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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I am saying that some go-go bars check their girls. And I am saying that responsible managers and owners who know that a girl has HIV won't employ her to take care of customers. Why do I know? Because I know a few bar owners and I visit go-go bars and talk with the girls since more than 20 years. Obviously I don't have an exact statistic how many bars check their girls. And I don't know how many manager ignore HIV. I know some owners and managers care and check.
  2. Some are, some aren't. A manager who wants to keep his business and his customers is interested in clean girls, including no HIV. With the ladies on the streets, good luck! At least for some of them there is a reason why they don't work in bars even if they would like to work in bars.
  3. It's always interesting to read the expert opinions of the people in the know - or at least the people who think they know.
  4. Did it ever come to your mind that lots of guys prefer bars and don't want to pick girls from the streets or online? Girls who work in bars are normally checked for STDs. If they would rip off a customer then the customer would likely complain and if that happens again and again then she wouldn't work there for long. A guy can look at many girls and decide which one he likes to talk to. And he can see every part of her in detail before he takes her out. And if he talks to her for 5 or 10 minutes and doesn't like it he can talk to the next one. And the next one. And there is a good chance that if he returns a month later that the same girl still works in the same place. Who wants to risk to pick up a (maybe) woman in a dark street corner? Or someone who used lots of filters for her photos or videos? And no place to go if she is bad. At least many guys I know wouldn't want to do that. Many bars are successful because they provide a good atmosphere and a good service. Many of us are willing to pay for that.
  5. If anybody wants to get up to date MS statements then follow on twitter: @MSFT365Status That is the official Microsoft account.
  6. That is like saying there is supply and demand. Yes, there is. But that doesn't mean there must be a logical connection between them.
  7. Being gay is not a lifestyle choice. But living together with someone and/or having sex with someone and/or marrying someone that is a lifestyle choice. And making a big issue out of it is also a lifestyle choice.
  8. And with coffee shops early opening times. And with all shops: consistency is important. If people know a coffee shop is i.e. 100m away from their work and they go there regularly before work then all is fine. But if the shop is i.e. closed for a day or two without further notice then people will be unhappy that they relied on that shop but then it was closed. And maybe next time they will go somewhere else more reliable.
  9. And do you think we should make a general rule about some incidents? I.e. sometimes I hold a door open, sometimes not. If I would see an accident at night I would think twice. But I would think. In certain circumstances I would help and in others not. I don't think in advance about those things. Let's look at the situation when it happens and then make a decission.
  10. I guess first they pretend to be equal. And if something bad happens then they blame all those men around them. Like: How could that happen? Why did nobody protect me? But sure, I want to be equal to men in every way. nuff said
  11. Why do you think that? I think maybe that is the case and maybe not. Surely not surely!
  12. A very general statement there. The problem with general statements is that they are not 100% accurate. I checked a guest out today who said that he had found a great place for snorkelling. (sw coast.) It all depends on what you expect. I remember someone asking about snorkeling on a beach. The local asked him: Where did you snorkel last? And the visitor answered: The Maldives. After that the local said: Then forget about snorkeling here.
  13. Disgusting, repulsive and stupid comment. No. Just a different opinion. If he would have written something like: Those stupid fa#$#$ should be shot. Then your answer would be correct. Now your comment points you out as someone with no tolerance for other peoples' opinions.
  14. There is a difference between starting a conversation with individuals about them and between discussing a subject with people in a forum. In a forum we can (try to) understand each others' positions and maybe we change our position. It happened to me more than once that I started to join a discussion with "I know this" and then later I thought "this guy has a point there". And to be fair sometimes it's not so easy to think/write in that moment: You convinced me, you are right. But maybe after some time and in a new discussion our point of view changed a little. Win/win for everybody.
  15. Obviously the idea to live somewhere on a beautiful beach on an island it good. And it might be wonderful if you are at that beach. But you should be aware that living on an island in Thailand has often lot of problems. I.e. the taxi mafia. Depending where you live it will be expensive to get a ride to anywhere. And likely sometimes you have to use them even if you have a vehicle. And personally it p@$@$@$ me off if I have to pay 5 or 10 times of what would be reasonable. Something similar is true for medical service. Hospitals in Phuket and Samui are very expensive compared to a lot better hospitals i.e. in Bangkok. And if you need urgently a speedboat from an island be prepared to pay enormous amounts of money. Even if you can afford all this it likely will leave a bitter feeling. Places like Hua Hin or Pattaya have also beaches. And in general they are not super bad rip-offs like some islands. Rent first to get an idea what expects you.
  16. Ring the hotline of your bank and likely one of those "press # for xyz" is a statement. It won't take long and then you know what it is.
  17. No. I.e. when I arrived in Thailand I was young and healthy and I didn't have any wife or kids around me. I wanted to be able to work a little and enjoy the nightlife every night. I don't expect that is what most expats are looking for. And I am obviously just one example. I know another single guy who moved from Thailand to work in the USA. Personally I would never do that but it seem that is what he wanted. Up to him. But there is no "best".
  18. I like to live a good life while I am working. Money has to be ok but I wouldn't move to most other countries even if I would make double the money. So just we two seem to have very different ideas about the best place.
  19. But even then it makes little sense. Or do all working expats have the same goals, like to live in the same climate, speak the same language, etc.?
  20. I think I can judge and complain as much as I want. Like anybody else can judge and complain as much as they want. I.e. some time ago there was one of those preachers outside Nana. He told everybody who wanted to listen and everybody who didn't want to listen about god and sin and all that. He judged the people who visited Nana. And I am sure most of us judged him. So what? Maybe it's interesting for you that most of the time I keep my judgment to myself. If I see some obvious feminists, ok, I just ignore them. If I see a group of transgender, I also just ignore them. Because what would be the point in telling them what I think about them. No point. So I don't waste my time.
  21. I am sure lots of people will not like my lifestyle. And I couldn't care less. I also don't think any feminist or gay person would care if I like what they do or not. Why should they care? I am no specialist in feminism. But it's impossible not to read and hear something about feminists at least from time to time. Some of them say they want equality. But then it seems they want a lot more than equality. I think the best short summary what I think about humans is that they should have similar opportunities. I.e. if a women want to become a bricklayer she should be able to do that. But I strongly oppose the idea that i.e. half of politicians or directors in companies should be women. Why should they? They should be qualified for whatever job they want to do. And why should maybe better qualified men lose a job to a woman only because she is a woman?
  22. I am looking for something to cover the "feet" of a metal table. Today was the second time that I hit one of those metal legs with my feet. It hurts! As you see from the title of this post I don't know how to call these things. Are there any covers available to protect those legs and peoples feet? Any suggestions?
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