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Posts posted by Ulic

  1. The plot thickens, as the noose tightens. Most seem to break under intense police questioning.

    A 50% sentence reduction is a big inducement. Waiting to hear word on the mastermind.

    If it is the wife I think she will be outed. If it is the high ranking policeman,(on her behalf) less chance of

    being named or prosecuted successfully.

    • Like 1
  2. I thought the amnesty was well thought out out. Red shirts get off, Yellow shirts get off, Army brass gets off. A nice sweetener

    for all politicians on both sides who have been feeding at the trough, get off. The funny thing is each side wants there cake

    and to eat it to. They want there side to get off as they are innocent and the other side fully prosecuted.

    Quite interesting, I really thought the politicians would pass this in a heartbeat as they are off the hook on any corruption charges

    but it seems the will of the people is being listened to. For now at least.

  3. Why go to the trouble of getting married to ANY women....Divorce rates in America are 4.95 per 1000 and in Thailand its .58 per 1000 (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/peo_div_rat-people-divorce-rate )

    You do the math!

    I don't understand this number. I always thought the divorce rate in the US was 50%. What is 4.95 per 1000. Is that per day, month, year?

    Looked at the link, still could not understand. On the site was a statistic on divorce rate per 100 marriages. 59.8 for Belgium, Mexico 7.4.

    USA not listed. I would think Philippines/ Vatican City is the lowest as there is no divorce just annulment and it takes many years.

  4. Bite the bullet, sell everything, and start over, here.

    After living elsewhere, for such a long period, you will definitely see your home country under a different light.

    Chok dee!

    As already mentioned different voltage for appliances. Damage to furniture while shipping, cost.

    Bite the bullet, sell or give everything away. Start fresh. I take it you have both been back

    regularly to visit. If you have not take at least a three month visit.

  5. My advice to the ladies.

    1-leave any man that beats you the first time

    2-leave a man that does not treat your daughter as his daughter

    3-Keep a separate bank account

    4-leave any man that takes a trip to Thailand without you

    5- understand western men can be just as flawed as Thai men

    6- there are government services and programs that can assist them.

    • Like 1
  6. Cant tell who is at fault from the article. Did she signal? etc... etc As for wearing a helmet. A bit of a red herring.

    99% of helmets here will not save you from anything, and no helmet will save you from everything.

    They will keep your head relatively in tact for your funeral. I feel sorry for both. He paid the ultimate price,

    she did not do it on purpose and will be dealing with it for some time regardless of fault.

    • Like 1
  7. A lot of sad stories of victims of ATM skimming and accounts being drained. Police apathy in providing reports. Bank denials on responsibility

    for the loss. Also a lot of good information of countermeasures to prevent/minimize the loss. I know the banks in most Western Counties quickly

    and efficiently return the money. My question is, has anyone recovered any money from a Thai Bank from one of these scams?

    What was the process? Banks name?

    • Like 1
  8. Sell the house. It is only worth what someone will pay not what you put into it.

    Head home and onto social assistance. Re-group from there. No use dwelling

    on past mistakes and bad luck. We have all had both. Such is life.

    You learn more from your failures than success. Move on as best you can.

    No use staying here, maybe he can return one day once the situation improves.

    That is if he wants to.

  9. You can not buy Viagra or similar drugs over the counter. Anything you can not purchase on request from the pharmacy can be obtained at Chulalongkorn Hospital of The Thai Red Cross Society on Rama IV Road in Bangkok or other hospitals throughout Thailand. Some of the generic drugs for Diabetics are not available, just the more expensive originals e.g. Piogliclazide (forgive me if I spell it wrongly) is only available as Actos, not the Australian derivative.

    You may not be able to buy Viagra meds etc over the counter but everyone does it anyway, wink, wink.

    Went to to the hospital once to get a prescription for generic Viagra. They just showed me the door saying,

    "no need go to any pharmacy"

  10. Took me a about 10 minutes a couple of years ago at the Kasikorn in Phuket, Jungceylon branch. Just a passport and address of

    hotel I was staying at, All I had was a triple entry tourist visa. That said I understand for Americans it is now tough to open an account

    anywhere in the world. The US government reporting requirements and penalties are quite onerous if the bank makes a mistake

    so it is simply not worth the effort. Many US clients are just being posted.

  11. 4.2 million baht per camera - they really padded out the price smile.png

    Even if they were 10 times this price if they were red light cameras they would pay for themselves in a week in Pattaya.

    Probably would be a bigger source of income than income tax if they could collect the fines.

  12. Talk about a no win situation. Ten years old at the time, in juvi the past two years. Getting worse with no chance

    of progress in a underfunded-overcrowded, violent environment. I feel sorry for everyone. The boy, the prosecutor who has to push for such a sentence as it seeks to protect society, the defence who is correct that a 10 year old boy abused all his life has to be held to this standard. No win.

  13. I see there are a lot of food snobs here on TV. I eat often at the food court on the lower floor. From one of the Thai places

    or Vietnamese place. High volume turn over means lots of fresh food. Excellent value. Thais eat there and I have taken guests

    there that think the food is very good. Lots of choice. Yes ambiance is lacking and there are lots of Russians but so what.

    Like I said, a lot of food snobs. I also eat a lot at markets and food stands. I go to places that are busy so the food is fresh.

    I have yet to get an upset stomach but if it happens sometime, its OK I have had a lot of good food experiences.

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