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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Apparently they both applied for jobs at the Alcazar. But don't tell anybody, that is still a secret.
  2. I understand. But I guess a few more people will look at this thread. And above is a good source for lots of information about LEDs and LED controllers. The guy also has an interesting YouTube channel.
  3. Sometime, I have hope with that one. He also changes his mind from time to time, radially.
  4. I am sure most people wouldn't feel very good when they go to prison. Higher blood pressure and all that.
  5. LED lights need special dimmers. Ordinary dimmers don't work for them, it's a completely different technology. Here you can learn a lot about LEDs, etc. It is technical. Home of the QuinLED LED Controllers - quinled.info
  6. So when will all those people to helped him with his I-am-so-ill-scam be prosecuted and jailed?
  7. Good that big brother couldn't possibly connect you to this comment. He said that is what he will do. 😉
  8. I prepared already two videos on my phone for such situations. One AC/DC and one Pavarotti. But until now I was too shy to use any of them. I notice this behavior mostly in lifts.
  9. Possibly. If the VPN works - and people are allowed to use a VPN.
  10. In case I want to travel to China, or other countries, I like to know in advance which applications and internet access will likely work or not. Like maybe WhatsApp does not work at all. Maybe for LINE there is some special setting, maybe OneDrive works without problem, maybe DropBox ... You get the idea. I don't want to rely on information from people who traveled maybe a year ago to one city and in one hotel app x did not work. It would be great to have some website with up to date information about above. Does such a website exist? What do you do before you travel, and you know you want to use your usual apps?
  11. If you have an Android phone, then Google Maps Timeline saves all your moves all the time. And you can look for any moment in time 24/7 in which location you were. The following map is low resolution from me in 2023. Bangkok and Phnom Penh. I cold lookup my location for 23 Feb, 13:15, just an example. I can zoom in to every single house on that map. I could look at any location, i.e. Nana Plaza, and find out when I was there for how long, etc. In theory it is possible for the user to switch this off. But will it switch it off? Or will it just not let the user see the data anymore. All this is saved in the cloud. We can be sure the NSA and other can look at every detail if they want to. I think something like that also exists for Apple, but I am not familiar with that. https://timeline.google.com/ Edit, one evening in Nana
  12. I have no idea when Macro opens. Foodland opens 24/7 and my bakery and favorite cafe at 7am. That leaves me enough time to return before the splashing starts.
  13. Have a look at Sista products. MULTIPURPOSE SILICONE SEALANT SISTA F101 PLUS 300ML CLEAR (homepro.co.th) I looked at their website and the description of their similar but different products to figure out what to use. They seem to be good quality.
  14. I did, in the morning. And I made sure I return home before the splashing starts.
  15. It will be hot, just like last year and the year before and before and before.
  16. I understand that you are concerned all this could happen. But I very much doubt it will happen. Because it won't take too long before the authorities will realize that this would just involve too much money and manpower - even if 90% would be done by AI. Targeted individuals might suffer. But I can't imagine anybody, or any AI, looking for i.e. trans comments and then prosecuting everybody.
  17. I bought many things from AliExpress. I always select the regular post delivery. From 100 packages I paid maybe 3 or 5 times tax and duty in Thailand. It's a gamble. But mostly, in my experience, you don't pay anything in Thailand. If things are delivered by DHL or FedEx or anything similar, then you can be almost certain that you pay tax and duty. And you pay it on the total cost arriving in Thailand including transport.
  18. The important word from the headline is ALL. I know I can search every chat individually. I am looking at my bank records and I see that maybe on the 3rd Jan 2024 I transferred 500B to Somchai whatever. Now I don't remember what this was about. I can easily search for a name in my email, LINE and WhatsApp. I can also easily search for a specific date in my email. But as far as I know I can't search in LINE or WhatsApp to show me all chats from a specific date. Is there a function to do that? Sometimes I order something from little shops and I transfer money. Most of the time the bank account is in the name of a person and not the business. And when I chat i.e. with LINE with a business they send a picture with their bank information - and not text. So searching for text doesn't bring up that information. Is there any way to search by date in all chats? It is very unlikely that the money transfer was not initiated by me. I just forgot and want to find out in the hindsight.
  19. Why? What do you expect will happen? Who will check and investigate and prosecute all of us? Take the NSA in the USA as an example. They have data about everybody and everything since a long time. And what happens to ordinary people? As far as I know little. When I remember it correctly after 9/11 the NSA found data related to that, because they knew what to look for and they looked really hard. But before that event it seems the NSA had no clue about it. Obviously with AI a lot of that will be more automated and on a bigger scale. But I still don't expect most people will be in any trouble.
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