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Posts posted by eljeque

  1. I just returned from a trip to Savanakhet for a visa.

    Arrived at Mukdahan bus station at 8:10AM

    Arrived at the Thai Consuate in Savanakhet at 10:00AM

    Showed bank book copies AND ORIGINALS!!

    Photocopy the current page and the front page with your name.

    Next afternoon, 2:00PM picked up passport with visa and was on my way.

    I had 3 years worth of visas from Cambodia runs and also five 2-month visas from consulates (Penang 2, Savanakhet 1 Singapore 2) and a one month extension for each.

    Have lunch on the floating restaurant near to the consulate. Good food and a great atmosphere.

  2. You need ....

    1. A Power of Attorney form which the land office has available. Your wife must sign it.

    I can email one to you if you PM me me and give your email address.

    2. A copy of her ID card SIGNED!! and a copy of her Tambien Bahn SIGNED!!!

    3. Why not throw in a copy of her passport SIGNED!! as well for good measure.

    If you are near a Thai consulate, it would be a good idea to get them to verify the signatures as well.

    I have transferred properties in the past with the above items WITHOUT a verification, but there is no reason not to get it if you are able.

    Do you already have a buyer? If so, congratulations.

  3. Wifey and I have been looking at places of late, and have run across a few houses/town houses that are owned by foreigners via the company route.

    Not that I need a company to purchase land (Thai PP and all), but it struck me that the sellers would probably be wanting to recoup the costs of setting up the company, especially if it is substantial, and include it in the selling price.

    Nope. They are selling shares of the company to you, and the price they are asking for the "property" is really the price of the company shares that will be transferred to you.

    Make sure that they have the ID card copies and share sale paperwork for all of the other shareholders as well.

    Does anyone know then how much your typical lawyer would charge to set up a company, and if there are any running costs in a typical company etc etc.

    Accountants do the work. You will not need a lawyer. Lawyers simply charge a commission and send it to an accountant to do the work.

    Make sure that all of the balance sheets are up to date and that the taxes have been paid for last year and the years before. Your accountant can will make sure of this prior to the transfer of shares.

    It costs about 11,000 / year for taxes and accountant fees.

    PM me, and I would be happy to recommend my accountant, with whom many friends and I have been working for 18 years.

    There is a lot of property out there which can now be had well below "market" value. Be shrewd and cold about buying and you can get a great deal. Look around a lot on your own, not just with agents.

  4. I am trying to make up my mind between going to Vientianne or Savanakhet.

    From Pattaya, there is a direct bus to Mukdahan, an crossing over to Savanakhet was an easy task. But, Savanakhet is a little slow for my tastes, and they are pretty simple tastes.

    The bank book requirments are not a probelm for me acquiring a visa, if these "requirements" have not changed again since they were instituted a few weeks ago.

    There were not many people in line when I went in March last year, and it was one of the easiest and fastest visas I have received, so this gives it a high ranking.

    Now, Vientianne appears to be a little more interesting, but if a lot of visa runners are going there, possibly to avoid showing a Thai bank book in Savanakhet, I would just assume avoid the "crowds" and visit sleepy little Savanakhet once again.


    Thanks for any input.

  5. A friend of mine recently had a separation with his gf of 6 years.

    His lawyer told him she was entitled to nothing.

    He still made her a kind offer including assisting her child over the long-term.

    She learned court would be a no-win situation, and chose not to pursue the matter.


    Your gf MAY threaten and ger her lawyer to do the same, if so, get your own lawyer to show you the laws and set your heart at ease. Even if it does cost a few baht, the lawyer's fees and some cash to your misses (to lighten her anger), it is not too painful.

  6. If this one has not already been posted:

    Thai cop on duty despite charge of killing Canadian Thu Jan 10, 6:06 AM ET

    BANGKOK (Reuters) - A Thai policeman has been transferred to another station after being charged with killing a Canadian and attempting to kill the man's former girlfriend in the northern tourist town of Pai, police said on Thursday.

    Sergeant Uthai Dechawiwat, allowed to walk free after surrendering to police, was reassigned to the town of Pang Ma Pa, 70 km (44 miles) north of Pai near the Myanmar border, while police conduct their investigation.

    "We don't want witnesses to feel awkward when they go to Pai station for interviews and see Uthai there," Pai police chief Wanchai Suwanririkate told Reuters by telephone from the picturesque hill town popular with foreign backpackers.

    Wanchai quoted witnesses as saying Uthai, who had just finished his shift, was asked to stop a three-way fight between John Leo Del Pinto, 25, his ex-girlfriend Carly Reisig, 24, and her Thai boyfriend on Saturday night.

    Del Pinto, a native of Calgary, was trying to stop the Thai man from beating Reisig after she said she was going back to her Canadian boyfriend, Wanchai quoted the witnesses as saying.

    When Uthai intervened to stop their quarrel, the trio turned on the policeman who pulled out his gun, Wanchai said.

    There was a scuffle and Del Pinto was shot and killed, while Reisig was wounded and treated in hospital.

    Reisig gave a different story to Bangkok's Nation newspaper on Tuesday, saying they had left a bar in Pai when a Thai man walked up to them and "hit me for no reason."

    After Del Pinto pushed him away, the man got a gun from his motorcycle. There was a struggle and the man shot the Canadian in the face, she said.

    "Leo fell to the ground and the man pointed the gun at his heart and fired a second shot. Then he turned around to me and aimed for my heart and shot me in the chest," Reisig was quoted as saying.

    Wanchai did not comment on Reisig's version of events, but he retracted an earlier police report that she was pregnant. He said the police were waiting for the results of forensic tests and planned to interview more witnesses.

    (Reporting by Nopporn Wong-Anan; Editing by Darren Schuettler and Alex Richardson

  7. A friend of mine made the mistake of buying a timeshare here.

    His $12,000 is for one week / year. The property is worth in the neighborhood of 4.5M baht / $136,000

    At 50 weeks x $12,000 = $600,000 minus a bit. But, generally in Pattaya, the property would sell for about 4,500,000 baht = $136,000.


    That is step one.

    Step two is better.

    He also pays $300 / year in maintenance.

    Tha same $300 / year would come close enough to renting him the one-bedroom unit each year. So, he paid up front $12,000 for NOTHING, and then he pays (maintenance/rent) of $300/year which is really all the rent that the unit would cost.

    Stay out of time shares.

    A losing investment.

  8. Rent in south Jomtien and snd your kids to school to Aksorn on Theprasert.

    You are more than likely not in need of owning property here, and can use the money that you would otherwise be spending on alternate investments out of the country.

    Tha way, you will always be able to pack up and move if anything does not suit your fancy. Selling here is a lot of work.

  9. I do not see Bang Saray being able to fill that many rooms, that many condos, or that many tourist attractions in only 3 1/2 years.

    The Pattaya of yore IS NOT the Pattaya of today. And without the Pataya of yore, there would be no Pattaya of today.

    What is the draw of Bang Saray? If this plan does work out, how long will it take until the beach water is filthy from all of the tourists. And, in order to accommodate one tourist, how many poor Thais workers does it take?

    How many Thai people work in Pattaya to accommodate one tourist?

    All of these people will need somewhere to live, and will also create waste materials. Where will all of it go?

    Will annoying touts and scammers fill the sidewalks?

  10. I need to find a school which teaches in English for one 12 and one 15 year old girl. They are from Burma.

    International schools in the many hundreded of thousands of baht / year are too expensive.

    Is there a school in Pattaya?



    Aksorn? Mainly Thai, I think.


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