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Posts posted by Ulic

  1. I don't get plastic bags from Makro, and I don't have any problem getting things home. I just bring my back-pack. I do bring my reusable plastic containers when I go to the Jomtien Night market. It brings a puzzled look to the stall operators face, and then a smile. All that said I still use plenty of plastic for fruits, vegetables, and meats I pick up at Makro. As has been pointed out, it is the disposing of these plastics that is the problem. I think the answer is the high-temperature burning and conversion to energy by Sweedish designed/type power plants. Maybe not a perfect solution but as they say "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good". 

  2. The water that is usable is an estimate and probably an overestimate. As for when the rains will return, they are predicted to be late and lite this year meaning next year is looking even more difficult. Even this year could be a disaster in the making. The first few heavy downpours will not add to reservoir levels. They just will return moisture content to the ground. Hopefully, they will implement better water planning this year. With all the extra construction of condos and hotels, Phuket is going to need better water management.

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  3. I was just reading an article on the tickets handed out in Phuket during Songkran. Over 900 failure to wear helmets, over 500 driving without a license and I believe third most was a failure to wear seatbelts, and still a couple of days to add to the totals. Note, those were tickets handed out which does not include direct contributions to tea money. If they kept this enforcement going year round the population would soon learn to comply with the law because they will be caught and fined if they don't. It is not the law, or fines that have to change, its enforcement.

  4. Always a head scratcher that some airlines can get things so wrong and get into such debt while others remain at least marginally profitable. With fuel surcharges, most of the variables are removed from the equation. Just passenger loads are variable. Plane leasing and staffing are a fixed cost, as are airport fees. The operators just have to have good staff/service and keep the planes full.

  5. The pool and air-conditioning is my answer. That said it's the long Songkran in Pattaya forcing me to hunker down that has me a little snappy. At least I know it will be safe to venture out on the 20th. The heat will be with us for quite some time.

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