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Posts posted by Ulic

  1. In Chile they elevate the garbage bags about 4 feet of the ground on a steel post supported

    platform. The platform forms a cage which can hold 3-4 bags depending on the size.

    It is very effective and cheap. Dogs can't get the garbage, trash collectors don't have to

    lift the bags from the ground. Easy for them clean for the neighbourhood.

  2. I have yet to hear from a TV member who has got reimbursed for a fraudulent ATM withdrawal from a Thai bank account.

    Lots of good back up plans with sms messaging, small limits, twinned accounts transferring money from the main account

    to the secondary account on line, with the secondary account the only account attached to the card.

    I do take the precautions mentioned, indoor ATM's at banks, and cover the keyboard with my free hand but I think I will

    probably stick to my foreign account from now on and use the Aeon machines with no service fees. Withdraw 2-3 times

    a month the maximum amount and close my Thai account. The police seem to catch a lot of ATM scammers with

    skimmers, credit card blanks, fake credit cards, but only when the banks complain. I am thinking that is only when

    foreign banks complain. Maybe the foreign banks don't have to make good to Thai banks on the transfer if it is fraudulent.

    The Thai banks complain about loosing money but I have never heard of them making a reimbursement.

    Not sure who the bigger crooks are, the scammers or the Thai banks

  3. There's an insane amount of ridiculous advice in this thread. OP lets start with where in Thailand is she from? From my experience in Issan very close to Lao border, if there is a wedding ceremony, sinsod is always paid, as in 100% of the time. Parents with male children, and I'm talking poor farmers and the ones not addicted to lottery but rather good parents, actually budget for this over their sons childhood as they are the ones that will someday pay it. Now, the parents are not really paying for it second and third times. And likewise, many of the ceremonies for someone who has already had a large one are smaller and sinsod is less too. But, if there is a ceremony, there is always sinsod. People with no stake involved discuss and talk about it too.

    As for the expectations. Of course someone who makes more is sort of expected to pay more. It similar to the whole an engagement ring should cost 1 month salary in Western culture as opposed to it should cost an exact amount. But some other points to understand. Sure there are many scams. And yes it is done different in other areas. Only you can answer how much to pay, is it a scam, what's appropriate in her culture etc. If that doesn't work discuss whatever is appropriate in yours. Maybe you would rather buy her a diamond costing 1 month salary or whatever it is that fits.

    I have news. With a massive multi year marketing campaign by De Beers that one month has been pushed to three. That is also gross pay not

    take home. At least in the US & Canada. Look at the bottom of any Women's magazine that has a diamond engagement ring advertisement.

    They are also big on diamond push presents. (push present is the gift you give your wife after she pushes your child out her vagina)

    • Like 1
  4. I am sure there are many good investments in Thailand but with US tapering in the near future, the Thai rice pledging scheme.

    Protests from rubber farmers, Thailand technically in recession, personal debt in Thailand growing. Buildings that were never

    completed and crumbling from the 97 Asian financial crisis still on the books as assets (like World Com, Thai rice policy) with

    no write down. It is a bold prediction that the SET will hit 1700 by the end of next year. But it could happen as long as the music

    keeps playing.

  5. The parcel companies in the UK are doing the same 'clearance fee' rip off. Got fed up and challenged it, telling them I had not authorised them to do anything. They told me it was too complicated for people to do themselves and was automatic. I refused to pay and cited the law that it is illegal to withhold mail (here anyway). They sent the parcel to me, and now I have 'customs clearance by recipient' written on anything I buy from abroad, it's dead easy, all the charges are on the web and I even used it to successfully challenge a rating band.

    The problem is that this rip off now makes it not worth importing anything low value, once there was a chance it would get through with no charge, now the parcel companies make darn sure everything is presented for inspection so they get their cut.

    It is the same in Canada. A huge source of revenue for courier companies. People don't understand, don't challenge and on a one off

    basis are not going to do it themselves. My brother questioned it, he got given the bullshit story. He called them in it went and did

    it himself as he lives near the airport in Montreal. Took 10 minutes and he saved $35.

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