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  1. I think if we are grown up humans, without too much mental damage, then we adjust our behavior constantly. I like pleasure, I like meaning. I don't plan to do this a few hours or days, and then the other one. I just do what feels right. And that's how I end up with meaning and pleasure.
  2. I was a couple of time in Phnom Phen. I liked it over there. And it's not too expensive.
  3. And will he then use that extra money for all the American people? Or will he send more weapons to Israel? And/or tax cuts for his rich supporters?
  4. From what I heard from Russians, is that many Russians see that not as big as a problem like Americans see it when American soldiers die in wars. For many Russians that seems to be just part of life. I can't verily how true this is.
  5. No. But then, Ukraine could surrender any day. Then the war would be over. I understand that they don't do that. The problem for Ukraine is that they have only bad options. I am suspicious about Trump and Ukraine because he said multiple times he will end that war very quickly. But he never said how he will do that. The easiest way for him to end this war is to just tell Putin to take whatever he wants, because America, or more precise, Trump, just don't care. I even understand this from Trump's point of view. But the Ukrainians and Europeans won't like that.
  6. It depends. How about if that guy was not the smartest person on earth? Should he die because he wanted a lot of money? The people who offered the money obviously knew there was a risk, otherwise they would not have offered so much money. It's all the question of how much. I am pretty sure I would try a lot of things if the money is right. How about you?
  7. Who hired him? How excessive? If it was really excessive then everybody involved must have known that there is a big health risk. Was there any doctor consulted and/or on standby? Obviously, he should not have drunk so much. But I think the people who hired him to do that should be held responsible.
  8. Sure. But will the situation get any better with that nutter is charge?
  9. Have you considered that the DEMs voters were not exactly excited about Biden and then Harris? IMHO Trump is worse. But few people will pretend the DEMs had a decent candidate or message.
  10. I am sure soon Trump will make a deal with Putin and everything will be fine. That's what he promised, or not?
  11. By now nobody should be surprised that Trump is such an ahole. But I have to admit I am still speechless that so many people voted for him. What kind of person want to be represented by Trump?
  12. That system needs to be slightly improved: 2 means you would have sex with her if the opportunity presented itself. 1.5 means you would have sex with her if the opportunity presented itself, but only if nobody would know about it. 1 means not interested.
  13. I think the problem is that you can't rely on any of the information. About 1.5 years ago I was in Phnom Phen to get a visa. On the outside of the embassy was written information about how long it will take. I think it was 7 days for a Non-B visa. I received my visa within that time. And then I had to go again, maybe 6 months later. The same information was still outside on the embassy. When I applied for my visa at the counter, they told me then I should come back in 4 days to pick it up - contrary to what was on the notice. Websites seem to be updated even less. I would try to call them to get information.
  14. "What is in Greenland that makes Trump say it is vital to US security?" That question implies that Trump knows what is important for the US security and it implies that he rationally thought about that. I don't think any of that is how Trump "thinks". John Bolton warns: I’m ‘very worried’ about how Trump would handle ‘much more likely’ international crisis | The Independent Bolton, who served as Trump’s national security adviser from 2018 to 2019, told The Guardian the president-elect has an “inability to focus” and bases his decisions on personal relationships and “neuron flashes.”

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