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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Does she have a great character or a rich father or what was the reason she won? Looking at her it is obvious what wasn't the reason.
  2. In the village of my gf is no 7/11. There is also no gasoline station. And there is certainly no fast or slow electric charging point. With an ordinary car that is no problem. Just stop at the gasoline station anywhere on the way to or from the village for a few minutes. What would be the way to handle that with an electric vehicle? Charge that vehicle somewhere 30km away from the village over night and travel with a bike between the village and the car charger? Or what?
  3. I have no car and I need no car for Bangkok. A car might be useful for visiting the gf family up country. And I am sure they don't have a big charger at home. Likely their home power supply would fail if I would try to charge anything more than my phone...
  4. Just in general I suggest you get one contractor who is responsible for everything. I.e. if the floor is not flat and then the furniture doesn't fit and maybe the fresh painted walls are dirty again because the guy who installed the furniture didn't care, then it's so much better to have one person to go to and tell him: make it right. The alternative is arguing with several people and likely everybody will blame the others. Good luck!
  5. I remember reading an interview with a rich guy. He was asked why he (the rich guy) lived a humble life and why his son drove a Ferrari. The father said: "I didn't have a rich father". I think that is a nice summary. Don't think that because a famous father has a certain character that the son must be similar.
  6. Why don't you get divorced? That should guarantee that you don't end up with any problems, including debts, in the future.
  7. That convinced me - or maybe not... It always possible to arrange things here and there. But it's much nicer to have the convenience to just fill up the tank in minutes almost anywhere almost anytime whenever needed. For all the decades which I had cars and motorcycles I never planned breaks in any trips. I filled up the tank when it was low. And I had something to eat and drink when I wanted to. I hate making advanced plans when spontaneous actions are just fine.
  8. A long time ago I did a checkup in a well-known private hospital in Bangkok. After lot of tests, I spoke with a doctor. He also asked me how much alcohol I drink. I answered truthfully that I drink seldom. But sometimes I go out and drink >10 whisky on that night. Years later I asked for my records from that hospital. And what did I read: He drinks more than 10 glasses of whisky a night. Yeah, thanks for that!
  9. That reminds me of Jack, a Dutch bar manager from Soi Cowboy from a long time ago. He complained that all the girls complained "it's so big, it hurts". Maybe sometimes it is good to be just normal to make sure there are no compatibility issues. ????
  10. I know an employer who tells their employees that the insurance will cover everything. But in the insurance contract, which the employee doesn't need to sign or acknowledge, is written that the insurance does not have to pay for preexisting conditions. So in that case it seems the employer promised more than the insurance. It is incorrect from the employer to make incorrect promises. I have no idea if that could be reason enough to demand the money from the employer - who made the incorrect promise.
  11. Could you personally go to your bank and transfer 100k? Maybe they only limit what can be done online. And maybe they do that for security reasons to protect their customers. That sounds like a sensible idea to me.
  12. Imagine you have the choice between one vehicle which needs hours to be refilled or recharged and another one which can be refilled or recharged within minutes. Which one would you prefer? It won't be possible to charge modern big powerful batteries much faster with the existing electrical grid. And just swapping batteries, like on a gasoline station, seems to be no option. It is pretty obvious that the current versions of new vehicles are far from optimal. I am sure in a few decades people will think: How did they ever think that "2020 technology" will be the future.
  13. Have you considered asking your employer to pay that money to you? I have no idea if you could win such a fight. But if you have somewhere in writing from your employer that you will get an insurance which will pay everything and they nowhere mention any possible exception, then maybe you have a case.
  14. Recently I read the fine print of a corporate group health policy. New employees from a specific company get it without answering any (medical) questions and without signing anything. In the case which I know the employer tells the people the insurance will cover anything without any medical questions or examination. That is almost correct, apart from the small print, which probably only few people read, that the insurer doesn't have to pay for preexisting conditions. Result: the employee never lied and never withheld information, because he was never asked. But the insurance doesn't have to pay because they write in their contract that they don't pay for preexisting conditions.
  15. The "funny" thing is that if a sexy girl would do the show instead of a man pretending to be a woman, then I am pretty sure the organizer of the event would be in big trouble. But with men in stockings: no problem. What a strange world.
  16. I know the following is not about Thailand. But it should open the eyes of some people about what is done to children in some parts of the so-called developed world. Warning: It is worse that most of us thought it could be.
  17. I can't give you an accurate answer, but I think you have good reasons to be concerned. Soon my employment from one company will end and my business visa extension expires a few days before the end of the month. I thought: Fine. I will leave on the last day. All done. No, not really. I was informed, independently by two accountants, that my visa extension, which anyhow ends, has to be cancelled. If it is not cancelled, then this will be a problem when I apply for a new business visa for a new company in the future. Strange - at least I think it is strange. I guess inform your new employer about that history so that maybe they can prepare extra documents or do whatever has to be done.
  18. You write you disclosed nothing to them. Did they ask medical questions? Did they state that preexisting conditions are not covered? Then you shouldn't be surprised that they didn't pay.
  19. Thanks Most people have enough imagination to know that internet and WLAN is used for a lot of things, not just browsing the web on a computer. I could have written about my smart lock with WLAN which send messages to me when the lock is opened or closed. But I am sure if I would have done that then half the posts would be about smart locks. That's what I wanted to avoid and that is why I didn't write it. Nobody is forced to read any of my messages or participate in a thread. @JBChiangRaimade a good suggestion with the Sonoff device - without asking why I need it. That's the kind of answer which is helpful. Others had obviously also good ideas. Thanks to everybody.
  20. Long time ago I worked in that business in Europe. They did some initial checks, depending on the answers of the applicant. And maybe at the time they didn't sign a contract or only with exception or extra charge. But it is wrong to think that if they checked initially that they will never check again later. It seems some applicants like to "forget" lots of details. Then there is little to check initially. But when then suddenly the person needs some expensive treatment or operation then they will most likely search for things which the patient "forgot" to mention.
  21. How about the crypto currencies are high risk and the US wants to regulate that so that not too many of their citizens loose too much money?
  22. That's not the point. Maybe it hurts a little since years, but you never visited a doctor, then it's no problem. But if you i.e. 5 years ago visited a doctor and told him your heart hurts and you don't mention that on the application form, that can bite you in the here and now.
  23. An ESP32 with that firmware should be even cheaper ???? I like your idea and if nobody has any better idea then likely I will use the Sonoffs. Let's wait a day or two more for good ideas.
  24. Only because you don't understand it doesn't mean that there are no reasons. It is always amazing in this forum when someone asks a simple question and then some people make it complicated because they don't understand it. I won't tell you all the details why I want what I want. It doesn't matter. And if you don't understand it and have nothing to contribute then just skip this topic. That is best for all of us.
  25. I remember watching that scene in Total Recall a long time ago. Just watching it felt terrible.
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