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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I think it is always interesting to see when some people think they know some details about some secret deals. Really? Who told you? If you know the details, then add some facts like she will come back on date x and she won't go to jail because y and z.
  2. I think I read here some time ago that such movers did basically have no insurance or liability if they destroy any of your things. I am sure packing and unpacking is a big deal if done right.
  3. That reminds me that the USA wants to possibly ban TikTok...
  4. I understand that you want that the moderators delete your post. But then, I guess it tells us a lot about you and your "thinking".
  5. It's obviously also a question of priorities. Did he tell the cops in a calm voice that some guys with weapons are in front of the temple? Or did he whine that someone splashed him with water and life is so unfair?
  6. I am not surprised at all. It seems all the advertising for such cars is somewhere in beautiful nature drifting, jumping, speeding, etc.
  7. The WLAN might have the same SSID (name of the WLAN network), or it can be a different name and also a different password. It is a question of how it is configured by whoever installed that box. If you have the knowledge and the username/password, then look at the "router" settings.
  8. One big problem is that people who make such decision may not act rationally. I saw recently below interview. It is scary how a nuclear war could happen, maybe by accident.
  9. That is one of those problems. How do you know that off is actually off? It's like that red light at the recording camera. The fact that there is no light doesn't mean the camera is off. I forgot where I read it, but I am pretty sure one of those big companies, maybe it was Google, was fined for exactly something like that. The user switched something off, and the company showed it was off, but in reality, it was still on. They just didn't tell the user. Personally, I think it is only possible to protect our privacy if we don't use mobile phones, no credit cards, no bank accounts, nothing like that. There is only one problem with that. If we do that, then the authorities will know that we try to stay anonymous. And that in itself is a sign "why does this person do that"? All in all, I think it would be nice to have privacy, but I don't think it will ever happen again. I don't like it. But I do not hate it enough to fight it. It's like that. I accept it and don't try to think about it too much. Because what would be the point of thinking about something which we can't change?
  10. What is the western model? Blame Russia and China and somehow forget that the USA has probably the most sophisticated surveillance on earth? Remember Edward Snowden...
  11. 555 I guess when the meat is already 18 years old, and it still looks fresh, then the risk to get a bad stomach is not too high.
  12. Maybe they will use them. Or maybe any other power with nuclear weapons will use their weapons. That's the whole idea. Don't let the others think you will never use those weapons.
  13. I wouldn't eat fresh meet from the market - it looks horrible to me when I see the meat in the open with no decent cooling and no cover. But it seems some supermarkets are not better. I remember I saw in one of the big chains when the staff took fresh chicken out of the plastic wrap and they dumped it all on a table where people walked. There was ice under the lowest layer of the chicken. But no protection on the top. That can't be healthy. I also saw in another well-known and expensive supermarket, that the staff took packages with sausages, etc. out of the fridge and put them in the morning on a table for presentation. No cooling. And in the evening, they take the leftover packages from the table, now obviously all warm, and put them in the fridge again. Any visitor on the next day, who would pick anything out of that fridge, wouldn't know if that was cold all the time, or maybe warm for several days and then cooled again. So even if the date on the package looks good, that doesn't mean the product inside is good.
  14. I have no fixed rule because maybe I need 10min from the supermarket to return home and when I put the meet in the fridge it is cold like when I bought it. Sometimes I need a little longer to return home - not so good. First, I look at the date. And then I make the smell and view test when I take it out of the fridge. If I would cook i.e. beef stew, which is cooked for hours, I would maybe accept meat even if I am not so sure. If I eat steak, half raw, then I don't take any risk. Best, I ask my gf, she knows these things a lot better than I do.
  15. I guess long term there is no future for this. How many new young members do we have here who like to participate in a positive way? It seems at least half the post now are from two individuals - I am not sure if I am allowed to call them idiots. Is there a chance to get it back to what is was? I doubt it. Will this forum work in some other way with new members? Maybe. But I doubt that as well.
  16. I hope that as well. It is crazy that these days you never know what is satirical.
  17. I wonder how many people think it is normal and how many are afraid to point out reality. It seems to be there are only few people who thing that is normal, but those few are very loud, especially online. In this form I don't see any radical activists anymore, it seems I put them all on my ignore list.
  18. I have to admit I have difficulties understanding this. I recently bought in Bangkok a condominium unit from a Thai person. Before I bought it, I spoke to the building management, and they explained to me that they look how much of the whole building is owned by Thais and how much by foreigners. In my building there seem to be more Thai owners and for that reason I could buy the unit from a Thai person which is now owned by a foreigner, me. As far as I understand foreigners can continue to buy any unit in the building until they own combined 49% of the building. If this ever happens and if I would sell my unit to a Thai person, then maybe there would be 1% available again for a foreigner. And as far as I understand that could be any unit which is currently owned by a Thai person. Please comment if you think what I describe is correct or wrong.
  19. I have at least 6 of them in 5min walking distance. But I hear from my gf that up country the nearest 7-11 is 20km from her village. I wonder about the density of them in Thailand. What is the worst case for anybody about the distance to the next 7-11?
  20. Did Srettha or his boss ever announce what outcome they expect? Give us some numbers what will be the positive outcome of spending 500,000,000,000 of taxpayer's money. And when will we all see those positive effects. If he presents those numbers, then we will be able to see if he achieved what he promised. If he doesn't present any expected positive effects in numbers, then we can't validate if all that money was spent in a productive way.
  21. Come on, maybe some of these girls will be lonely. But how desperate would they have to be to do that?
  22. Is it a new trend that women athletes don't cover their breast these days? Shouldn't she wear a bra? Or maybe the censors should pixelate this before anybody gets aroused. And will all the other girls follow this braless trend?
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