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Posts posted by Ulic

  1. Get a DNA test, then if you are the father, send 6,000 baht a month to the grandmother or whoever is

    looking after your child. Also try to be in your child's life as much as possible. Not just because you will

    regret it later if you don't, but because it is also the right thing to do.

    Give extra money for extra expenses, school, toys, birthdays etc. I know you don't want to be a cash cow

    but you should shoulder your responsibilities in a proper manner.

  2. All the suggestions you need. All the combinations and permutations as they say. Let us know what you choose

    and how it turns out. I would just swing by the pawn shop let them know it was stolen and you want to get it back

    for the price they paid. He only got a few baht on the cost for sure. They know it was stolen. If they want to involve

    the police it is up to them. I would not. Tell the GF he is no longer welcome, move on lesson leaned.

    • Like 1
  3. It's all fine until the collapse then everyone points to the other guy. Engineers, building permits, inspectors. The owner

    throws up his hands and says as far as he knows everything was in order. Especially if the current owner sells the

    building. Best to shut the hotel down refund all the guests there money, give them a little extra for the inconvenience add

    everything to the bill the owner will have to pay to take the top floors down, plus interest. Fix a date for the fine to be paid.

    Sell the hotel to pay the bill if the owner does not pay. May take some time. But it would send a clear message

    to other property owners/developers to make sure all bribes to get the correct permits and inspections done must be paid.

    You can't have these people going ahead and doing work without the correct thick envelopes being dispersed appropriately.

  4. Other than the pressure of parking illegally and taking up spots meant for residents/tourists the black taxis are not

    the problem. It is the legal taxi, mafia and the outrageous rates they charge. No meters, 35% kickbacks to them from

    Gem shops and tourist venues. laying siege to hotels so no other taxis can pick up guests in "there territory" it is the

    system that is the issue not the black taxi's. Easy to pick on them.

    • Like 2
  5. NOT insurance!!! Just a fee you'll pay. You'll get no medical "coverage" for it. This description of it as "insurance" has now been so widely & often repeated, it's going to come as quite a shock when foreigners who've paid it start walking into hospitals expecting free care...

    Theoretically, these funds will go to reimburse hospitals that have had to treat deadbeat foreigners out-of-pocket.

    From what I have read in articles not TV posts it is insurance. Limited to between 200-300 thousand baht. What people have to understand is

    would be like travel insurance you purchase in your home country, it is for emergencies. You can't fly in pay your 500 baht and go book a MRI

    or some other diagnostic procedure. For those you would have to go home and use your countries health care system.

  6. They have pretty much closed down around the world but as you are talking about a small area of a existing

    shop there is not much danger of a big loss. If it does not work out just sell the inventory to a hotel for there

    guests or something like that. Of course there would be copyright laws as most DVD are bootlegs and that

    is what would be rented I am sure. (no offence) I think your main issue would be with the police and the

    possibility they would want a slice.

  7. Apples and Oranges. A completely different experience. Both are great in there own way. As a tourist you spend much more money

    per day as generally you are here for two weeks. You are out and about every day travelling around on a mission so to speak.

    Day night go, go, go,. Living hear things are more relaxed, no real schedule just an agenda of things you want to do the next

    week, month etc. You have the lay of the land, you keep learning about new things. Of course ex-pats like to bitch and TV

    allows them to moan about Thai politics and Thai non-sensibilities. Still enjoying what Thailand has to offer as I am in my

    first year hear. Other adventures on the chalkboard of life next year before returning to Thailand in the future.

  8. Th rice scheme has gone 100% according to plan. "We will give you a 40% premium for your rice if you vote for us

    and we get into power." Enough said, how much the country looses is not out concern. Much like the Greek governments

    for 35 years. Promise the people anything and everything get elected don't worry about paying the piper that will not be for

    a few decades. By then pockets will be lined and you will not be in power and all will be forgotten after the spin doctors

    have done there work.

    • Like 1
  9. I had a two day overstay as I was flying out of Phuket. I was shown to the office to pay the fine. Told to pay

    1,500 baht. Told him I thought it was 1000. Had to pay 1,500 when I got the receipt it was for a 1000.

    Also stopped here in Pattaya on my scooter. Wearing my helmet, had my licence, been stopped a hundred

    times before. no troubles. Told to produce my international licence. It was at my condo. I had never needed

    it before. Told me the fine was 600 baht, I could pay him direct or leave my bike, go to the police station

    pay the fine, find my way back, show it had been paid and be on my way. I offered 200, he said 500,

    I said 300, he said 400, I gave him 300 and got on my bike and left. Needless to say my international

    licence which does not have a Thai translation in now under the seat of my bike.

    One other story but it is not my story. I have a Thai friend (lady) that owns a small bar in Patong.

    She tells me she makes a monthly payoffs to police, city officials etc.. so she can remain open.

    It is a small bar with a couple of pool tables. Never asked what the amounts were but it sure

    does squeeze her.

  10. I think the OP makes some very valid points. The the Caribbean and Thailand could well see a significant bump in

    the numbers from Brittan. Nothing compared to the numbers from Russia and China but significant percentage

    increase from their numbers of last few years.

  11. Thanks for the replies so far. It seems that the general consensus is to sell ASAP and that is my gut feeling too.

    But my home currency is US$ and I don't have much faith in that hanging in there for much longer.

    All the holdings are with a reputable broker [Fidelity] and their [cash] money market pays next to nothing in interest, but is secure.

    Assume that the THB is not too secure now and I have way too much invested here already.

    I'm past my mid 60's and can live out my life, but would like to leave something for my Thai family.

    What about gold [physical or futures or mining]??

    And no resources here in LOS for US financial planning??

    I do like the advice that has been offered. One more piece, things take longer than people predict but when they do they

    happen faster than thought possible. I do think the US stock market will move up 15-20% higher before another correction.

    While I think the US dollar is in for a rough ride I think that day is quite some time off. Many countries work hard to keep

    there countries currencies strength vs the USD in a favourable range for trading but don't want it too low as imports like

    oil and industrial machinery get to expensive. Picking the top or the bottom of a market is a bit of a mugs game. When you think it

    is overvalued based on what you have read and it makes sense to you and your experience sell or buy. Try to invest in

    companies that you understand. There products, there management etc.. Unless the there is inflation I am not a fan of gold.

    Even though the US/ Japan/ are printing money like drunken sailors I don't see the inflation yet.

    Best of luck

    • Like 1
  12. Tourists have to learn the reason they get robbed in disproportionate numbers is two main reasons.

    I/ They tend to carry a lot of cash and expensive phones/ jewelry

    2/ If they do not catch the perpetrators before the tourist leaves they are off scott free as there is

    no longer a witness or complainant.

    This is not unique to Thailand. The state of Florida received so much bad press after several English tourists

    were murdered and so many tourists were being robbed with impunity the set up a separate budget to fly

    tourists back to the state to be witnesses at court cases. Rental cars were debadged so they could not be identified.

    Long term tourists who flock down from Canada to escape the winter can put Florida plates on there cars.

    In short the state wanted the tourists to blend in.

    Not really sure how effective it has been. But they had to do something as the British press

    was printing up unfavourable headlines about vacationing in Florida.

  13. All great advice here. I recommend a combination depending on if you will be a regular visitor. If you will be then open a Thai bank account.

    If not or on your first visit bring some cash and large denomination travellers checks. There are security issues with card skimming

    and Thai banks do not make getting a refund easy. So if you open a Thai account read some of the recommendations found on this site

    to minimize the loss if your card is skimmed. A couple of bank cards and credit cards in case the ATM swallows your card is wise. This

    has happened to me in the USA. I was able to get them back the next day both times by showing up at the bank the next day at opening.

    The machines had at least 60 cards in them. If I had used a stand alone machine and not one at a bank branch things would have been

    much more difficult.

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