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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Biden is POTUS, this is why he does what America does. The USA supports Israel unconditionally since decades. All American presidents did that, from both political parties. I understand that many criticize Biden for the unconditional weapon deliveries to Israel. But we all should not make the mistake to think the other party and the other guy who wants to be elected, would not do the same. Remember, Trump was the one who moved the US embassy to Jerusalem in 2018, all other presidents before him recognized that that was/is a bad idea. When there are two candidates and one of them does A that doesn't mean the other guy would not do A and instead would do B. Maybe the other guy does A+.
  2. Maybe next time, before they decide anything, or announce anything, they should think about what they are doing. And because Thaksin's lackeys have problems with thinking, maybe they should discuss their ideas with some real people. But I won't hold my breath about that.
  3. That reminds me that my gf just complained she wants a mirror in our new apartment. I didn't really miss it. 😉
  4. I worry more about the mental state about the tens of millions of Americans who want to vote for a guy with such a huge mental problem. What do they expect? Thoughtful and measured actions? Or crazy ideas and shooting from the hip? It's amazing what so many people want as their commander in chief who can press that red button. That doesn't mean that I think the other guy is perfect. He is far away from perfect. But still a lot better than the nutter.
  5. A million times better than Joe Bidens. That sentence tells us a lot about your mental state.
  6. Yes. Or maybe I live even 10 years longer counting calories and sorting food and eating tofu.
  7. Please tell me who, with that logic, owns the land of North America? And how about Australia? Should the children of the original inhabitants throw out all those invaders?
  8. I think the worst part of this is seeing that about 70,000,000 Americans want to vote for a guy who threatens a judge and his family. What else does he have to do before any of those people wake up?
  9. And you think that is good? Do you think any judge should do something in court to avoid personal harm or harm to his family? Only criminals threaten judges and their families. And those criminals should go to jail for that.
  10. Why should I do that? To fight the invaders and then be called a terrorist by people like you?
  11. No! Please move to America, the land of the free. Maybe to what they call the fly over states. There should be enough space for all of them. It has also the advantage for the USA that they don't have to ship all those weapons such a long way.
  12. And having wild speculations without any supporting facts, what is that called?
  13. Sure. It helps tremendously talking to innocent Thai girls who don't know any English. Apart from that, it's also nice to be able to communicate with the locals. But do expats in the city really need to speak Thai? In international companies people speak English. In international restaurants the menu is in English and the waiters speak English. Now if the maid and driver understand a little English, people don't need to speak Thai. I think it's good to know Thai to understand the people and culture at least a little bit better.
  14. following? Is reading a couple of articles every day and watching videos defined as "following"? I try not to waste most of my time trying to figure out who did what when only to realize that there is absolutely nothing, I can do about that? Today I am obviously wasting too much time on the issue.
  15. Yes. Sometimes I see videos from Matt Walsh arguing with some left-wing idiots. Most of the time he is correct, and they are wrong. And when right leaning people see that, I can understand that they think something like: I will never vote for those left idiots. But then, look at the right-wing idiots. It is a difficult situation if you can only vote for idiots or idiots.
  16. I live in Bangkok in peace together with people from many religions, including Muslims. Sometimes I also ride with my bike through an area in Bangkok with mosques and synagogues and Muslims and jews walking peacefully in the same streets. Apparently it is possible to live peaceful together.
  17. I did. Where is the part that many Israelis believe that those animals in Palestine all deserve to die? It would be fair to mention that many people on both sides see this war through very distorted lenses. And I am sure my view is also distorted. Because it's impossible to know the whole truth about the situation over there.
  18. No, they don't do that. They just use big bombs and show videos of those big bombs exploding in Palestine and they show them on national TV. No need to send the videos to individuals when everybody can watch them on TV.
  19. I am not from the USA, and I don't intend to ever visit that strange country. Israel soldiers could fight individual terrorists without killing everybody.
  20. I find it funny watching US videos from people on the left and other videos from people on the right. When I listen to the right wing guys, I have to admit that they often tell the truth when they talk about the idiot (extreme) left. When I listen to the left-wing guys, they often tell the truth about the fanatic right wingers. Both sides seem to think that because on the other sides are fanatics and idiots that this is a reason to vote for the opposite. Unfortunately, there are just too many crazy idiots on both sides.
  21. That is not my intention. But when I read all those articles about what Hamas did, and nothing is mentioned about what Israel did, then that might be the truth, but not the whole truth. We should look at the whole truth and not just at a little part.
  22. With adult males people might argue if they were terrorist or not. With children that question doesn't make any sense. Israeli bombs, mostly supplied by America, and dropped from US supplied fighter jets, kill them all.
  23. How about we ask both those questions? Hamas is not innocent. And Israel is not innocent.
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