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Posts posted by Ulic

  1. In Canada, yellow means stop, unless it is unsafe to do so. But you don't get a ticket unless to cross on a red light with traffic cameras. Camera pictures are set up showing your wheels before the white stop line and the light being red. In Thailand, (just a personal observation), Thais seem to consider the red light to be green for 3-5 seconds after it has turned red, and even up to 10 seconds if you are following bumper to bumper the car ahead of you. Just be courteous and flash your lights so those who have the green light understand you are exercising your "Mercedes, I am important" right of way. :tongue:

  2. A ridiculous article which brings liars, dammed liars, and those that quote statistics squarely into play. They ignore the fact that the average Chinese tourist stays 4 days while western tourists stay for an average of 3 weeks. The Chinese tourists are on package tours with the profit left at home. While the question is posed to Chinese tourists "how much do you spend per day" the real question should be, how much of that money stays in Thailand. Of course, retired expats whether staying on the 400/800 thousand yearly budget spend the most in Thailand. Yes, they have the lowest daily spend but the highest total spend which is much more important to the economy of Thailand. They smooth out the low-high season bumps, support the construction industry by buying and renting apartments, and support a whole network of Thai families. The Thai government really needs to stop listening to the TAT statistics which are twisted to spin a story of "look how well we are doing". Wake up and smell the coffee. Once you have driven away the western tourists and expat retirees with high prices, poor service, pollution, sewage, and garbage everywhere, silly hoop jumping visa regulations, they will be unlikely to return.  Vietnam will eat Thailands lunch in 5-10 years is my prediction.  

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