want tariffs to end now in exchange for a promise to change in the future. China has had 50 years. The US should start with that as a frame of reference. Tariffs will end 50 years after change, and negotiate from there. Perhaps tariffs will end 5 years after all commitments have been 100% lived up to.   

  4. 4 hours ago, Tropposurfer said:

    If these are the boats in question then it depends who was on what side of the other boat, as to who gives way.


    a boat approaching from your starboard side has right of way.

    if under sail The rules are universal and still apply.

    if a boat is not underway either by sail or motor then the rule still applies, but given the boat underway/ under some form of power other than drift has inherently more control it is usually assumed they are to take steps to avoid the drifting vessel.

    like the road all driver/steerers of boats must take all precaution to avoid collision.

    if adrift then this vessel skipper should be signalling to other vessels before possible collision takes place I.e. drifting into moored vessels, wVe like hell n yell or use radio too.

    excessive speed, of course, when  contradicting local or national waterway laws can affect application of such starboard and port side approach rules e.g. a jet ski loosing control and plowing into a boat behaving in a sensible manner and on a sensible course would get busted for it.

    so says an old salty sea dog.

    Looks like the fishing boat was a stand-up rowboat. The vessel under power should have avoided him in my opinion.

  5. 6 hours ago, toenail said:

    Good sales with plastic water guns and water proof cell phone packets imported from China. And similar to holiday spending in the West, there will be a decrease in consumer spending starting next week since everyone has spent their last baht for the New Year.

    Don't worry, next week when Songkran ends thousands like myself who have hunkered down in our man caves avoiding the bucket brigade soaking and carnage will emerge and help drive the Thai economy. :thumbsup:

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