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Posts posted by eljeque

  1. I just returned from making the same trip last week. I really wish I had gone that route years ago. I took the bus (600+baht) out of Pattaya at about 7:30PM, arriving in Nongkhai at 8:00. 80 baht tuk-tuk to the border. Visa fee of $35 + $1 insta-visa. A friend's brother picked me up at the border for the 20-30 minute ride to Vientanne. I hear a shared taxi is about 100 per person. An $18 / night room for 2 nights (arrived on Sunday night), a/c, cable tv, hot water. 2,000 double entry visa, lots of inexpensive French bakery and Laos coffee and walking the city and river's edge.

    Shared cab back to the border, 100 baht / person. A shared taxi (40 baht) to the Bus Station, and a bus ticket home fo about 500 baht.

    I don't think I spent 9,000 baht including the dollars if converted to baht. I will definitely go again after already taken trips to Savanakhet(2), Penang (2) and Singapore (3).

  2. If a foreigner buys a property and puts it in his wife's name, and then gets 30 year lease from her at a nominal price of 5,000 / month registered at the land office. And then she goes out and borrows on the property, and does not repay the loan, she can lose the property to the lender. Then, he will actually have to pay the lease payments to the new owner, and if he misses one or two, can get a notice from the owner and may end up in court over it,

    So, I would advise any foreigner who thinks that a lease is the answer to his dreams to make sure htat his wife cannot get her hands on the title deed, cannot get anew copy made, and / or see if a cause can be written on the land office lease agreement which states that a loan cannot be made on the property for any reason.

  3. I am a Publisher of English, French, German and Swedish books.

    I have a local distributor for Swedish books in the Swedish bars, restaurants, guesthouses and hotels.

    I am looking to find one French-and one German-speaker to distribute books in restaurants, guesthouses, hotels, pubs, etc.


    Ein Farang Schlaegt Zurueck

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    Erst 13


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    A 13 ans... la vie commence

    L’ange de Bangkok


    Le Fric en Premier


    Les memoires D un Detective Prive a Bangkok

    Madanseuse Particuliere

    Bamboo Sinfonia Company Ltd.

    Contact: Kent 086 722 1216 or PM me

  4. QUOTE (eljeque @ 2008-04-03 20:56:19)

    so an increase of 77% over 16 years or 7.3% inflation rate.

    I make that more like a 3.6% inflation rate.

    whoops..... I used only 8 years,

    "" Nah, comparing with that stupid currency, the USD one baht is exactly one baht, no more no less.""

    As the poster was bringing foreign curency here to exchange into Baht, it makes perfect sense to use a foreign currency value to estimate the rise in the price.

  5. On Third Road, east side of the street, at the corner of Soi Sophon Cable (the second street from Pattay Klang) there is a motorcycle shop which imports lots of larger bikes. Ask for what you want instead of looking at what they are showing because they have an alternate warehouse which may very well have what you are looking for.

  6. "I am not an attorney, but, would surely think that Mr. Jones was chasing the perpetrators after their housebreaking/theft and intent to kill him, in order to identify and detain them for authorities. The fact that an accident took place between two vehicles and that one motorcycle rider was killed, can likely be atributed to him not wearing a helmet and the fact that the three perpretrators were utilizing a single motorcycle. Vehiclular mishap as far as I can see and the reamining culprits should be cited for not wearing a helmet, riding three on one motorcycle and then be incarcerated until their trial for Housebreaking, Attempted Murder and casuing a death as a result of the crime. In America the two remaining perpretrators would be held accontable for the death of their comrade due to the death being the result of their cirme even if he had experinced a heart attack. "

    Go MOUSE Go!!!

    Also, as he was still severly traumatized, bleeding, and YES, SCARED, the fear does not disappear the moment the robbers are running. The incident was not over! Jones, unlike the vast majority of us, was not only able to think, and act, but to do it sucessfully.

    I would hope that one local group or another with god networking would start a fund to assist him to pay for his legal fees. I would be happy to contribute.

  7. Briton, Thai wife accused of swindling

    US partner says he was cheated of over B40m


    Rhodes: Denies all charges against him

    A Briton and his Thai wife were arrested in Chon Buri province for allegedly swindling more than 40 million baht from their American business partner. Craig Rhodes, 45, a British national, and his wife Piyaporn Chanthorn, 28, a native of Khon Kaen province, were yesterday arrested at Country Property Land & Development Co in Chon Buri's Sattahip district by a team of Crime Suppression Division (CSD) police.

    The arrest follows a complaint from the American, James Russell Generazzo, 64, who asked the CSD to look into alleged cheating by the couple who persuaded him to co-invest some 43.5 million baht in a land development project with them.

    Deputy CSD chief Pol Col Jaruwat Waisaya said there were grounds to believe the couple had swindled Mr Generazzo.

    Investigators found the suspects had set up a firm to develop land projects in Thailand. The firm advertised its projects in several magazines in Pattaya to persuade foreign investors to co-invest in the projects.The ads attracted Mr Generazzo, who later contacted the couple.

    Mr Generazzo was persuaded to invest in a condominium project. The couple asked him to buy two five-rai land plots for the project site. They suggested that two firms be set up to purchase the two plots separately. The firms _ Siam Coastal Enterprise Co and Beverly Garden Co_ were subsequently set up with the couple and the victims serving as executives.

    The actual land price was 3.2 million baht a rai. However, the couple allegedly lied to Mr Generazzo that the land was bought at 4.5 million baht per rai, and he paid 22.5 million baht to the couple for a five-rai land plot. They later asked him to buy two cashier cheques, one worth 15 million baht and the other eight million baht, for the purchase of the second plot. The couple then opened a bank deposit account in their names and put the eight million baht into the account, according to police.

    After the payments were made, the suspects showed no sign of starting the project. Mr Generazzo became suspicious and demanded that the couple resign as executives of the two firms and return 43.5 million baht to him. However, the suspects set a pre-condition that he must pay them 10 million baht first, so he decided to seek help from the CSD, said Pol Col Jaruwat.

    The investigation team also said the suspects had preyed on several other people, mostly foreigners. However, most of the victims were too afraid of Mr Rhodes, who has lived in Thailand for over 9 years, to seek help from police.

    The couple's lawyer said his clients denied all the charges.

    Bangkok Post, March 26, 2008



  8. As low season is arriving, many homes are coming on the market, and fewer and fewer renters are around, so it will become more and more difficult for you to locate someone willing to pay fair value for your home.

    Also, as is written above, it would be difficult for your to locate a renter for a limited amount of time which fits your schedule.

    I think it would be better for you to simply lock it up until you return.

    Good luck/

  9. However - there's a war going on now between the emerging new capitalist order (Thaksin) and the old established ruling elite. (Prem)

    New Order, Yes, Capitalist, No.

    Thaksin is not a capitalist.

    He does not believe in competition against his corporations.

    He believes in substantial government involvement in industry when it benefits his corporate interests.

  10. For those who want the casinos......

    Government owned AND operated casinos.

    No worry about taxes, as all of the revenue after expences would be for the government.

    The government would "simply" watch over itself.

    It would not have to be monitored for closing on the proper days.

    Government ownership and operation really does solve a lot of the problems in deciding who has the rights and licences to operate a casino.

    Then, there are the problems with the people who lose the family's monthly paycheck early in the month.

    Does anyone wonder if smoking will be allowed?

  11. There are a few available in the basement Electronic center of Tuk.Com building. I believe they are of Chinese origin. There are at least two different sizes.

    They are also for rent from a place on the north side of Soi Diana about 50 meters from Soi Buakhow. There migh be a small tag or something noting the manufacturer--if local or the importer. Maybe rent one for the day and take a look.

  12. You speak highly of the home. If it is on 269 TW, then you have plenty of room to expand it. This way, you will not have the costs of selling it, or buying a new one, or moving, once again setting up a phone, internet, and cable/UBC.

    Stay where you are and make the house bigger.

    It is very inexpensive to do it in this country, and you can design it as you wish.

  13. It is always better to complain in the West.

    If you purchased your ticket in Aussie, complain in Aussie.

    You paid for ticket, received a ticket, and there is no more to it than that.

    What Thai airlines did to you was extortion.

    Thai Airways in Aussie issued the ticket an is therefore responsible for it.

    Contact them in Aussie, and work your way up the totem pole until you get someone who has the authority to provide you wih compensation.

    Good luck and please make a update when you return home.

  14. I have a question; Why did u need to show copies off yr. bank book ?

    A couple of month ago, one poster mentioned that bank book copies were being requested.

    Is that a new rule?

    It was being enforced, rule or not.

    Last time I was in KL(june '07) they didn't ask for that.

    It had only been mentioned pertaining to Svanakhet.

    This month I have to go again to KL( I booked flight already)

    Do they still give 2 month tourist visa ??

    I have not seen much posted on KL. Start a new thread and ask.

    I am sure that lot of people who travel to KL regularly will have information.

    Good luck

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