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OneMoreFarang last won the day on February 16

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  1. Every country has rules and regulation, and bureaucrats. I don't think Thailand is worse than "home". The problem for many of us is obviously the fact that those rules and forms are mostly in Thai language. And most of us can't read Thai. I don't think we should blame Thailand for the fact that they use Thai language in Thailand. And of course we are a small minority. I.e. some people complain that there are special rules for foreigners in banks. They shouldn't be surprised about that. And they shouldn't be surprised that companies don't spend huge resources only for a few farangs. Obviously, there are some rules which I don't like. But there is no point in complaining. Just follow the rules and case closed.
  2. Thanks, somehow, I didn't write that sentence like I intended. But then, in a way it was as senseless as Trump. He talks a lot without engaging his brain.
  3. I just saw a video where one guy asked the other who Trump is doing this or that. IMHO it is useless to ask why with this guy. He does something because he does it. Don't expect any logic and any sense. If Trump would think, then things would make somehow sense. They don't. So, what's the point of trying to find some logic which obviously does not exist.
  4. And > 70 million Americans still support that guy. Sad. Very sad.
  5. I hope all the parents of children with that pervert demand their money back.
  6. It's great to see now at least some politicians tell Trump the truth. It seems every day there are more of them. Another one:
  7. Maybe Elon should watch some movies to learn how to use that thing.
  8. It would be easy to save many more billions. Just don't give any money to Musk's companies.
  9. Just continue to look only on truth social and Elon's tweets and you will feel comfortable in your bubble. But better don't listen to anybody outside of your bubble, it might confuse you.
  10. Thanks for confirming that you don't care.
  11. What do you think is more important, that everybody follows all the laws and especially the constitution or that they do whatever Trump wants?
  12. There was a time without everybody having a camera ready. At that time people would have walked away. Or maybe they would have looked a little for entertainment and then walk away. I guess those good old time are gone forever.
  13. I don't know how qualified he/she/it was. Lots of medical doctors smoke - and some of them are still good doctors. With Trump it's pretty obvious that the most important thing for Trump is that whoever he hires is loyal to Trump only and doesn't care about little issues like laws and the constitution. Was ability to do the job and know what the job is a criterium for Trump? It doesn't look like it.
  14. I never tried it. But somehow, I guess if I meet a girl on the street and would tell her right away to go to a room and then get on your knees and suck my d#@$ that would probably not work without any additional incentive. But then, I never tried.
  15. Yes But if you meet 9 good guys and 1 bad guy then you are better prepared for that bad guy and not assume all are good guys.
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