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Posts posted by Ulic

  1. At your age insurance insurance is cheap. Many policy's that will cover you for 150 dollars a year, unlimited number of trips

    up to 30 days. Just check on the scooter coverage. There are many exclusions depending on engine cc's weather you carry

    a motorcycle licence etc.. For older travellers it is not so simple. Lengthy trips, pre-existing conditions etc.. Many people lie

    to there insurance provider which negates there coverage. Many tell the truth about high blood pressure etc.. pay a whopping

    surcharge and are still not covered for the pre existing condition. So for instance your high blood pressure even though controlled

    by medication means you are not covered for heart attack or stroke. Now I do know there are appropriate insurance policy's but

    don't expect them to be cheap. Be honest with your insurance agent and work with a knowledgeable agent who understands

    the difference and is not out to make a quick sale of an ineffective policy. After all you will never even know until you need it.

  2. Someone remind them not to forget the jetski boys, the police, and the taxi drivers.

    The taxi/ tuk tuk drivers get the 35% commission from the gem shops, tourist attractions etc..

    On top of the inflated rates they charge. That is why the cruise ships and big hotels are such

    a battle ground in regards to access for the taxi.tuk tuk mafia, The commissions are massive

    when they have nothing to do with the sale. The tourist wants to go to a shop or a site and

    the driver gets the kickback.

  3. I have enjoyed the lovely lakes and beaches in Switzerland and saved 4 drowning people

    on three different occasions on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Completely different

    environments. While young and spending many a fine day at my uncles beach house

    you learn to use the rip tides to carry you out to sand bars that made for fantastic body

    surfing. Not to panic and fight against the rips but use them as your friend. We used to

    have a great time in the 4 meter waves. At my current age and level of fitness I would

    have the knowledge, and not panic but also the discretion and respect of the conditions

    to maybe stay out of the water when it gets too rough.

    • Like 1
  4. As I understand it the Saudi Prince wants to use it as his personal private jet. Can be made

    much more comfortable to travel around in than a G 6 at half the price. Put another 15-20 million

    in for upgrades and he will be styling large. He does not care about the price of fuel. He sells

    the stuff. Plenty of choices for him though. It seems Thais like to keep things on the books

    that way you never loose money. Keep it valued at full purchase price much like World Com

    did with all there cars/trucks and the rest of there equipment. Never depreciate it on the books

    never sell it like the rice. That way you never loose. Generally accepted accounting principals of Thailand.

  5. As far as I am concerned the whole thing is a scam. The worst may be the UN and Red Cross. Huge overheads.

    I do have charities that I give to but I know them personally. You are far better to give the money to the blind

    musician wandering through the beer bars with a guide playing music or the cripple in the street. My mother

    gives 2-5 dollars to the rummies in front of the liquor stores in Canada. 100% of the money goes to there drinking

    problem but she says let them have there little bit of happiness. A C 130 carrying tonnes of relief supplies was

    waved of at the airport in Tacloban and told to land in Cebu (yesterday) in favour of a small 8 person Beach King carrying NGO charity big wigs. They need there photo ops to get there coffers filled. For the moment the only

    people that can help are big governments with big planes. Next will come the rebuilding and the best thing that

    can happen is cash in the hands of those affected. They can spend the money most effectively and efficiently.

    So if you know someone with family in the affected area by all means make a donation. It will be greatly

    appreciated and well spent. Otherwise save you money and pick something local you can give to.

  6. "Tilac2 quote"

    'Is there evidence that formerly colonised countries fare worse, in the subsequent years, than uncolonised countries?' This is, I'd say, more than a clever exam question; it's worth an entire book or even TV documentary, but I have never seen this question discussed seriously in a book or on TV, with statistics and proper data.

    This would make for an interesting analysis. Haiti is very proud to be the first in the Caribbean to throw out the

    French Colonials. I bet they wish they could bring the French back now. Not the same I know. I had a Kenyan

    lawyer friend lament to me that the only reason South Africa was ahead of Kenya economically was the was the former Apartheid govt and there investment in infrastructure. I did point out that the problem in Kenya was no

    money had been spent on infrastructure (untilrecently), since the British were kicked out. To many government

    officials lining there pockets. Colonization was certainly was not all good but it was not all bad either.

    • Like 1
  7. Politicians lie like a rug, accountants cook the books, and economists can be found to predict anything

    you want them to. You need to listen to everyone, but understand they may have an agenda. After reading

    or listening to many points of view you will know the answer if you just use common sense.(which is rarely common)

    So listening to the points from economists, world trade organizations, etc.... of course this rice scheme is

    a big looser for the Thai people. From one side saying they will drive up the price of rice and make the farmers

    more money and the rice pledging scheme will not loose any money to it will only loose a little money to it will

    loose money but not as much as the opposition and international economists say... So my thought is the loss is

    equal to the amount they put into the scheme. As rice is sold and money is put back into the scheme it is a little

    less. Over time this is whittled away till all the money is gone and the program needs to be topped up. As farmers

    have not been paid yet this year the money is finished and the program needs to be topped up. The only asset is

    the rice.If you listen to one side there is 7 million tonnes the other says 18 million tonnes. The funny thing is the

    less rice the bigger the loss so the government would be in a better position asset wise if it was 18 vs 7 but

    politically 7 vs 18. The rice is a depreciating asset as it slowly spoils or is eaten by rats/mice etc...

    It will all come out in the wash but it will take years and be covered up as much as possible.

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