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Posts posted by Ulic

  1. 10 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:

    The guy in the white t-shirt should hang his head in shame.

    How he could just stand there and watch that without doing anything amazes me!

    It's a brave brave man who steps in without support. Many end up beaten up or dead and the female victim often sides with the abuser. Have I stepped in during a fight before in Thailand? Yes, but it was a drunk violent foreigner/tourist beating on his girlfriend so I didn't have to worry about the usual Thai gang antics. Best to just call the police unless it is a life or death situation or you have significant help around.

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  2. They need to speed up the process for the police officers. A combo camera, printer, handheld device with all the traffic offenses programmed into the device. Take a picture of the offender or his license, the vehicle license plate, punch in the offense, and the ticket gets printed on the spot. The tickets can be uploaded to the cloud in real time. Give the officers 20% of the take, fire the officers who take backhanders. Between redlight runner cameras at intersections and a robust issuing of tickets by traffic police the national debt could be cleared and the mia noi of the traffic officers would be well taken care of.

  3. 10 hours ago, faraday said:

    These Special Forces blokes do a momentously difficult job. Perhaps he did make a few mistakes I dunno, but why prosecute him?



    I don't have much concern in regards to the wounded ISIS fighter and while what he did was wrong in that case, I would possibly not prosecute that killing, however, the two unarmed civilians, one a schoolgirl, from a snipers perch is horrific. This guy must be a real twisted scumbag for men under his former command to testify against him. Normally the wagons would be circled and everything would be covered up. 

  4. I do know the Mexican governments provide advice to illegal migrants on where and how to cross the US/Mexico border as safely as possible. Amount of water needed per person, how to carry water jugs, clothing, and footwear needed as well as best routes. Yes, they may be just trying to prevent deaths but having government employees inspecting migrants to check for preparedness to make the crossing is galling for Trump supporters. 

  5. China has to be careful of falling into its own debt trap. When current African-Asian politicians governments get replaced investigations may reveal that the loans and building contracts were corrupt (kickbacks) and poorly built. The governments would have a legitimate excuse to terminate payments leaving China holding the bag so to speak.

  6. 10 hours ago, davidupatterson said:

    Thanks, everyone. That's crystal clear. 


    Looks like she'll need 40k per person if arriving with a 60-day tourist visa (for her and her son). She's gotten a tourist visa visa in the Philippines before, and as some of you said....the PH immigration gave her a much harder time leaving than Thailand immigration did entering. 


    That brings up another, unrelated question: Can the PH immigration really stop her? If she has all of her paperwork in order, why wouldn't she be allowed to leave the country? Seems like a violation of rights to me. Can they really stop her, or is giving her a hard and interrogating her just meant to intimidate? 

    Yes, they can stop her and often do stop women and deny their departures. All to do with the UN pushing anti-human trafficking agenda. That and the morality police of the Philippines. Has your partner ever been married before? (You say partner and not wife) I am sure you are well aware there is no divorce in two countries in the world, Philippines and Vatican City. If she has not been married I would guess she will not have any problems. If she has been married and she has not had the marriage annulled (difficult, expensive, and time-consuming) I think she may well be given a difficult time. That said, if she has traveled to Thailand before I doubt she will have a problem. If she has been married and the marriage has not been annulled she should not admit to going to see you if questioned. She should just say she is going on vacation to Thailand with her son. 

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