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Posts posted by Ulic

  1. If the wisdom teeth are infected the dentist will not remove them until the patient has had a cycle of antibiotics

    and the infection is gone. If the teeth are painful they are probably infected. Your wife can take a cycle of a broad

    spectrum antibiotic before she gets to Bangkok. I had all four of mine done at once some years ago. I highly

    recommend a specialist (oral surgeon) stay at least 4 days after surgery to make sure there are no issues.

    The younger the patient is the easier the teeth usually come out as the roots are not as set. If they are

    impacted they may need to be broken and removed. I recommend being put right under unless the oral surgeon

    says the x-rays look straight forward.

  2. This is totally rational behaviour. Any nationality.

    1/ deny, deny, deny.

    2/ As you become more direct and confrontational spin it turn the table. She has nothing to loose. You don't trust me.

    you are to controlling, get aggressive and in your face, put you on the defencive. Hopefully you back of like a pussy whipped

    weenie. As for her family, she is blood. Only one in 100 would tell you the full story against her wishes. For them if she wants

    to tell you she would.

    Now while you do not like your sister in law she is the one raising your kids. I know against your wishes but that is life.

    Send the monthly allowance to her. I recommend 3,000 x 2 = 6,000 plus extras school/ medical. Keep all receipts as

    this may be important one day as you do not see your kids as often as you should/would like to. Try to make those visits

    happen. Get your kids registered with your embassy and get them there European passports. Move past the ex you are

    just wasting emotional energy.

    • Like 1
  3. What should you do?

    Take a chill pill, wait 2 weeks, the hair grows back.

    If the child's hair was not cut in accordance with School Regulations ... in the future, make sure it is.

    Mind, that above is not a message of support for the school but,

    at this particular moment, you need to think with a cool head.

    Give the teacher the same haircut, tell him to chill, the hair grows back.

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