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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. "equality", that stupid word again. Why is it so difficult to understand for some people that chromosome xy is not chromosome xx? Obviously some people can pretend to be the opposite of what they are. But that doesn't mean that is reality. As far as I am concerned you can identify as anything you want. But please don't try to tell children that your world view is correct. It's your view. You can think the world is flat or it is a globe. But please don't tell children the world is flat.
  2. I don't know the official reasons from Thai politicians and Thai people. I am sure many people have many different opinions. It seems some (most) activist want that LBGTQ+/- are treated exactly like male/female couples. And that is something many of us don't support. Personally I think they should have something like a legal partnership with rights to make decisions if one of them is in hospital. Or inheritance laws. What I don't want is that same sex couple can adopt children because I think that is, in general, not good for the children. Some rights are fine. Treating them as if they are 100% the same doesn't make sense, because they are not 100% the same.
  3. What is the Mary Jane question? Is it like the Nit or Noi question? Which one should I take out tonight?
  4. Maybe you celebrate it. Many of us don't do that. LBGTQ+/- whatever can live just like everybody else. Walk on the streets, go shopping, go to restaurants and bars, enjoy life. What is it that these LBGTQ+/- whatever cannot do? It seems the main problem is in their perception. If you think all the time that you are suppressed than don't be surprised that you feel suppressed. Just live your life, don't take everything around you too serious, and all will be fine.
  5. Breaking news: thieves exist all over the world. Next video: It rained in Switzerland.
  6. Get a ThinkPad from Lenovo https://www.lenovo.com/th/en/thinkpad They are very good in many ways. P.S. I work with PCs and portable PCs since forever.
  7. Why in absentia? Didn't he know there were court cases active against him? Was he sick or something or didn't have enough money to fly to Thailand? Or was he absent because he chose to be absent? He could have come to Thailand anytime. He could have afforded the best defense attorneys. It seems he knew he was guilty and decided to stay away. Guilty as charged.
  8. At least it wasn't the Dummy's guide how to open a restaurant. That's something. ????
  9. What is the point of such a graph? Should we pretend this is the same for everywhere? Any county, up country, in the middle of the city? And the same of any kind of food? It's a rough idea that you can't expect to buy something for 50B, sell it for 100B, and think you made a profit. And that about it.
  10. I also read that Trump said that no former president was ever prosecuted. It seems Trump thought he can count on that. He obviously didn't think about the possibility that former presidents didn't behave like criminals. And when a president behaves like a serial criminal then there are consequences. IMHO it's sad enough that Trump doesn't understand this. But it seems about 70.000.000 Americans also think a president, or only Trump, can behave like a criminal and get away with it. Strange.
  11. This reminds me of a management training long time ago. The experienced trainer was also a company manager who expanded that company from about 40 people to a successful business with 400 people. He explained about KPI (key performance indicators) which he set together with all of his managers, salespeople, etc. (I think every year). He asked his employees to suggest how they will improve in the next year. And he said that almost all of them had too high too unrealistic targets. I.e. a sales manager stated he would increase turnover by 50%. And then the top manager had to bring him down to maybe 20% for his KPI expectation. Almost everybody thought they will achieve more than was realistic. I think the same happens for many businesses. People wish they have 100 visitors per day who spend each 300B. But then maybe they have 70 visitors with an average of 220B. We all like to overestimate. And when the profit only happens with our overestimations, then we have a problem. And yes, I also made those mistakes often enough.
  12. Wow, we have an expert who doesn't only know the majority of women in Thailand, he knows the majority of women in Asia. Tell us, for how long have you studied this subject? Tell us about your publications. You seem to know everything. We want to learn from your wisdom.
  13. It's interesting that you post it here. What's the point? Warning the rest of us about the banana lady? Or Thais in general? Or about monkey business?
  14. It seems the big difference is the VAT registration. I own a condominium in a building which is in part office and in part residential. I could register a company at my residential address. But I can't register (a company with) VAT at the residential address. I can only do that if I own or rent a place in the commercial part of the building. If a farang wants a work permit, then he needs to work for a company with VAT registration and that means a commercial (VAT registration) address.
  15. I never search for those videos. But I saw the video above on this site at least 20 times, probably more often. I don't want to see a video where one woman beats up another one. But I guess the only way to avoid it is by installing an ad blocker. I wish some administrator of this site would look at that video and decide that is not what should be presented to us.
  16. I think that is the most important point. If you do the math and know you have to charge 300B for food X but your competition, who are not able to do the math, charge 200B, then you have a problem. The competition obviously also has a problem, they will go bankrupt, because they don't earn enough. But until they go bankrupt, they ruin the prices for everybody else. I remember many years ago I spoke with my supplier for computer parts in Pantip Plaza. He had already very low margins like i.e. +100B on a hard disk. But competitors sold them for less because they needed the money to pay their debts with the suppliers. That ruined the prices for everybody in Pantip and that ruined many businesses in that place.
  17. @weelittletimmy It seems you run this business by yourself. Farang boss, a few Thai employees, correct? Do you have a Thai manager or supervisor? Maybe you wife or girlfriend? I ask because even after almost 3 decades in Thailand I still have difficulties understanding and communicating with "ordinary" Thais in work environments. I know several farangs with small to medium size businesses and from what I see all successful businesses have a Thai manager between the farang boss and the "lower" employees. IMHO it is difficult enough for a middle class farang to understand middle class Thais. It is almost impossible for a middle class farang to understand working class Thais. I.e. the way they spent money in the first week after they get their salary, the way they just don't turn up for work, the way we have to explain in a nice tone when they do things wrong, ... It seems very few farangs are able to understand and communicate with anybody below supervisor level. I don't want to make this about middle class or working class or any class. I use these terms to describe a normal worker, like a waitress, compared to i.e. a restaurant manager. Another example is construction work: I am able to communicate with my educated contractor. I have difficulties to communicate with the ordinary workers. And the communication problem is more about attitude and not so much about the language barrier.
  18. Did anybody expect from these homeless people that they rent a room for an hour or two?
  19. You are still optimistic. Good for you. I like to see another update when the next high season starts again. I wonder how many of your employees, who you paid by making loss in the low season, will stay with you in the high season. Maybe someone will offer them a bonus to change (for the high season). And when you have to put more of your own time into this to make it profitable, how do you calculate that? I.e. if you calculate your own time with 1000B per hour, are you then still making money? And is it then a business or a hobby? Good luck!
  20. I use a desktop with a relative large screen. Mostly I can see the posts on the left ... And then I thought I just make a screenshot. About 70% of what I see are ads.
  21. I see now all the time this violent ad in the bottom right corner of the website. I think if should be banned. It's violent! And then it seems to be some fashion ad. I don't want to see all the time one woman beating up another one.
  22. There is - and most of the time it is far away from perfect. The structure of pdf files is made for printing, not data collection or export.
  23. Additionally to above: I get emails for all my K-Bank and SCB transaction. Often those emails include more information than is available in the Bank csv files (see last post). I wrote a small program in Outlook VBA to check for any bank entries in my mail, analyze the mail body, and export the details into my home made csv file.
  24. K-Bank Login and go to https://kbiz.kasikornbankgroup.com/menu/account/account/recent-transaction Select a date range, at the bottom right is a button download. If you press it, you will get a .csv file.
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