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Posts posted by eljeque

  1. I have sold many properties here, and a few of them over time. I would never transfer ownership into the buyers's name until after I had been paid in full.

    I would not make a redemption contract either.

    I would not register a mortgage at the land office.

    I would simply not transfer the property until after payment was completed.

    The only possibility is "Kai Fark", as the seller would be the one with the property in his name, and the buyer would need to pay him the three million plus interest / rent / etc., at the end of the contract or the property would remain in the name of the seller and not revet to the buyer. This way, the buyer would lose the two million.

    In the case of a mortgage, if the buyer defaulted, the porperty would go through court and to the auction house, and the the seller could use his court judgement to rebuy the property, but he would also have to pay a lot of fees and this would also take a long time, all of which the buyer would be able to stay in the condo.

    The court would then return to the buyer the difference between the amount owed to the seller on the mortgage and the amount the property went for at the auction. The auction is so that the seller gets his mortgage money back, not makes a profit.

    SO, the seller could always make a higher mortgage amout at the land office, by including interest in the amount up front, and then make the mortgage....

  2. If they are asking for you to arrrange for meetings to sell financial services, they are cheats.

    Steer clear, or wait a week or two and contact the police and see about getting a finder's fee.... if possible?? :-)

    If they company does not have a name, and they changed the job offer from recruitment to financial services, they are in the business of getting people to "invest" and they will walk away with the investment.

    They are thieves and should be in jail.

  3. The above poster mentioned 2,000 for the visa servie and travel. 1,000 or so is the visa to Cambodia.

    Although not the closest, to do it on your own, here are two alternatives.

    Aranyaprathet (sp?)

    Bus to Bangkok and bus to Aranyaprathet

    Koh Kong, Hat Lek

    Sukhumvit Bus in the morning, about 6:00AM, opposite Lotus

    Goes to Rayong / Chantaburi / Trat

    Mini Bus from Trat to Hat Lek.

    Cross to Koh Kong station

    It is really better to take a minibus for about 2,000 than to do it yourself, unless you want to spend a few days at the border or trvel inland.

    Best of Luck.

  4. My mother is on town for two to six months and needs a single room condo

    Needs to have internet, or be able to get it quickly, and a/c.

    Not spartan but not plush.

    In the 8,000 baht range,

    Guaranteed that the room will be in better condition when she leaves than when she arrives.

    Location int he general area between The Avenue, and Third Road and North to Soi 7, Second Road and East to Third Road

    I live near Xzyte and she wants to be somewhere not too far from me.


  5. Starting at the 24 second mark, this video will show you some other alternatives for your muffler which will not cost much.

    He includes information on many modifications, air filter, carb., CDI, etc.

    This video is one of a set of 7 which will provide you with a lot of information on how to improve the output of your bike without getting into the motor or spending a fortune.

    If you email this man and he will email you back quickly with suggestions as he did for me.

    Have fun

  6. One way....

    It appears to me, and without scientific study, just simple appearances, that a lot of the posts which I believe you feel should not be allowed, are from supposed Newbies.

    If the board can disallow posts on certain forums until someone has been a member for a specific length of time, it may get rid of a lot of these fake-newbie posts.....

    Just an idea... no idea if is is either feasible or fair.

  7. Much of this could have been avoided if there had been a designated protest site - a large field with basic facilities outside downtown Bangkok. That's what the Cambodians just arranged - for future protests in their country. Granted, it's easier said than done, but if the initial protesters had been funneled to a large field somewhere, then things would not have gotten so far out of hand.

    Plus, recent reports of freezing accounts of many big businesses and big shot Thais associated with Thaksin and the Reds is BIG NEWS. You can bet there are a lot of big shots close to the Shinawats, who are cussing and shouting and banging furniture against walls.

    Thaskin is definatly the cause and the financial organizer of this protest

    Panic and chaos will allow him to return

    But the question is

    Is Thaskin the head of all of this

    or just a puppet himself

    There are many of my business friends who say he is but a puppet of The New World Order

    and Thailand is a test site for bigger things to come

    .... ON the other hand, I think that he works with other Sino-Thai and Chinese mainlanders tso that Thailand will be a farm for Chinese consumers. I can see tht Mainland China would be vey happy to see him back at the helm.

  8. There are a lot of cars on the road today coming from BKK.

    There is a lot o tension in the air there even away formt he troubled areas, so people simply want to get away from it.

  9. Too many people to end it in one night, and it is simply too large. Figure to closer to a week to end most of the fighting and then to tell the rest of the non-combatants to leave. How long for them to leave and clean up everything...? best quesses out there... anyone?

    Too many people to end it in any number of nights....

    I was responding to an earlier statement about it being ended in only one night.

    It has already ended for a lot of people. The fewer the better.

    Posts are coming in so fast that the referenced posts are a dozen posts above in only a few minutes.

  10. The website gives you the impression it is at the beach, which it is not.

    The opening video from the ocean,

    The sail boat in the pool?

    "Fresh sea air" "heart floating"

  11. The only people who ever made a issue of Thaksin return are the anti red shirts. It has never been a demand with the red shirts.

    With all the dirty business the red shirts have done why do the anti red shirts have to bring Thaksin into the picture.

    Personally I lost all respect for them when they invaded the hospital and then made light of it. They seem to take no rewsponsability for there actions and continue to put demands on others. If that is there idea of democracy ---- help us :)

    The reds had pictures of Thaksin everywhere at the start of the rallies. Now they have dissappeared because he is such bad PR.

    Thaksin brought himself into the picture every few days with his call in's.

    Even just yesterday, some of the red leaders were saying that Thaksin had ordered that the leaders be changed.

    The anti-red shirts aren't bringing Thaksin into the picture. The red shirts and Thaksin are.

    It is not the Red Shirts who brought Thaksin in, it is Thaksin who not only brought in the Red Shirts, but created them, and has been paying for them from the very beginning.

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